About Me

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I am 20 years old at Springfield College. I started Crossfit in the winter of 2008 and have went on and off with that and P90x. But since the summer of 2009 until summer of 2011 I did Crossfit then switched to Strength and Conditioning. I Played soccer lacrosse basketball and ran track throughout my life. I played lacrosse at Endicott but I was injured and did not play the entire season. Another passion is strength and conditioning which has changed my life for the better. My midterm goal is to compete in a powerlifting competition, run an ultra and run the Boston Marathon, and my ultimate long term goal is to become a Strength and Conditioning coach, a lacrosse coach, and to open my own Strength and Conditioning gym as well as break the record for bench press at 165lbs bw. Along with training for my goals I enjoy pushing my body to its limits and seeing what the human body is capable of by doing activities that require a lot of physical and mental aspects.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Went on a Date With Fran

Bent Row

7rds for time:
3 power cleans 205lbs
5 ring hspu

mob: shoulders, couch

Thrusters 95lbs
Pull Ups
3:10 pr and year goal!

mob: couch, sticked and rolled quads hamstrings and IT band

Tuesday I decided to do that workout because I remember that ring hspu are a weakness that I need to get better at and this would be the perfect workout. I got all power cleans decently easy taking my time on them and the first 4 rds of hspu unbroken and then it got difficult which is why my time was pretty bad. I am not mad though because I know that this was a great help for my shoulders. Wednesday was a planned workout with Ben for about a week now to do fran. Fran always makes me feel so sick thinking about it but I knew I had to do it and because I set the goal so I needed to finish out on that goal and I hit it with 5 seconds remaining. It is crazy to think that close to 2 years ago I could not get sub 4 and now I am pushing close to sub 3 which in the crossfit world is pretty respectable. Strength training definitely pays off in workouts like this. I am resting today and then hitting it hard again tomorrow and Saturday and taking Sunday off since I will not be in the best shape.

Monday, December 26, 2011

I Love Snatch

Snatch Complex
3x power snatch, hang squat snatch, squat snatch
warmup: bar, 89

Heavy Power Snatch
149, 159

kb swing 60lbs

Fat Bar Curls
no rest

Neck harness

A nice day at the gym the olympic lifts will be a part of my work outs from here on out since they add an explosiveness that I need back. The conditioning sucked as usual thats a classic sprint metcon. Hitting it hard again tomorrow.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Time

30 c+j 135lbs
2:54 pr and year goal

3x5x250 pr

2k row

12 Days of Crossfit

1 Handstand Push Up
2 Turkish Get Ups (53, 35) (1 each side)
3 Box Jumps (30, 24)
4 Pistols (2 each side)
5 Toes To Bar
6 Burpees
7 Kettlebell Swings (53, 35)
8 Ring Dips
9 GHD Sit Ups
10 Walking Lunges (10 each side)
11 Ball Slams (30, 20)
12 oz Beer

Loving the christmas spirit that comes with this time of year. So happy with the grace time I did not think I was going to hit the sub 3 minute mark.  I ended up getting 15 unbroken and then just kept pushing hard after that. Today I hit the 12 days of crossfit with the family and it was solid and a lot of fun. I funneled my beer when I hit the 12th day and then pushed hard for the end. The past few days I have been slightly feeling my past injury in my glute. Really not sure why but I hope it is just a passing phase because if it is back and ruins my dreams again I am not sure what I am going to do with my life. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Squats and a Solid Workout


For Time:
15 ohs 94lbs
15 wall balls 20lbs
25 double unders
10 ohs
10 wb
25 du
5 ohs
5 wb
25 du

mod: Rolled IT, hamstring, glutes

rehab on ankles

Another solid day in the gym for me. Today was my first day back at bay state and it felt great to be back. I kept the squats really light today because I am sore and I am still keeping it easy for my ankle. The workout was a solid one ohs always have been my least favorite but I could have gone heavier which is impressive since i have not done the movement in a long time. Tomorrow is a well deserved rest day and I will probably be drinking a bit and eating a lot of food at a Hanukkah dinner.

