About Me

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I am 20 years old at Springfield College. I started Crossfit in the winter of 2008 and have went on and off with that and P90x. But since the summer of 2009 until summer of 2011 I did Crossfit then switched to Strength and Conditioning. I Played soccer lacrosse basketball and ran track throughout my life. I played lacrosse at Endicott but I was injured and did not play the entire season. Another passion is strength and conditioning which has changed my life for the better. My midterm goal is to compete in a powerlifting competition, run an ultra and run the Boston Marathon, and my ultimate long term goal is to become a Strength and Conditioning coach, a lacrosse coach, and to open my own Strength and Conditioning gym as well as break the record for bench press at 165lbs bw. Along with training for my goals I enjoy pushing my body to its limits and seeing what the human body is capable of by doing activities that require a lot of physical and mental aspects.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Doing Some Catch Up


physical therapy



3 lacrosse games

Body: good but elbow is still bothering me
Sleep: no clue for the other nights last night around 8hrs
Nutrition: good minus some brews and gin and tonics
Notes: nothing really just resting it up sunday and getting back at it monday.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

400m Runs, Long Walk, Ballin

400m run rest about 3 mins
1:33....ankle braces cut circulation off in legs and stopped my legs from running...it was a weird feeling to say the least
1:14...took the ankle braces off

1 hr 25 min walk on the powerline trail
about 5 miles or so covered

1.5 hr of bball

Body: pretty good a little over trained and ankles are sore
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good had ben and jerries and tomorrow I will be eating a lot to recover
Notes: well I havent had a great training session this week because I think I did not take a full rest day after playing lacrosse and that was a mistake so I will be resting tomorrow and friday and then have lax saturday sunday and rest fully on monday. In the mean time I am going to eat like an animal and try to catch my body back up.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Not In The Best Mood Today

3x155 stopped due to elbow bothering me


pt exercises

50 min walk

mwod( hamstrings, deadlift stretch, opening hip, calfs)

Body: fine besides elbow
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: nothing to say.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Rest Day

3rds not for time
15 ghds
15 back extensions
15 kb swings
15 push ups
15 pull ups

25 min hill climb on teadmill
15% grade
1.347 miles

mwod(table top, deadlift stretch, hamstring)

Physical Therapy

Body: sore all over, elbow is kind of bugging me
Sleep: 10hrs
Nutrition: great
Notes: Good day for recovery. Just enough to get the blood flowing and a little sweat going. Made sure to stretch and mwod a lot. Started physical therapy today not much to say about it I am going to follow through and do everything they tell me to and we will see how it ends up. I have nothing to lose at this point so might as well.

Living the Lax Life...Weekend Recap

4 lacrosse games
mwod( deadlift stretch, held a squat)

2 lacrosse games

40 min walk

mwod(table top, hamstrings, deadlift stretch)

Body: pretty tired and legs are a bit sore
Sleep: Friday night was about 8hrs and Saturday night was 9hrs
Nutition: was a bit thrown off due to the games and not being able to eat in between. Friday was fine just not a lot of normal food a lot of fruit and bars during the day at night we drank and had a nice steak that was amazing. Saturday was good after the 2 games were over.
Notes: I had a blast laxing it up this weekend at the tourney I have improved each year at this tourney stats wise and I love seeing the improvement. I think this finalized my decision to play next year for sure. Monday I have physical therapy at 3:30 I really cant wait to start this. Also another note I wore double ankle braces this weekend and had no ankle pain. Good Shit.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Bench And Pump 7/21/11

5x240 pr

3x8 cg bench 155lbs

3x10 db bench 70lbs
ss w/
3x8 db curls 45lbs

2x10 french press
ss w/
2x10 tri pull downs

Back Pump

Body: good elbow hurt a bit so stopped short on some of the sets
Sleep: not sure
Nutrition: good had a few drinks and some ice cream at the end of the day
Notes: Got pretty depressed that my elbow started to tweak but as I am writing this now it feels fine. I am taking Friday off and then I am off to Glastonbury for a lacrosse tourney 4 games saturday and a possible 3 games sunday....cant wait!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rest Day


Body: hip flexors sore
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: not to bad had some home fries and chocolate though
Notes: Today was the second to last day of camp and the lack of sleep and being in the sun all day is really starting to set in again just like at every other camp but life goes on. Tomorrow I will do a bunch of stuff and then maybe something light on friday if anything. Today was a much needed rest day I will go to sleep early tonight and then get some good sleep tomorrow night.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Press, Hill Sprints

5x165 pr

4 Hill Sprints from bottom of hill to stop sign a little over 200m
around 38 to 41 seconds

Body: tired
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: great
Notes: It is really hard working camp all day while it is 90 degrees out and then go and workout while dehydrated and exhausted. I got a nice 5 rep pr on the press but other than that it was a day to forget. First two hill sprints I was fine and after that I crashed and burned due to dehydration problems stemming from being at camp all day. I did my best to stay hydrated but it is very hard. I might do something tomorrow and thursday and then rest friday because I have lacrosse tourney this weekend.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Why do I do Rowing workouts?


