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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Thursday, September 30, 2010

w2 D7 cfsb

Rest Day

Body:lets tired but not sore
notes: finally a rest day lands on a day without practice so i was able to have a full rest day. Week 2 is over and already seeing improvements which im loving. Cant wait to see my 1 reps at the end of the cycle. Also when this cycle ends I will be taking 1 full recovery week with some yoga mixed in and lots of stretching icing and hopefully healing my back and glute fully. After that I will re-evaluate my goals and see if I want to get even stronger or go to a cfe type of bias.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

w2 d6 cfsb

shoulder press 5-5-5
115 for 13 reps

metcon was lax practice went hard and did sprints

Tabata Row: 873m

Body: pretty good glute started to hurt a bit today but that was the first time in a while. maybe Im making progress?
sleep: 8.5hrs
nutrition: good
notes: solid day today I had a really good workout I got 140 up pretty easy on the shoulder press and I had a really good practice.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

w2 d5 cfsb

Front squat 5-5-5
back squat 1x15-20
220 for 16 reps

metcon= lax prac with sprints

body: shoulders and upper back is sore
sleep: 8hrs
nutrition: good ice cream
notes: today we had an am practice and we did a good amount of running with sprints and scrimmaging involved so I used that as my metcon cuz once again i dont wanna over train. So then I did the squats after classes and they felt really good too.

w2 day 4 cfsb 9/27/10

3rds for time
500m row
50 double unders 25 burpees

Body:legs a bit tired
notes: decided to tighten up a bit on my nutrition see if i feel different and I actually do feel better. This workout was a variation that i made up from another one that was similar but i wanted to make it harder so this is what i did and it definitely was really hard. I havent rowed in a while so I will probably be sore for practice tomorrow. Everything else is going really well as of now.

Monday, September 27, 2010

w2 d3 cfsb 9/26/10

Rest Day/not really

had lax practice and we did 2 17's and a serpent as well as a full practice.

Body:back sore all over
nutriton:not to good but needed to make up for the carbs lost early am and drank
notes: I had regular homefries for breakfast after practice because i needed a quick source of carbs to recover from the running it seemed to have worked though. Ready to hit it hard again for a metcon.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

w2 d2 cfsb 9/25/2010

Deadlift 3-3-3
255 for 15 reps

3rds for time
10 pull ups
10 135lbs c+j
10 20" in box jumps

body: legs a bit tired
sleep: 9hrs
nutrition: good
notes: solid day drank last night but got a lot of sleep so didnt really feel it that much. The deadlifts felt really nice too. The workout kicked my ass too i was pumped there was a lot of openings in the weight room when I went so I had a lot to work with.

Friday, September 24, 2010

day 1 w2 cfsb

Squat 5-5-5

metcon: lax practice and sprints at practice

body: good
sleep: 7hrs
nutrition: good drinks
notes: Solid day this morning. the sprints felt really good and squating felt awesome for sure. I'm already seeing improvement which is nasty. I cant wait to see my max at the end of the cycle its gonna be nuts.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

w1 day 7 cfsb

Rest day

body:back a bit sore
nutrition:good ice cream though
notes: today was a solid rest day and Ill be ready for another good week. We have practice at 5:45 am and then ill do my lift after practice because im going to BC tomorrow night.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

w1 Day 6 cfsb

shoulder press 5-5-5
135,140f 3rd rep,135
105 for 13 reps

For time:
42 DUs
21 DB swing 70lbs
30 DUs
15 db swings 70lbs
18 DUs
9 db swings 70lbs

Body:back is kinda sore and left shoulder hurt a bit during presses
notes: today was a solid day i was pumped that i found out we have rowers no now i can use those in my workouts and i also found a back hallway where i can take weights away from the retards in the gym. All in all solid first week. rest day tomorrow then hitting it hard again next week.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

W1 Day 5 cfsb

Front Squats 5-5-5
back squat 1x15-20
215 for 17 reps

Metcon=lax practice did sprints and lots of scrimmaging

Body:shoulders and back sore a bit
nutrition:good but had ice cream
notes:solid day today had a good prac and good lift sesh.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 3 cfsb

grace at 155lbs

3xmax rep pull ups strict 2min rest

body:back a bit sore
notes:solid day didn't have much choice on my workout due to lack of stuff, im doing cfsb with a twist i decided 2 of the days im going to do a cfe workout instead of a metcon just to keep me rounded and not lose to much endurance again. other than that everything is solid. got a 5:45 practice tomorrow again and then ill lift and do cfe. I believe ill do cfe on back squat day and shoulder press days from now on!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 3 cfsb

rest day

body: upper back sore
nutrition:ok and drank casual
notes: solid rest day today i enjoyed it had some ice cream and home fries that were really good. Im pumped to hit it hard tomorrow though.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 2 CFSB

deadlift 3-3-3

235 for 16 reps

sdhp 135lbs
jerk 135lbs
pistols (each leg)

body:pretty good
nutrition:drank and ice cream
notes: felt pretty good deadlifting today I havent in a while. Definitely really tired though took a 20 min power night to get ready for another party night. Rest day tomorrow other than that things are good.