Getting After It


5 mins of jump roping
5mins of ankle rehab

Heavy Single Jerk
1x225 pr?

1min on/ 1 min off
db thrusters 35lbs 27,14
dynamic push ups on 2 plates 25,21
K2E 23,18
db swings 55lbs 25,20

Mob: hamstring, couch

Solid day at the gym to say the least. My jerk felt real smooth and easy and I definitely could have gone heavier than what I did but I was not looking to get hurt since it is my first heavy lift back. The workout was unique but I really enjoyed it. The dynamic push ups were something new and something that I think could be useful in the future.

Monday, December 19, 2011

And So It Begins

10 minutes of jumping rope to warm up mixing singles doubles laterals crossovers and one foot

1k row
50 thrusters 45lbs
30 pull ups

Not really sure where this stands compared to previous times but I know I have not done this in a long time and this is most likely a pr. The 10 minutes of jumping rope before I workout is going to become a staple because my right ankle is still weak to the point of me not being able to do very many jumps one footed on that side. This will improve the strength as well as improve my foot work. Jackie is a great workout because it is a all out sprint. I was definitely feeling the effects of it for a while after. It is a great feeling to be back and able to work that hard because I have the desire and passion to work that hard again which I love. I am going to keep on pushing hard until lax season.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Solid Weekend

Absolutely nothing

Ab Ripper X

This weekend is my final weekend at school and my final weekend considering my self injured and limited. Friday we had a case race and for anyone who doesnt know what that is look it up it was definitely a good time. Saturday I took it easy and recovered. I did not go out on saturday but was up a bit late anyways. Today I did ab ripper and thats about it. I feel like taking care of my core this way will really help me be consistent with it. I have been mobbing a good amount as well. Hitting some tack and stretch on my pec minor as well as my hip flexor. Later tonight I will foam roll my calfs and IT band. I have finals until Wednesday but only 1 a day minus 2 on wednesday, then I am home for break. I am beyond pumped to hit my workouts hard for the next month and really push to get in shape. My eating will be a lot better over break and I will only drink a few times most likely even though I am not to worried about watching over that right now. Tomorrow begins the hard training....so ready!

Friday, December 16, 2011

First Workout Back Bootless


5rds not for time
Max reps bodyweight bench (165lbs)
Strict pull ups

1. 26/16
2. 16/15
3. 10/11
4. 8/10
5. 10/10

*no rest between bench and pull ups
*about 3 min rest between rds

Well its about time that I am back at it and progressing nicely. I got my stitches out on Thursday and was given the go ahead to do whatever I can tolerate. I still have some residual pain but im sure that will be a week or 2 and I will be good. Squatting felt amazing today and I had no ankle or hip pain which is a great sign. I have never done Lynne this way and I decided like it would be a good idea because it is Friday and I was looking to get a nice pump in and the no rest got the heart going a bit. I was right on both aspects. Probably the biggest pump I have seen in my arms ever and I could not move them very much until now. My plan form here on out is to focus solely on getting in shape for lacrosse in January. I am going to follow Crossfit MTL because they have a real good program and I will also train sport specific on days where I feel appropriate. So ready to get after it I am foaming at the mouth. Resting the rest of the weekend and celebrating the end of the semester and then all business from there on out.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Rest of the Week Training

ab ripper x


Seated Press

Seated one arm curls inside legs
5x37.5 (no rest)

Standing db curls

Back Extensions w/25lbs

Chin ups



Incline db Bench

db curls
8x47.5 (standing)
8x35 (static)

T-Bar Row

20,14,9 (minimal rest)

5 db snatches R 40lbs
5 db snatches L 40lbs
10 push ups

This week of training went really well overall. I hit a lot of stuff over this week and I am still feeling great which is awesome. I also have been walking more and more without the boot to maybe get a head start on the strengthening part. I think the 250 might be a 5 rep pr onbench if not 2 sets of it definitely is. I am really hoping for 3x5 of 250 next week which would be awesome. Wednesday is when I get my stitches out and I cannot wait. Hopefully that means no boot as well and the start of getting to where I want to be. As soon as I am capable of it I am thinking of either doing cfsb or cffb to get ready for the season I havent really decided which one yet I will be giving it more thought and talking to some people for more advice as well. I went out last night (Friday) because we had our lax formal and since I am playing in the spring the guys wanted me to come and it was free beer and one dollar shots at a bar not to far from us so that was a good time and not the best health wise but thats ok. Tonight I will be staying in most likely catching up on sleep and just relaxing.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Previous Few Days of Training

