About Me

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I am 20 years old at Springfield College. I started Crossfit in the winter of 2008 and have went on and off with that and P90x. But since the summer of 2009 until summer of 2011 I did Crossfit then switched to Strength and Conditioning. I Played soccer lacrosse basketball and ran track throughout my life. I played lacrosse at Endicott but I was injured and did not play the entire season. Another passion is strength and conditioning which has changed my life for the better. My midterm goal is to compete in a powerlifting competition, run an ultra and run the Boston Marathon, and my ultimate long term goal is to become a Strength and Conditioning coach, a lacrosse coach, and to open my own Strength and Conditioning gym as well as break the record for bench press at 165lbs bw. Along with training for my goals I enjoy pushing my body to its limits and seeing what the human body is capable of by doing activities that require a lot of physical and mental aspects.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Tabata This

burpee challenge day 52

Tabata This
Row (calories)
1min rest
1min rest
pull ups
1min rest
push ups
1min rest
sit ups

Row: 54 cals (tried keeping track of them but was way to difficult so just did total, and first 2 rounds had damper on 2
squat: 21,21,21,21,20,19,17,19
pull up: 20,14,15,11,9,7,8,8
push up: 27,23,18,15,13,12,12,10
sit up:15,15,15,14,15,15,14,14

body: shoulders a bit sore
sleep:7 hrs plus 1hr nap
notes: Decided that this would be a good wod to do to keep it light with the weights again. It was a good one and I pr'ed on most sections of it minus the squat but my squat this time was to full extension I made sure of it. Tomorrow I am going to hit another good crossfit wod and Then hopefully after that build squats back in. Still going to leave dlifts out for a bit longer


burpee challenge day 51

shoulder press 5-5-5

3x max strict pull ups with 30lbs

3x20 ghds
3x20 be

body: nothing really sore just tired
sleep: 5 hrs
nutrition: good getting back on track
notes: I wanted to get something done today so I decided to press and do some other small stuff. The press felt good I got 160 which means that I am still going up. Tomorrow I am going to crossfit and then we will see how it goes from there. I can't wait for summer to get back to what I love to do best. Still going back and forth on ideas for next year. Right now I am pretty confused and really dont know what I want.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


burpee challenge day 50

rest day

body:quads sore
nutrition: horrible drank, pizza, wild night
notes: nothin

Friday, February 25, 2011

bench, box squat, wod, curls.....yes curls

burpee challenge day 49

Bench 3-3-3-1-1

Box Squat 5-5-5

for time:
log clean and press 140lbs? maybe more small log with 25's
kb swings 60lbs

3x8 db curls 40lbs
3x6 db curls 40lbs
"walk the rack"

body: all good
sleep: 10hrs
nutrition: good ate a lot to try and recover
notes: So today Ben told me to come to his gym and work out with him since I am home. This might be my future gym for the summer because I thought it was so cool and they have everything I would need and more to power lift or oly lift whatever I chose to do and also has stuff for conditioning work outs too. So I decided to go and follow what he had planned for his workout and I also made him do some conditioning with me. THe bench was really good and I have not maxed out since sophomore year so we tested that and I probably had at least 10 more lbs in me. This was the first time that I box squated.It was and interesting experience I will probably be sore from it tomorrow because it definitely worked different muscles. The wod we chose to do was with a log bar because we both really wanted to use it and it was a really good one. Then the curls came.... I got caught up in the strongman/powerlifting gym that I said fuck it and just did them. First time since p90x that I have curled and it probably wont be the last. A lot of power lifters use it as an assistance exercise and I will most likely include them if I take that route this summer. All and all great workout.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


burpee challenge day 48

Split Jerk 1-1-1

body: lats, biceps, quads, abs sore
nutrition: good
notes: Today I wasnt really feeling much so I decided just to do a split jerk and call it a day. I wanted to get rested up for tomorrow where I will be going to Bens gym and benching and box squatting as well as doing a short metcon.

