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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Monday, October 7, 2024



Breathwork/Med: 5 min guided meditation


A1. YTWs 3x10ea

A2. Scap Pull Ups 3x15

B1. SA Chest Supported Row 3x12ea

B2. Deficit Push Ups 3xmax

C1. Decline Leg Raises 3xmax

C2. Straight Arm Pull Overs W Stretch 3x8

D1. Machine Flys Stretch Emph 3x10-12

E1. Decline Curls 3xmax

E2. Dips 3xmax

No rest between E1 and E2


45 min bike. 5 mins lighter resistance 5 mins heavy resistace

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Sleep Deprived


Breathwork: Wim Hof


Bike 2 min on/1 min off x 6

A1. OH QLs 3 sets

A2. Jefferson Curls 3 sets

B1. Cable Hip Flexor 3 sets

B2. Cable Chops 3 Sets

C1. Tibs 3 sets

C2. Calves 3 sets

Mind: tired

Body: tired

Notes: I barely slept last night so today was rough. I worked through it and on to the next day.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Tuesday and Wednesday


Breathwork/med: 5 min meditation 


A1. Bench 3x8x185lbs

A2. Chins 3x5x40lbs

B1. DB Bench 3x10x60lbs

B2. EZ Bar Pull Overs 3x8x50lbs

C1. Shoulder Externals 3 sets

C2. Dips 3 sets

Mind: Very good

Body: Also good

Notes: Solid upper lift. Nothing special on this day.


Breathwork/med: 5 min meditation 

5 mins slow with just legs then 5 mins fast with legs and arms x45 mins Assault Bike

Mind: Very good
Body: Good
Notes: I got cleared from the doc today for to be at 100 percent walking and doing anything I want minus high impact which includes running, jumping, and being under heavy weights. So my routine will continue to change as I get back into it but I am looking forward to it. One more month and I can begin running again. Definitely need some more ankle, calf, and tib strength first.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Back In The Gym


Breathwork: Guided 5 minute medition


A1. 45 Degree Hypers 60lbs 12, 15, 15

A2. Seated GMs 95lbs 8, 8, 8

B1. Leg Extensions 165lbs 3x10-12

C1. Horse Stance Squat Iso Hold 25lbs 3x60 seconds

C2. Decline Sit Ups 25lbs 25, 20, 12

Assault Bike 1 minute fast 1 minute slow x10 mins


PT in the afternoon

Mind: weird headspace today

Body: All around good. Ankle and foot is progressing

Notes: I woke up really tired today but it was my first day going back to my actual gym and not just my apartment gym. It felt good to be back in an almost normal routine. Now that I am back in the gym I am dying to get back to some of the stuff I was doing before. I will be building some of that work back in as we go. For now the training will remain pretty much the same with a few tweaks based on equipment. I then had PT in the afternoon and have been working to walk without any pauses or limp. Today I was able to do that and it feels good to have a smoother gait again. 

Saturday, September 28, 2024



5 mins speed 8 5 mins speed 20 for 45 mins on the bike

Friday, September 27, 2024

Upper Body Ring Workout


Breathing: Wim Hof


A1. YTWs 3x6x10lbs

A2. Scap Pull Ups 3x10

B1. Pull Ups (trying to get chest to bar) 15, 12, 11

B2. Weighted Ring Push Ups 25lbs 15, 12, 11

B3. EZ Bar Pull Overs 3x8x40lbs

C1. Ring Dips 3x10

C2. Ring Rows 3x15

D1. Ring Bicep Curls 3 sets (max out didn't count)

D2. Ring Skull Crushers 3 sets (max out didn't count)

Mind: Positive

Body: feeling really good today foot and ankle feel strongest yet

Notes: Almost a full workout on the rings. I actually got a nice pump and felt strong on most exercises. Ring rows were the biggest challenge. I am enjoying this style of training still.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Flat Foot Reconstruction PT and Conditioning


Breathwork: Wim Hof

Physical Therapy 


5 min warm up on upright bike

3 rounds 

1min on (20 resistance)/30 seconds offx3 Rest 2 mins between rounds

5 min cool down

Mind: Positive all day today

Body: Sore foot and ankle from PT but good otherwise

Notes: I knocked out PT early this morning. I am beginning to get more and more weight on my foot. I still have nerve pain but I am able to walk through that now. It feels tremendous after massaging the surgical sites so I think I will make that a daily routine. I was able to do a bit of conditioning on the bike today. I am also going to add some lower ROM work to this day on days when I don't have PT. I figured out if I crank the resistance high enough on the bike I can get conditioning in without having to drive to much force through my foot. Since its so high I am able to keep a consistent pressure without any jerking movements. Felt good to breath heavy and sweat. I cannot wait to be able to run again. I will never take it for granted ever again.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Back On The Rings