Friday 12/2

Seated BB Press

Seated Db curls supersetted with arnolds press
10x37.5 10x37.5 for each

T-Bar Row

23, 16

Monday 12/5


Incline DB Bench

Seated Db Curls

Chin ups
16, 18

Friday and Monday where both great training sessions that I feel like I got a lot out of. Over the weekend I drank a lot more than I usually do but thats ok every once in a while. I decided on tuesdays and thursdays I will do some sort of core work just to make sure I am doing something. The ankle is feeling great I can walk around without the boot on almost with no limp now but I still am supposed to use the boot to protect the stitches I really want to get those damn things out they are just annoying. Everything else is going well I will be really busy this last week or so of classes finishing up projects and such.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


4x245 went to far forward

incline db bench

Seated db curl

Chin ups

Great workout for me today felt awesome to get back at it and I will be lifting 3 times a week and maybe putting a conditioning sesh in depending on what I did and what I can do. I have been eating well and My sleep has been good as well. I drank on monday night and didnt sleep much then but thats fine with me I had no class on tuesday. I am going to workout friday and maybe saturday as well. What I am basically doing is either bench curls chin ups and one other chest accessory lift or seated press curls dips t bar row and one other accessory shoulder lift. I will just alternate A B style until I am back.....13 days until stitches are out and hopefully can get rid of the boot. I walk around in my dorm with out it already and it feels great.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Yesterdays Workout


5rds for time:
10 seated db power cleans 40lbs
crutch across basement
10 strict chin ups
25 push ups
crutch back

Saturday (Today)

15 minute walk outside

Notes: Last night I drank a bit and played some poker with the uncles but other than that the nutrition has been spot on minus thanksgiving too of course. Not sure about tonight but might be drinking a bit again...(my dad got a bottle of gin and some tonic water so you know what that means) My ankle has been progressing nicely the first day of surgery was fine because it was all numbed up but the 2 days after that were the worst pain and it hurt pretty bad. Then the next day was a break through I could put pressure on my foot and balance on it. As of today I actually walked on it with out crutches this morning and only the boot granted it kind of hurts not from that but we are definitely making progress. I really enjoyed doing that workout yesterday it gives you a different perspective being some what temporarily handicapped while working out and makes you appreciate everything else so much more. I also have so much respect for people like kyle maynard who do it on a daily basis such cool shit. Relaxing the rest of the day and probably sunday then maybe a workout on Monday and my follow up appointment on Tuesday which I can't wait for because the whole not getting my foot wet thing makes it a bit tough to shower.

Monday, November 21, 2011


So this morning I arrived at the hospital at 6:00am. They got me all set up in my room and asked some pre operation questions. I got all set up on an IV which was a problem because I hate needles in my arm but I got over it after a few minutes and maybe it wont bother me in the future. Right before the pushed my bed down to the operation room they put a "happy" medicine into my IV and let me tell you that awesome. About half way down the hallway (which was about 2 minutes later) I started to feel the medicine. I was in a good place going into the operating room. I had to roll from one bed to the operation table and that was a struggle the medicine made my body so heavy and I had a hard time making it to the other bed. Then from here I only remember getting a blanket on me and I said "well this is nice and warm" and they laughed and said it was out of the dryer and the next thing I knew I woke up 2 hours later in recovery room. This is my first surgery and my first time under general and everything went so well. I woke up feeling refreshed and not groggy at all to be honest I thought they hadnt done the surgery yet. It was a weird but cool experience and I am glad it is over. Now I am on the road to recovery!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Last Stand

