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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Workout and Follow Up Appointment


Morning Breathing: Wim Hof Breathwork

30 minutes on bike (first time on the bike since surgery)

3 rounds

A1. Seated Shoulder Externals 15lbs 10, 10, 10

A2. Scap Pull Ups 10, 10, 10

A3. Lat Stretch (Right Only) 3x5 breaths

A4. Wrist Curls 15lbs 15, 12, 12

Body: all good, still working on that elbow pain

Mind: positive, energized, excited

Notes: This morning I was able to hop on the bike for the first time since surgery. It was nice to just pedal and get moving for 30 minutes. It was extremely low intensity since I cant use a lot of resistance or speed yet but I will take what I can get. After that I did some work on my shoulders and forearms looking to decrease my right elbow pain and work on some weaknesses. 

In the afternoon I went to a follow up. I have them scheduled every two weeks until I am out of the boot so hopefully only one more after this one. I was cleared for 100 percent weight bearing in the boot and also 50% in a shoe which is nice because the boot sucks when it comes to biomechanics so getting in a shoe will be helpful. I am progressing nicely and the Xrays show the bone wedge healing well. 

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