2/23/11 Barbara and hspu's

burpee challenge day 47

5 rds of:
20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
*rest 3 mins between each round
2:34, 2:35, 2:38, 2:40, 2:35

20,10,5 hspu'

body:not bad lats a bit sore
nutrition:good until I drank
notes:Solid workout havent done this one is a while and it felt really good. My body weight movements are not affected at all.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

row and burpee wod

burpee challenge day 46

For Time:
row 1000m
25 burpees
row 750m
50 burpees
row 500m
75 burpees

Physical Therapy:
3x 45 sec wall sits
3x bridges
3x triple threat

nutrition: great all around
notes: Needed to get a wod in today and I had no pain so I am going to keep doing lighter crossfit workouts mostly body weight stuff for now. Just to make sure I do not stress what I already hurt. I started physical therapy today I am going to follow through with it this time because I have nothing to lose hopefully it helps strengthen the area around my injury making it a lot easier to heal and stronger so it wont keep happening. Going to hit barbara tomorrow and then work on one of my skills and also probably do some strict pull ups maybe even weighted.

Monday, February 21, 2011

2/20/11, 2/21/11

burpee challenge days 44 and 45

rested both days

sleep: pretty good both nights about average
nutrition: not so hot both days drank last night and had some ice cream and stuff today
notes: going to crossfit tomorrow keeping it to a rowing burpee wod so I do not further injure myself. I will also start therapy tomorrow as well.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


burpee challenge day 43

rest day

notes: solid rest day didnt practice again going to have to get used to this for a while.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bench, dips, t2b

burpee challenge day 42

bench 5-5-5

3x max rep dips

3x12 t2b

body:back is sore
sleep: 8hrs
nutrition: good going to have some raisenets tonight maybe I mean they are dark chocolate
notes: So todays bench was good first time I have benched since like october or something and I pr'ed which is solid. Did t2b and they went well to try and start working on them as well. I went to the trainers today and sure enough I tore/ strained the same muscle I did last year. 3 to 6 weeks to take to fully heal 100 percent. Not so happy about this so I am not sure what I am going to do. I start physical therapy and shit for it tomorrow things like light stretching and strengthening the area around it as well as massage and ice. I guess I wont complain about getting a massage. I will keep updating as my progress goes on the only lift I am going to stay away from is the deadlift, squat and everythign else doesnt affect me so I will be fine with that.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Not a good day

burpee challenge day 41

deadlift 3-3-3
385-395-405f 3rd rep

Jerk 3-3-3

3x max rep strict pull ups w/30lbs

body:ill explain in notes
nutrition: good
notes: well today didnt go well for a few reasons. First off I failed on the deadlift not because of lack of strength but lack of grip had no chalk. I could have gotten that and probably 410 as well. Then at practice I felt my problem from senior year to start to act up and sure enough I hit one dodge right to left hard and flopped to the ground in pain and then sat the rest of the practice out. Going to go to the trainers tomorrow and see what they can do. Doubtful they can do anything once again and it is only time that can heal it. Last time it took all summer with no lax to heal. Might be having some big decisions coming up... We will take it one step at a time.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rest day and lax

Burpee challenge day 40

lax practice

body: abs, shoulders, chest sore
nutrition: really good
notes: solid day today good rest and practice went well. We have been doing 2 and a half hour practices so I am glad that I am doing the program the way I am now so that I can get proper rest. We have our first scrimmage on sunday and then games start the next saturday its coming up fast. On a side note I am the 5th middie now (2nd line) and I am on the first man up which is the starting man up so I am pumped about that. The hard work is paying off. Tomorrow I am going to go for a pr on deadlift get my pull ups in and my skill work will be the jerk.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Power Cleans, dips, pull ups, lax

burpee challenge day 39

Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3

3x max reps dips

Double unders
30 sec rest between each

body: no soreness at all
notes: Today the power clean felt really good I believe that I could probably get another 5 maybe even 10lbs to that pr but we will save that for next week. For my skill work today I decided to do double unders and I wanted to mix it up so that is how I set them up and it was kind of cool. Tomorrow is off and then thursday is deadlift day I think that I will through in Jerks that day or maybe thrusters for my skill work.