Amrap 10
5 db hang squat cleans 50lbs
7 supine ring pull ups
9 push ups

To many curls to count

best shoulder mob ever and tacked and stretch pec minor

Body: not to bad
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: Not bad had some ice cream and some oatmeal cookies that were homemade
Notes: Well that was it the last work out before surgery because tomorrow I am going to relax and then surgery is on Monday. Once again anxiety is high at this time but I am doing my best to keep it under control. This workout helped a lot and I really went hard because I wanted to make a point for my last workout. I may post tomorrow but if I don't I will post after surgery and update on everything.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Played an 1hr 20mins of racquetball last night

Body: not bad ankle is so ready for surgery
Nutrition: great
Notes: Nothing special about yesterday just decided to play some racquetball which I haven't done in forever. Kicked my friends ass incase you were wondering. Everything is feeling pretty good minus the ankle I really just want the surgery to be over. As you know I have pretty bad anxiety and it is kicking in for surgery. Looking for new relaxation techniques to keep me calm. So far listening to a relaxing playlist I built works and so does a deep breathing technique I learned a while ago. I will be looking for more because that wont be enough on the day of surgery.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

500m Row Repeats

500m Row Repeats
1:41, 1:50, 1:50

Body: good
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: great again
Notes: Solid quick little work out. Definitely made a difference in my day. Just winging it this week until Surgery on monday. That is all.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Nice Day of Training



BE w/25lbs

Tabata Row

Body: pretty good hip still bothering me but I am hoping that it is going to be fixed when I get orthotics for my flat feet.
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: not the best
Notes: First off I am still on meds for my ringworm so I have been staying in since I can not drink on this medicine. So I am sitting around like stephen glandsburg but o well it is for the best. Today was just an all around nice workout for me. I had no problems and nothing really bothered me with anything. The tabata row was a nice little conditioner per usual. Resting Sunday and resting for most of this week. Surgery is a week from Monday!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Taking a Look Back

Since I just had my 500th post I thought it would be nice to take a look back on some of the highlights from the past year and a half and how they will affect my future. Back in January of 2010 is when I first began blogging and I started off with crossfit strength bias. I loved the program and that is what really sparked my interest in strength training. Moving into Feb I hit my first 405 deadlift and was pretty pumped about that. I then switched to regular crossfit getting ready for my senior year of lacrosse. I took a break from blogging during the season but got right back at it in June. Starting in June I had mono (which is how my season ended) and I took a few weeks of resting. This experience began to teach me how to listen to my body but I still did not learn that to the fullest. Moving into July I started experimenting with crossfit football and preparing for my college lax season in the fall. One thing that I still remember from that summer is in August when I did griff and was not happy with my time. I focused hard on my endurance for 3 weeks and then hit it again as the last workout of the summer and beat my time. It was a great feeling and made me realize that I can focus on different parts of training at different times. September and October I trained cfsb and also had lacrosse fall ball. I was over training but still pushed through it which was so stupid. Beginning in october I started on another running fetish where I ran on trails a good amount and really enjoyed it. December 22nd and 23rd was a special day to say the least. Ben and I completed the 24 hour crossfit endurance challenge. This was probably the hardest thing that I have ever done. Physically it was not but mentally it was unbelievably hard. We are trying to make it a yearly thing but this year may have to be delayed pending my surgery and how I heal from it. It could be my first real test of the ankle which is what I am hoping for. All in all that was a great experience. January of 2011 comes around and I am now training for lacrosse. At the end of the month it is time for the regular season. This is where I learned a big lesson. I was training hard a long with practice and looking back on it, it was such a stupid decision and I should have seen the injury coming. February 17th was the day it happened. Leading up to the recurring injury I was lifting and crossfitting pretty much every day. This day I deadlifted in the 400s and it definitely tweaked my issue then running just destroyed it. I could talk all day about this but to sum it up in season I am going to be so much smarter now that I have this experience under my belt I cant wait until I can put it to use. In April I left the team because I knew I was not going to be able to come back for the season and I also shortly after made the decision to Transfer. I loved my friends at the school but the school was not for me....just another learning experience. Summer 2011 consisted of all strength training. I had a few more injuries but nothing major. I also discovered that I needed surgery on my ankle and that was messing up my hip as well. I then began modifying workouts to fit my needs and that is what I have been doing up until now. September of 2011 I started a new life at Springfield College and I absolutely love it. In October I made the official decision to play lacrosse again. A huge chip was lifted off my shoulder when I got over my fear of injury. I told my self as long as I am smart I will not get hurt and I am sticking with that. Now we are in the month of November and I am almost a week away from my surgery. I want to get it over with and get on the road to recovery to bigger and better things I have planned in the future. All of these experiences that I have had made me who I am today. I now know my body so well that I think that I can predict if I would get hurt or not doing a certain activity. This will help me stay safe but also still go hard on all of my favorite activities. I am looking forward to the future but living in the present!