2k Row

3x Chin ups less than 2 min rest

2 sets of db shrugs followed by tri pull downs

mwod(deadlift stretch)

Body: feeling good wore ankle brace all day
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: great
Notes: The squat was very easy today my legs felt well rested and ready to go and 310 was a breeze. I really do not know why I insist on doing workouts like this. Rowing sucks. It always has sucked. And it will always suck. Yet I did this workout anyway and lo and behold it was fucking awful. I finished and immediately tried getting up but failed miserably then I could not see straight for a few minutes and so on. It took a good amount of time to fully recover from this. On another note Mondays I will pump as well as fridays one day just wasnt enough I miss it way to much.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Rest Day

Rest Day

Balled for a few hours

Body: good ankle still hurts
Sleep: 10hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Solid rest day the ankle is till bothering me and I made the decision today that I am going to start to go to physical therapy for my back and my ankles to rehab them and make them stronger. As youve noticed I have a lot of ankle problems because I have injured them so much and never made them stronger and this will help me in the long run for sure.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Freight Train From Hell

Freight Train
3rds for time
10 db cleans to thrusters 50lbs
15 burpees
30 squats

50 min walk

B0dy: pretty good little tweak in the ankle
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Well today was kind of a bummer until I decided to do this workout. I woke up with tweak in the side of my ankle that hurts when I run on it. It seems like a small muscle tweak that will go away soon so I am not worried just kinda dissappointed I couldnt run. But this workout is fucking hell, there is something about the combo in this workout that just destroys you. I pred not sure by how much but definitely pretty big.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Gettin Big

Power Clean


3x8 close grip bench 145lbs,145lbs,145lbs
supersetted with
3x8 db curls 55lbs,50lbs,50lbs

1x8 db bench 75lbs
supersetted with
1x8 hammer curls 50lbs

Back Pump

40min walk

Body: feeling good
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: really good
Notes: Man do I love fridays. I get to go to the gym and just focusing on getting bigger which is always a lot of fun. Power cleans felt pretty good but my cns is toasted from the deadlift so it could have been better. Pumped I got 235 for 5 on the bench because I only got it for 4 last week. Pump was great as usual the supersets add an extra dimension to pumping....gotta love it. Tomorrow I will do some sort of running and maybe a cf workout depending on what I am feeling.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Deadlift, Wod


For Time:
100 double unders
75 box jumps 20"
50 kb swings 55lbs
25 burpees

3x max rep strict pull ups w/35lbs

mwod( hamstrings, rolled back, deadlift stretch)

Body: feeling good all around
Sleep: 10hrs of much needed sleep
Nutrition: clean
Notes: Great day at the gym thats for sure. I set a deadlift pr that went up easily and also a big pr on the workout. I hit all 100 double unders in a row. I have not done a double under in a long time and I some how hit 100 straight which I am very happy about. When I hit 50 I was wondering why I was still going with out a break and then all of the sudden I was in the 90s and was confused to how I did that. But I let that fuel the rest of my workout and crushed it. Tomorrow is a strength day and pump day very excited to look sexy coming out of the gym.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Press, Amrap Awfulness


Amrap 20 1 lap sprint around indoor track at sc rest same time it takes to complete the lap
14rds plus 1/2 lap

Body: quads are torched and very sore
Sleep: 7hrs
Nutrition: great
Notes: Press was good I would have liked to get 165 for 5 but hopefully next week I will be able to. This workout was brutal but a good one. You hardly get a chance to recover and then you got to do another sprint. Tomorrow is a rest day and the last day of camp I will probably get a nap in when I get home to make sure I fully recover.