Monday, February 14, 2011

squat, press, pull ups, ghds

burpee challenge day 38

squat 5-5-5

press 5-5-5

3x max rep strict pull ups

3x15 ghds

lax practice

body:feeling well rested
sleep: 9hrs
notes: so i officially am done doing crossfit like work outs for the rest of the season the running in practice was to much on top of that and I was not recovering and I got pretty sick from it. I pr'ed on my squat which I knew I was going to but am still happy about and I could definitely do more. I went straight across on the press just because I havent pressed in a few weeks. The pull ups went well and for my skill work today I did GHDs which went well too I might be sore from them I am not really sure. This new program is only 4 days a week and I left sunday optional if I am feeling a nice crossfit workout because I know I will miss them. I just do not want to get hurt during this season seeing how I am actually going to play a lot. My new program looks like this:

Squat – 5-5-5
Press- 5-5-5
Pull-ups – 3 sets of as many reps as possible (mix weight in)
Skill work

Power Clean – 3-3-3-3-3
Dips – 3 sets of as many reps as possible
Skill work

Off or Skill Day

Deadlift – 3-3-3
Pull-ups – 3 sets of as many reps as possible (mix weight in)
Skill work

Snatch – 3-3-3-3-3
Bench Press – 5-5-5 sets across
Dips – 3 sets of as many reps as possible
Skill work

Off or Skill Day

Optional Conditioning

• Skills to focus on:
o Double unders
o T2b
o Rowing
o Ghds
o OH squats
o Thrusters
o Hspu
o Push ups
o Jerk

The skills are subject to change as well. They are there so that I wont loose a lot on my crossfitting when I get back to it at the end of May

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Full Rest Day

burpee challenge day 37

rest day

notes:finally a full rest day minus drinking during the day yesterday a bit at the lax house I didnt go out and got a ton of good sleep took melatonin too and it worked great. I am starting to feel a ton better now so hopefully tomorrow I will be good to go and my program needs to change once again because I am getting to worn down. I will update about that tomorrow

Saturday, February 12, 2011


burpee challenge day 36

lax practice

nutrition: good but drank a bit
notes: solid rest day kinda. still sick going to bed early tonight and not going out to late.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Unplanned Rest

burpee challenge day 35

lax practice

body:quads sore and all around exhausted
sleep:shitty quality not sure how long
notes: so decided it would be a bad idea to work out today seeing how I woke up and had trouble breathing. So I went to the doctors they gave me some meds for my cough but I doubt I will take them because I am not big into the meds so far I have only done advil. Practice was a struggle and I just got through today. Going to get to bed early tonight and hopefully feel a bit better in the morning. Might not go out tomorrow night depending on how I feel.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

wod and lax

burpee challenge 34

75lbs thrusters 21 reps
21 double unders

lax practice

body: run down quads are tired
sleep: 9hrs
notes: I woke up sick today which sucks but its only a head cold so far. I took a ton of vitamins and fish oil to make sure it stays under control. The workout today was good but I could definitely feel the cold taking a toll on me. Hopefully it gets better for tomorrow. the workout was a good one though. Like I said before I am going to keep putting in double unders to make sure I am very efficient with them. Practice is going well we do not run a lot anymore just a few 400s a practice or so. The rest is all drills even though there is a lot of running in them. Tomorrow I am going to press and do The Chief.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rest day

burpee challenge day 33

rest day

lax practice

body: biceps, lower back, hamstrings sore
notes: solid rest day pretty sore and might be getting sick. Tomorrow I got a longer metcon and practice going to get some good sleep tonight.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

deadlfit, wod, pull ups

burpee challenge day 32

deadlift 3-3-3

3rds for time
12 right arm db snatch 55lbs
12 left arm db snatch 55lbs
12 push ups
25 double unders

3x max rep strict pull ups

body:still feeling good
nutrition:great again
notes: On the deadlifts today I took it easy to start my build up again. I did these 3 sets with ease so I am pumped to see what I can build up to. The workout I chose was from the in season section from cffb and I will be getting most of my wods form there because they program it so you will not burn out. I am glad I am back doing pull ups again because I want to build up again. I really need to start doing more double unders I am going to try and put them in at least once or twice a week so I can build up for one of my goals of 1000 double unders for time. Burpee challenge is going well so far and I am going to complete it this time. Tomorrow is a rest day and then a metcon on thursday.