Today I played an hour of lax including wall ball and shooting

Foam rolled

Body: good
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: good

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

500th Post

10x225 tie's a pr

Way to many curls to count

T bar row

Chin ups

Body: quads are still sore as hell
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: good minus going to red rose which is an italian place and I got some good pizza
Notes: Well this is my 500th post. I know I have been on and off with blogging but this is pretty cool because now I have 500 posts where I can go back all the way a year and a half ago and see where I was at and my progression in between. I am looking to become more active with my blog in the future and really start to pick it up. I would love to get some more interested followers and readers. I might take tomorrow and reflect on my 500 posts and this past year and a half of training and what it means for my future. Side note I got MW3 for xbox and it sucks...probably going to sell it to be honest.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


3rds for time:
500m row
20 db thruster 30lbs
10 burpees

Body: quads sore
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: great workout I am sore as hell today from it thats for sure. The shoulder went fine during all of the workout and did not bother me. Over head things and burpees didnt hurt it so I think I am good to do whatever I want but I am still going to wait until after surgery. More active recovery stuff the rest of the week. 2 weeks away from surgery!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

November 4th

Double Unders
Situps Anchored

Body: decent
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Solid work out I did it to see where I was at and I was only off my pr by 28 seconds mostly because I was doing double unders indoors (stupid). During the night I woke up with really weird chills and felt nausea these are symptoms of my medication but also flu symptoms as I type right now I think that it is my meds but I can not be positive. I will update later.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


p90x yoga

Body: Still good minus shoulder
Nutrition: Great
Notes: Today was a solid training day yoga is always a good choice to get a nice workout in and really work on flexibility which is not my strong suit at all. Tomorrow I think I am going to do a crossfit workout involving the rower we will see what I come up with.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Just Keep Swimming

30 Minutes of various types of swimming including a few 100s, 50s, and 25s

Body: good minus the shoulder still -___-
Sleep: 9hrs of deep sleep
Nutrition: great
Notes: Today I decided swimming would be a good activity to get a nice workout in and I was right. Mixing up just regular light swimming with some intense stuff. My shoulder is bothering me still but when I was at my doctors yesterday he said to give it until christmas break after I heal from surgery and then to come back it if still hurts. So I guess we will be waiting it out again i guess that will help me keep from doing something stupid before surgery. I am also not going to be drinking heavy before surgery so from now until winter break or so I will not be drinking a lot. I feel like this is a good decision for me anyways. And even over winter break I wont drink really to get in shape fast for lacrosse. Other than that everything else is going well. Oh and I am also on an antifungal pill for ringworm take it once a week for 2-4 weeks but I guess it is pretty strong so it is no joke to mess around with.

Monday, October 31, 2011

5k Row

5k Row
20:41.2 (maybe a pr?)

Played wallball for an hour

Body: good shoulder still clicks
Sleep: 10hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Today was a great first day of this training cycle I am about to embark on. I ate very well and killed the 5k row. Wednesday I am going to swim I think and then Friday I may bike or play some racquetball depending on how I feel. Feeling really good and loving it.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Weekend



