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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Monday, September 16, 2024

11 Years Later....

 Well here I am. Back to where it all started. I came across my blog from high school/college and really liked what I was doing. I have been tracking offline ever since stopping here but I keep losing notebooks and needing to start over. I figured why not start back up here so I can never lose my training notes again.

I am currently 7.5 weeks (July 26th 2024) into my post op recovery. I had 3 procedures done. Deltoid ligament reconstruction, Coalition separation, and flat foot reconstruction. This has been by the far the most challenging recovery I have ever had. Maybe its because I am older or maybe its because they cut some bone, added some plates, etc. Either way I spent 6 weeks non weight bearing in a hard cast. I lost a lot of muscle mass in my right calf, tib, hamstring, glute and quads. This time allowed me to concentrate on my mental health. I started a breathing and meditation practice that has been very beneficial. For the last week and a half I have been 50% weight bearing in a boot. The progress has been very quick. I can pretty much walk without crutches now and I should get the clearance go 100 percent on Wednesday. I will continue my PT and training to get back to where I want to be.

I have set some minor and major goals for this recovery and post recovery.

1. Get back to running by Jan 2025 (post op recovery goal)

2. Complete a marathon summer 2025

3. Unassisted Handstand Hold 1 minute

4. L Sit to Handstand Hold

5. Complete 50k by EOY 2025

6. Win my first disc golf tourney

At this point my interest is falling more into running rather than lifting heavy or getting big. I spent the majority of the last 15 years training for either strength or hypertrophy. I now have goals that align with running, moving better, being able to move my bodyweight with control, and also disc golf which I recently got into over the past 2 years. My current training has been all over the place as I am just trying to get workouts in while I recover. I will get back to a more strict program once I am closer to back.

Todays training 9/16/24

A1. Bench (Smith machine in apartment gym) 8x135, 5x185, 3x225, 3x235, 3x245

B1. QLs Using Leg Ext 10x20, 10x25, 12x30

B2. Seated Leaning Cable Rows 3x10x100

B3. L Sit Holds 3xabout 40 seconds

C1. Seated GMs 3x12x60

C2. Hand Stand Holds 2:15, 1:45, 1:30

Body: Ankle is able to take a lot more pressure. Low back is good. Right elbow still nagging

Mind: Feeling positive and motivated today

Notes: Solid training session. Its been really nice to move a lot more and sweat more. When I was unable to sweat that was a big struggle for me to stay sane.

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