Monday, February 7, 2011

squat, grace, dips

burpee challenge day 31

Squat 5-5-5

For time:
30 135lbs clean and jerks
3:29 PR

3x max reps dips minimal rest
30, 21, 16

Lax Practice

Body:finally feelin good
notes: Today was a good day I took it easy on the squats but still wanted to hit it hard which I did. Grace was a great wod for today I wanted to see where I was at and I am right on track I will definitely be able to get my goal of sub 3:15 this year which I am pumped about. The dip bar I used makes dips a lot harder because it is very wide so my elbows are heading outwards more and I think it is going to make ring dips a lot easier. Tomorrow is deadlift day pretty pumped.


burpee challenge day 30

rest day

Sunday, February 6, 2011

2/5/11 judgment day 2

burpee challenge day 29

Judgment day 2

swimming, push ups, flutterkicks, mountain climbers, planks, treading water

body:neck and shoulders really sore form treading water
nutrition: drank
notes: today was day number 2 we woke up at 4am to get to the YMCA for our session. It started at 5am and we went until 9am. The first part was we swam across the pool and then jump out and do what ever exercise they told us to do. This lasted a while because we could not get the commands right form our leaders because it got really loud and a ton of echos in there. The next part was the hardest part and we had to wear our sweatshirts and jump in and then listen for the commands the first one was just to tread water the next was to take our sweatshirts off while still treading then we had to hold it overhead while still treading then switch sweat shirts with a partner and still treading water then put that sweatshirt on and still tread. This was the only good thing that we did it was physically and mentally challenging and because I was a better swimmer I had to help some of the other not so good swimmers by going under and lifting them up. Other than that this was so shitty and was the worst thing for the team. These guys do not know how to pull a team together and I really dont think they knew what they were doing if they got asked a question they didnt hear before. They would repeat themselves with the same lines over and over again. I guess all I can do is take whatever I can out of it (very little) and move on. Rest day tomorrow and then starting my program on monday

Friday, February 4, 2011

Judgment Day

burpee challenge day 28

Judgment Day 1

push ups, flutterkicks, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, plank, log presses, sand bag runs, fireman carries

body:fine just tired
notes: So today was day 1 of judgment day and it went from 3pm-8pm the first hour was a speech and the next 4 hours was retarded. I was really expecting a lot more. It was a lot of them screaming at us until we got everything perfect because apparently thats what makes a good team. These guys have the totally wrong idea in building a team in my opinion and no once gives a fuck what they say because it is so stupid the entire team is just laughing it off after. It wasnt even physically hard either nor was it mentally tough.... I could have done Fran finished in 4 minutes and accomplished more than I did today. Tomorrow Is a pointless 4:15am wake up to get to the YMCA pool for 5am til 8am then I am going to sleep all day and rip it up tomorrow night finally. Monday I will start back on my program finally....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

lax once again

burpee challenge day 27

lax practice
agilities, sprint/jog combo

body:legs are sore all over
sleep: 9.5 hrs
nutrition: really good again
notes: todays was a solid day I got some good sleep and felt pretty good even though I am still over trained to the max. Tomorrow and Saturday is judgement day. It is a military team bonding experience that is going to push mental and physical toughness past peoples limits. Friday after noon is 3 hours, 1 hour of leadership speech and 2 hours of the physical portion going to be things running push ups sand bag work etc.... Then saturday morning is from 5am to 8am in the ymca pool with things like swimming in our shorts or swimming in our full jump suits. I will do a bit of a write up after this to talk about the experience it should be an interesting one. The video for judgement day is here: http://www.theprogramathletics.com/judgment_coll.php

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

practice and sprints

burpee challenge day 26

lax practice along with sprints
4 17's, (200,400,600,200)

body: quads hip flexors groin and hamstrings sore
sleep:9hrs took melatonin
nutrition: really good
notes: had a snow day and had practice which was solid. we are all really run down and so exhausted its tough getting through the practices taking a toll mentally for sure but still no where near the 24 hour challenge. This friday and saturday morning we have the program at 4:30 in the morning on both days. It is a military things so it will be all mental and some physical basically to test every ones limits. Should be pretty cool so we will see how that goes.


burpee challenge day 25

a.m. lax
various agilities, 1 mile, 400, 2 17's

lax p.m.
regular practice

mwod (shoulders/neck and quads)

body:quads and hamstrings sore
nutrition: really good
notes: getting real sick of this running shit I just want preseason to end so I can get back to what I love doing. Really not havin to much fun with lax minus the team stuff. All the other stuff sucks so we will see about next year.