Curled until my biceps popped

nothing special

Comments: Well this weekend was my last weekend of heavy drinking for a while. Ill still have a few quality beers here and there but no more pounding. I've noticed lately I dont have that much fun anymore because I am shitfaced I have fun just hanging around with friends maybe having a few beers. My nutrition in general has been pretty terrible since the summer time and it is time to clean that up I was just waiting for halloween to be over to calm it down. In retro spec it was really not necessary for me to drink the last few weekends its been pretty bad night life anyways which I cant say I am to mad about because I can focus more on goals rather than going out and getting lit. I am still on my active rest faze tomorrow begins week 3 of that and it is actually going a lot easier than I thought my body was so run down its hard to explain and I can tell that I am still not 100% recovered. Shows me that I need to take the volume down and take a week off every 4-6 weeks to stay fresh anything else is overkill. Sometime soon I am going to get my shoulder and hip taken care of finally probably mri's needed being my educated guess. I am also going to start bring a few workouts back in and get back to blogging them. I will most likely be doing lsd stuff but possibly some intense rows or swims maybe bikes as well. Still going to stay away from the weights. Overall....nutrition will be clean, still on active rest, more workouts, back to blogging, Oh and also starting my goals for next year which will include meditating. Ben and I have been talking about it and I have been reading up on it as well as learning about it in some classes. It really seems that it can benefit my mental health a lot especially because I have a lot of anxiety and stress.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Checking In and Some Real Talk

So its been almost a week and a half since my last post and I am going to say everything is going well. I have been sticking to the plan and I couldn't be happier with my decision I have already noticed a difference in my energy and my shoulder and hip feel ten times better. S what have I been doing? I have been swimming in class and shooting around and playing wall ball a ton for lax....Which leads me to my next statement. I know I have been going back and forth on the whole lacrosse thing for about a year now and I myself and I am assuming the people around me are sick of hearing me go back and forth. Ever since this summer I have been craving lacrosse the spark that I once had before is now back and I want to get after it. Getting injured has given me time to think and reflect which I have been doing a lot of this week. I thought about what I have left in my college career and what I want to do with my life after. I mostly focused on college and right now in the moment. To me, being strong is nice and such but it is not my priority. I feel like this is my time to possibly shine as a lacrosse player at a high level and I really want that feeling of accomplishment and competitiveness back that I have been missing for oh so long. I am taking all of this time off now so that I can heal and be back at 100% come season time in the spring semester. I have no idea where I will be on the team but I feel like I need it back in my life. Getting injured last season was due to a stupid mistake of over training and was completely my fault. I pawned it off on my injury from senior year that never healed but really I re-hurt it going way to hard in season. I have always had the feeling that if I do not workout on top of the sport I will lose something. It may be so but what I have now realized is that I training is used to TRAIN for the season and not to be done in season for that very reason of getting injured like a dumbass. Being injured put me off to the idea to never play again because I did not want to go through that again but once I realized a long time later that I can control that factor for the most part that I really need lacrosse back. SO what I am trying to say here is that I have made an official decision that I am going to play lacrosse this spring season. I have a lot of support of the players and coaches here and it feels good to have them tell me to play when I said I was thinking about it. After I heal from surgery I am going to EASE back into training and eventually pick it up for about a month and get in shape for the season. I WILL work my ass off and I WILL make my goals that I will be setting in the next few days in another post.

In the mean time I am going to start using swimming as a conditioning 2 times a week or so and then maybe bike every once in a while. I will be shooting and hitting the wall almost every day I can so I am not rusty come season time.

This is it... I am finally over the mental block that has bothered me for so long....Vulnerable yes....Ready to kill it? ABSOLUTELY.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

This Needs To Be Done

So I have decided that I am going to take this time before surgery to get all healed up and also use the recovery from surgery to finish up the healing. I am going to use the next 5 weeks before surgery as recovery weeks. Some weeks I will take off some I will do swimming and biking maybe some racquetball and definitely yoga every week. Between my hip my shoulder and my ankle I think this will be a good time for this and also maybe try to find something new as a hobby non athletic wise who knows. If I even use weights I will be doing very light work for the next 5 weeks and then 3 weeks after surgery as well. I need to make sure that I can get everything taken care of because in the future I need to be able to be 100%. We are entering the crossfit games as a team and I also am contemplating lacrosse again. But this all depends on how well I am able to take care of myself.