9/17/2010 day 1 of CFSB

started cfsb

back squat 5-5-5

5rds for time
10 135lbs power cleans
15 push ups

body:back hurts
nutrition:good ice cream though
notes:today was a good day I decided to say fuck it and do another cycle of CFSB and then a cycle of endurance after it. By the end of this I should be getting really big and fast. Im gonna create some goals for this cycle tomorrow during the day and write them down.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

catch up

9/15/2010 lax practice (hurt back didnt work out)
9/16/2010 rest day

body:quads sore back hurts
sleep:no clue
nutrition:good but got iced
notes:did pt today and have prac tomorrow hopefully ill be good to workout cuz my backs been killin me.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


10 rds for time
10 front squats 135lbs
5 burpees

body: back hurts shoulders sore
nutrition:ok had a piece of pizza
notes: this workout was a really good one it was a lot of front squats. It killed my legs thats for sure. Ive been getting some good sleep lately its been kind of nice. I do have to wake up at 5am tomorrow for lax again but o well. I am still gonna crossfit tomorrow after classes.


Heavy Fran
135lbs thrusters
45lbs weighted pull ups

body:back a little sore
notes:Today was a solid workout. The thrusters felt really good I was actually surprised. People started to get in the way of my pull ups though so it kinda slowed me down a bit. Im not sure what workout im gonna do tomorrow yet because the mainsite one is a boring gymnastic one that I cant do anywhere here anyways.

Monday, September 13, 2010

catch up

9/10 2 a days lax try outs
9/11 lax try outs
Bench 5-5-5
205-215-225f last rep

jerk 3-3-3

max rep pull ups: 40

body:tired from all the lax
notes: Ill begin posting again this weekend was really busy with the begining of fall ball and stuff so I didnt really have a ton of time to keep track of much but now im back on track and will be posting daily again. Also getting back on crossfit mainsite.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rest Day kinda

rest day captains prac.

body:calfs a bit sore
nutrition: ok ice cream
notes: solid day taking working out off til monday because of try outs for the lax team I wanna be fresh. Ill keep it updated.


Rest day

captains practice in the morning

notes: taking a few days off from working out due to lax try outs that got friday saturday and sunday ill hit it hard on monday though.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


2 mile run

power clean 3-3-3-3-3

power cleans 1/2 bw 75lbs

Body: quads sore
nutrition: had ice cream
notes: The 2 mile run this morning was at 7 am and I think i might have pred on it but im not sure. Also I was pumped at my pr in the power clean finally hit 200 for 3! The wod was a full out sprint all the way through because it was such a light weight but it was a really good one. Not really a rest day becasue we have captains practice tomorrow.


overhead squat 3-3-3-3-3

nutrition:good, drank
notes:solid day I was really tired i need to catch up on sleep pretty bad but things will start to settle down now will update more tomorrow.

Monday, September 6, 2010


50 strict pull ups
100 pushups hand release at the bottom

Body:groin a bit sore
notes: Slept until 1230 today because I went to bed at 330. The lax houses are nuts to say the least. This workout was really awful i had to run the 5k on a treadmill i wanted to kill myself it was so boring. I felt really good after it though. Heavy lift tomorrow is gonna be good.


Rest day

Body:legs a bit sore
notes: nothing big today just relaxed and party at night

Friday, September 3, 2010


3 300yrd shuttles with 2 min rest
44 sec 47 sec 52 sec

Max rep bench at 185lbs:15
Max rep squat at 225lbs:13
Max strict pull ups:22

Body: back and shoulders sore
nutrition:good but ice cream
notes: Today we had a surprise fitness testing seshing at 5 am. I did really well finishing pretty high up in all the events so I was pumped about that. Tomorrow Im going to do some split jerk I think and then a wod or another heavy lift.


amrap 20 mins of
95lbs thruster 5 reps
95lbs hang power cleans 7 reps
95lbs sdhpu 9 reps
7rds+5 thrusters+7 hang power cleans

body: chest sore
notes: first realy good wod at college was solid. still not sleeping much because we are still settling down and shit. It is pretty easy to eat decent at the dining hall so im pumped about that. After this weekend i will be back on a normal sleeping schedule for the weekdays at least. Gotta wake up at 4:30 tomorrow for conditioning tests. 3 300yrd shuttles, 17s, max bench at 185lbs, max squat at 225lbs, both reps, max pull ups.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


100 burpees for time

notes:still getting settled into college will update more later


rest day

notes: still gettin settled into college