Breathing: Yoga Nidra Meditation 

Workout: Upper and Rotations

Seated Rotations 50 with head 50 without

Shoulder band circuit

A1. QLs 3x10x35lbs

A2. Weighted Chins 3x5x45lbs

B1. Ring Pike Push Ups 15,12,10

B2. Ring Push Ups 16,12,10

C1. SA Rotational Ring Row 3x10

C2. Half Kneeling Med Ball No Throw 3x10 each

Mind: another up and down day

Body: good all around. Ankle and foot felt ok today

Notes: I bought a new set of rings and I am looking forward to doing more with them. I may even add some muscle up work into one of these days. I tossed the boot on my ankle today to give it a bit of a breather I have been working it pretty tough with no boot and it has been swelling up so I wanted to give it a second to rest. I slept like shit last night and was feeling the effects of that all day. Got done what I needed to get done so I am ok with today.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Training And Flat Foot Reconstruction Rehab


Wrist Circuit

A1. Handstand Heel Pull Offs 3 sets (just did as many as I could before I came down from shoulder fatigue)

A2. Hollow Holds 3 sets 1min, 1min, 30 seconds

45 minute Bike

Mind: Up and down today not consistent
Body: All good minus the foot
Notes: Today I was working on my handstands and then did some cardio. The wrist circuit I did was a helpful warm up. I am not really tracking anything related to handstands because I am not that concerned with metrics here. I am concerned with consistent practice at the moment. I am still pretty sloppy so trying to track that would be a nightmare. Once I am able to hold for longer and can do solid 3-5 second heel pulls then I well string sets together and work on progressing that. I was sore as hell from the abs yesterday so the hollow holds killed me today. Also looking forward to progressing my core strength which I feel has become a weak point during my hypertrophy training years. Been working on a lot of rehab stuff for my foot and ankle. I am extremely impatient now that I am out of the boot but I have such a long way to go that I need to relax. Working on not being fearful of putting weight through it and also working on pushing off my big toe has been a huge challenge. I will continue to work on that.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Workout and PT


Breathing: Wim Hof

Monday: Lower and Core

Hips Warm Up 3 rounds x10

Dog pissers, Frog rocks, Horse Stance Squats, IR/ER Seated Rotations

A1. Nordics 3x8-10: 10,10,10 with assistance

A2. Seated GMs 3x8-10: 80lbs 8,8,8

B1. Leg Extensions 3x8-10 155lbs 8,8,8

B2. Weighted Leg Raises Incline bench 3xmax 10,10,10

C1. Horse Stance Holds (add weight when needed) 3x2mins: Bodyweight

C2. L-Sit Holds 3xmax: 30,30,20

Mind: Positive but a little slow today

Body: foot is pretty sore from pt

Notes: I had PT today and then went to the gym after that. I really enjoyed this leg day. It felt nice to focus on strength through range of motion. I am looking forward to this style of training.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

New Program


Breathing: Wim Hof

No workout today was an off day

Mind: Very positive

Body: feeling great and walking with less of a limp

Notes: I have created my new program that is focusing more on bodyweight strength work and increasing my range of motion, especially in my hips. I am looking forward to completing this program and seeing some new results rather than just hypertrophy training which I had been doing for a few years right before surgery. 



Breathing: Box Breathing


45 minutes on the bike

Mind: Feeling really positive today

Body: no complaints

Notes: It was nice to get on the bike for a bit longer today. Sunday will be an off day and I will work on building my next program to get back into the gym and work on what I need to get to my goals.

Friday, September 20, 2024



Breathing: Wim Hof


5 min Bike warm up 



Leg Extensions 160lbs


Seated DB Cleans 40lbs

Bike 2 mins between rounds


Nordics 2x8

SA Cable Row 2x8x80lbs

Wrist Curls 2x15x15lbs

Mind: Finished the day much better than yesterday 

Body: Feeling great

Notes: I really enjoyed today's workout. It feels good to be able to do workouts again that make me breath and sweat. Planning on a longer bike session tomorrow.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Back on the Foot


Morning Breathing: Box Breathing

45 minute stretch sesh

A few hours later

30 minutes on the bike

then Physical Therapy

Mind: It was positive most of the day, finished pretty negative

Body: Feels good today. Foot its a bit sore since I am not at 100 percent in the boot and PT on top of that is just a new stimulus for it.