Saturday, October 15, 2011



db curls

Chin ups

Body: pretty good shoulder is slowly getting there hip is feeling decent as well
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Great day for squatting. I felt really good for not squatting in a while and 10 came easily which I was pretty surprised and happy with. Taking the weekend off and will be back at it on Monday.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Forgot to Blog Again


Chin Ups
10, 10 w/25lbs, 11 w/25lbs

db curl set right after last chin up set

Decline sit ups

1hr 45min MMA Practice

Comments: still loving the mma and the deadlifts went well


1hr 30mins of Racquetball

Body: lower back, hamstrings are sore but also legs are just tired
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good had some ice cream
Notes: Solid day guess it turned into not so much of a rest day but who can pass up a nice game of racquetball. Ready to squat tomorrow and going to give benching a shot as well.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


2 hrs 20 min of racquetball

P90x Yoga

Body: still good minus shoulder
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Solid day all around. Played a lot of racquetball and man is that exhausting. Yoga was good I was really sore and it helped out a ton for sure. I am going to deadlift pretty light tomorrow and get in a few other things. Maybe some crossfit too.



DB Curls


Tri Pull down

Body: pretty good shoulder getting better
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: First time fully squatting in 6 weeks. I can feel my hip a little but it is not what it was before it is a feeling of none use rather than injury which is awesome. I am going to try to get a little bit heavier on friday but I am so pumped that I am back in that sense. Only one more thing left...my shoulder. Then surgery and I will be good.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Swimming and MMA

300 yrd Swim 6:21 (200 of freestyle 100 of butterfly)

3x100yrd repeats First and and last freestyle and middle was butterfly

2 hour mma practice

rest Day

2 hours of racquetball

Body: Pretty good shoulder feeling better
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: good had a double burger though
Notes: Yesterday I decided to just swim for my workout since I was in the pool already and it ended up being pretty good I was breathing heavy. I had a nice long ma practice which is so awesome. I went into the gym in a shitty mood and came out in the best mood. That is what I am missing in my life and I found a new way to get that. I also love the sport I have been learning takedowns and some submissions as well as striking I cannot wait to become better at it and know more of what I am doing.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Racquetball For Days

1hr 45 mins of racquet ball

1hr mma practice

1hr 20 mins 0f racquetball

Body: shoulder still nagging (pretty annoying)
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: good deficit
Notes: Well shoulder still isnt good to lift with so I am staying away from the weights right now. What else is new that I have to go around injuries....really starting to bother me. Probably going to take another week off from lifting...whatever. MMA was really cool and I cant wait to get into that we already started doing take downs and throws. Other than that ive got nothing really to say.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


25 min walk with the puppy

Body: good shoulder is feeling better
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: good still looking to cut
Notes: Been resting the past couples days since I am recovering this week. I am thinking of trying some 1 reps next week possibly not really sure yet. About a month and a half out until surgery so I am just going to try and stay structured until the. Looking to get some more running in and cut a bit just beat my ankle up until surgery too.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

On My Yoga Shit

P90x Yoga

Body: pretty good minus shoulder
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Well first day getting back to doing yoga regularly was tough. I never thought I'd be sore from yoga but I definitely am going to be tomorrow. I struggled today it is going to take a few weeks before I get back to where I am at but when I was doing yoga I did not get hurt at all and I think that doing this regularly will help me with injury prevention which is one of my top goals after my surgery is over with. Trying to stay at 100% healthy will be a challenge but it just takes the little things like rest, yoga, and mobbing to do so. Just got to tighten it up on those aspects.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A little taste of the future

2x400m sprints
59.97 sec PR/ Year Goal

Body: surprisingly good
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: good cleaning it up a beat for now
Notes: well I decided to give it a shot today and it paid off big time. That is a goal I have had for 2 years now and I finally beat it. The weird thing is that I have not been doing conditioning.....Maybe we have something right here. I am going to get back into crossfit after my surgery so I want to give the body a little taste of it for the next 2 and a half weeks until surgery so afterwards it wont be as bad getting into it. I will continue strength work after this week as well. Beyond pumped with this pr and goal. I may have to give my 800m run a shot in the near future but for now I am loving it.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Weekend

2 hours of racquetball



Body: good hips getting there
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: well I am taking this entire week off from weights to catch up on my rest and make sure I do not get injured. I scheduled my surgery today it will be November 21st. Until then I guess I will keep doing what I am doing. I also am starting pt for my hip soon. It is really out of place and getting it back in place is going to be good. I am really on top off all of this. I am really looking forward to being 100 percent injury free after this and being smart to stay that way.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rest Day Minus Class

Rest Day

2 all of 200m sprints in track and field class....(WTF right?)