7/11/11 Finally Got Internet Again


5rds for time
7 front squats 185lbs
10 burpees
7:32 pr

Body: quads already sore form that workout
Sleep: 7.5hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: So I did not have internet last night for some reason but it was turned back on today so I can get back to blogging. 305 for 5 went up very easily which I am happy about. Did this workout a while ago and pred by almost 2 minutes this time. The main contributing factor is that my squat is a lot stronger. I also just want to note that my nutrition has been right on and I have been walking a lot due to being at camp at springfield and you have to walk everywhere. I am hoping to lean out a bit seeing how I built a bit of a gut while getting stronger. Surprisingly being a few lbs heavier my running workouts have not suffered which is pretty cool.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Rest Day

Walked about an hour

Body: good
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: good except one slice of pizza
Notes: solid rest day at springfield again until wednesday.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

7/9/11 I Need To Stop Forgetting

Keep forgetting to post at night going to try and get back on track.

7rds for time
1 20yrd shuttle (5-10-5)
10 Clap push ups
10 jump touches 2ft above reach

1x Sprint to Stop sign and back to drive way w/ 20lbs vest
40 sec

1 mile run w/ 20lbs vest

800m run w/ 20lbs vest

Body: quads and glutes still sore
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good had some drinks though minus the lax tourneys I am going to that will be the last time I drink until end of august or so.
Notes: I wanted to get a workout in that incorporated some agilities since I missed them this week and this workout was perfect for it. The runs were brutal with the vest on definitely going to make use of the vests more often. Heading back to springfield tomorrow for another camp until wednesday.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Bench, Power Clean, pump


2 power cleans on the min for 10 mins @210lbs


Body: quads and ass are sore from yesterdays workout
Sleep: 7hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Pretty good strength day it would have been better if I was on better sleep but what can you do? Tomorrow I think that I will hit up a wod and then some endurance after. I may be going up to new hampshire for a party but not sure yet.



3rds for time:
Walking Lunge 50m
Broad Jump 100m
Run 200m
10:27 pr

mwod (couch, hamstrings)

Body: legs are a bit sore
Sleep: 7hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Today I wanted to get back in the swing of things with a nice deadlift session. I hit 405 by 3 pretty easily and I think that is the first time I have done that so I called it there. This is the third time I have done this workout ever and even though I am a lot stronger and maybe not as well conditioned as last time I still pred. Strength over everything right? Tomorrow is a pure strength day I can't wait to get after it. Bench, power clean, pump, and some accessory work.... going to be a great day.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

7/6/11 Rest

Rest Day

Body: pretty good
Sleep: 5hrs..shitty dorm sleep
Nutrition: good had some ice cream
Notes: Nice rest day I was exhausted I am glad that it was a rest day. It usually takes me a day to adjust so tomorrow night should be a better sleep. I am going to deadlift and do intervals tomorrow or a cf workout. I have been getting a lot of walking in while I am up here too we walk everywhere around campus.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011



2 laps around indoor track at sc all out with 90 sec rest between

Body: pretty good
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: I was pressed for time today because I am at camp and only have a certain amount of time to workout. I am happy with what I got in though the sprints were over 400m but I am not sure exactly how long they were. Tomorrow is a rest day and I will not be sleeping much the next few nights because the dorms are extremely hot and I never sleep well.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Squat, Wod, Agility


Curls for pump

5rds each for time:
Sprint 40yrds
15 burpees
Sprint 40 yrds
15 2 handed db bent rows 50lbs ea hand
*rest 45 secs between rds
1:04, 1:112, 1:25, 1:38, 1:37

Agility ladder 4 times ea
ones, twos, icky, in + out, step over

mwod(couch, table top)

Body: good
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: really good
Notes: The squat today was a lot tougher than I expected. I guess it is because I havent squated in the past week and a half or so and I lost some adaptation, but that is ok because I will get it back soon enough. Great work out and agilities were good. Tomorrow I am heading to peak until Friday so I am not sure If I will beable to get online or not and I am not sure what I will be doing for workouts yet.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Much Needed Rest Day

Rest Day

Body: decently tired from this past week of drinking
Sleep: 10hrs
Nutrition: good had some ice cream
Notes: Solid rest day going to hit it hard this week. Tuesday to Friday I will be working a lacrosse camp so training will be kind of hard to get in but I found some time last year so I will do it again. It is at Springfield my future school and they have a great facility so I will use that.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Bench, Row, Pump


500m row


Body: tired
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: good during the day but the past 3 days I have been drinking every night since my parents are out of town. I have been goin hard because this is the last week or 2 that I will be drinking for about a month or so when I turn to focus on my training for soccer.