Notes: Pretty solid day overall. My foot and ankle are feeling it a bit. Today was the first day I could drive and also walk around with my boot only with no crutches. Add PT on top of that and my foot is pretty sore. I started today off with a great mindset but I ended up in a pretty negative headspace by the end of the day. I really need to continue to work on emotional resiliency. Seeing things for how they are and feeling my way through them. Tomorrow is a new day.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Workout and Follow Up Appointment


Morning Breathing: Wim Hof Breathwork

30 minutes on bike (first time on the bike since surgery)

3 rounds

A1. Seated Shoulder Externals 15lbs 10, 10, 10

A2. Scap Pull Ups 10, 10, 10

A3. Lat Stretch (Right Only) 3x5 breaths

A4. Wrist Curls 15lbs 15, 12, 12

Body: all good, still working on that elbow pain

Mind: positive, energized, excited

Notes: This morning I was able to hop on the bike for the first time since surgery. It was nice to just pedal and get moving for 30 minutes. It was extremely low intensity since I cant use a lot of resistance or speed yet but I will take what I can get. After that I did some work on my shoulders and forearms looking to decrease my right elbow pain and work on some weaknesses. 

In the afternoon I went to a follow up. I have them scheduled every two weeks until I am out of the boot so hopefully only one more after this one. I was cleared for 100 percent weight bearing in the boot and also 50% in a shoe which is nice because the boot sucks when it comes to biomechanics so getting in a shoe will be helpful. I am progressing nicely and the Xrays show the bone wedge healing well. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Physical Therapy and Workout


Morning Breathing: Wim Hof Breathwork

3 Rounds

Deficit Handstand Push Ups (hands on yoga blocks) 4, 5, 4

Pull Ups 20, 15, 12

Explosive Leg Raises 20, 18, 12


45 minutes of meditation stretching


Physical Therapy for ankle and foot rehab

Body: Feeling really good no aches or pains other than right elbow

Mind: Feeling like a tired brain today. Lots of computer work usually does this to me.

Notes: Today was another step forward towards my goals. At PT I was able to do my first squat (bodyweight to a box) but that is progress from not being able to put any weight on my foot. I do all PT exercises out of my boot so it feels good to have my foot on the ground. With the flat foot reconstruction surgery, it has basically created a new foot and that means new sensations on the ground. I will also need to learn how to properly put pressure into this new foot. 

I have been really enjoying these long breathing and stretching sessions I have been completing. I think that stretching was majorly overlooked in my education and now I am finally digging into what proper stretching looks like and ways to increase range of motion through strength exercises. Being able to move, move well, and have control of big ranges of movement I feel is a key to keeping the body healthy. My body seems to hate me when I neglect that and just focus on lifting. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

11 Years Later....

 Well here I am. Back to where it all started. I came across my blog from high school/college and really liked what I was doing. I have been tracking offline ever since stopping here but I keep losing notebooks and needing to start over. I figured why not start back up here so I can never lose my training notes again.

I am currently 7.5 weeks (July 26th 2024) into my post op recovery. I had 3 procedures done. Deltoid ligament reconstruction, Coalition separation, and flat foot reconstruction. This has been by the far the most challenging recovery I have ever had. Maybe its because I am older or maybe its because they cut some bone, added some plates, etc. Either way I spent 6 weeks non weight bearing in a hard cast. I lost a lot of muscle mass in my right calf, tib, hamstring, glute and quads. This time allowed me to concentrate on my mental health. I started a breathing and meditation practice that has been very beneficial. For the last week and a half I have been 50% weight bearing in a boot. The progress has been very quick. I can pretty much walk without crutches now and I should get the clearance go 100 percent on Wednesday. I will continue my PT and training to get back to where I want to be.

I have set some minor and major goals for this recovery and post recovery.

1. Get back to running by Jan 2025 (post op recovery goal)

2. Complete a marathon summer 2025

3. Unassisted Handstand Hold 1 minute

4. L Sit to Handstand Hold

5. Complete 50k by EOY 2025

6. Win my first disc golf tourney

At this point my interest is falling more into running rather than lifting heavy or getting big. I spent the majority of the last 15 years training for either strength or hypertrophy. I now have goals that align with running, moving better, being able to move my bodyweight with control, and also disc golf which I recently got into over the past 2 years. My current training has been all over the place as I am just trying to get workouts in while I recover. I will get back to a more strict program once I am closer to back.

Todays training 9/16/24

A1. Bench (Smith machine in apartment gym) 8x135, 5x185, 3x225, 3x235, 3x245

B1. QLs Using Leg Ext 10x20, 10x25, 12x30

B2. Seated Leaning Cable Rows 3x10x100

B3. L Sit Holds 3xabout 40 seconds

C1. Seated GMs 3x12x60

C2. Hand Stand Holds 2:15, 1:45, 1:30

Body: Ankle is able to take a lot more pressure. Low back is good. Right elbow still nagging

Mind: Feeling positive and motivated today

Notes: Solid training session. Its been really nice to move a lot more and sweat more. When I was unable to sweat that was a big struggle for me to stay sane.