Body: good minus hip
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Solid rest day. We got timed in 200m sprints today in class. Yup thats right in class. There is probably 3 or 4 or my classes where you are graded on how well you can perform activities which is kind of cool in my opinion....no fatties aloud in phys ed. Tomorrow I will hit my lifts in the afternoon but in the morning I have swimming which will be my conditioning for the day. I also have been mwodding pretty religiously just dont really feel like writing down what I have done because I really dont give a shit about that anymore.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Little CF Action


Chin Ups

Amrap 10
250m Row
25 Push Ups

Body: Good minus hip
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good lots of protein
Notes: Today we are up to 155 for our press. I think this was my 5rep max when we started maybe a little bit more but definitely close and I crushed it for 9 reps. I love how this program keeps ramping up and I keep crushing prs. I really wish I could get back to squatting but that will have to wait for a while I guess. I decided to hit up a little crossfit action since I will be going back to some form of crossfit after my surgery sometime in Jan. or Feb. I felt really good with my bodyweight movement...the push ups. And the row sucks as usual. I was breathing hard and the heart was pounding but I feel like I have not lost a lot of conditioning since I started strength training. Really cool to be testing my body like this and seeing how I respond. I am expecting to be pretty sore tomorrow but we will see. I also had a decent workout in my lifeguard class this morning. Our daily routine is mon wed fri when I have the class we do a 10 lap warm up on an olympic pool then right into doing rescues and working on victims that attack you and then we do some lifeguard test. It is a really good workout heart is usually pounding throughout it which is pretty cool and I am learning a lot. Swimming will be incorporated in metcons in the future after this class is over this semester.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Yesterday and Today


DB Curls

BB High Pulls

Chin ups

BB Forearm Curls

Back Pump

Body: good minus hip
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good eating for growth
Notes: Solid day of training been doing a lot of mobility and shit for my hip which still is not getting better. Probably just going to wait until surgery to let it fully rest though and just keep doing what I am doing now. Next Monday I will find out the exact date of the surgery I want to just do it and get it over with and I feel that resting for 6 weeks will get me back to 100% for the first time in 2 years.

Rest Day

Sunday, September 18, 2011

And I'm Back

Well it has been a while hasn't it. I took a break to get in the swing of things at school and get going with as least stress as possible. So now that I am feeling good I will be back to blogging my workouts. My training has stayed consistent still no squatting because of hip but it is definitely feeling better. I have been stretching and icing it which seems to be helping. I got a little sick the last week but I seem to be better now which is good. A lot of my classes here require a lot of physical activity including swim conditioning and some running around so it is pretty fun and I am loving it. Next monday I am meeting with the doctor to schedule surgery so I will keep updating on that too. Other than that everything is the same and just enjoying life.

Saturday, September 3, 2011



Shoulder Press

BB Curls

rest day

Body: good hip still being gay
Sleep: 7hrs
Nutrition: alright
Notes: I came to Springfield for school on the 2nd for nso and I will be doing it all the way until Monday. So no working out until then and eating will be a little off but rest is definitely necessary.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Surgery Needed... Ugh

rest day

25 min walk



3x6-8 weighted chin ups 25lbs

Neck Harness

Shoulder Flys

Back Pump
2x8 with 2 45s, 10, 5

Dips 2x10

Body:good hip is almost good
Sleep: 9.5hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Yesterday I finally saw a foot and ankle specialist and he found out that what has been causing my pain is a big bone spur from when I broke my ankle back in high school. The only way to remove that and be 100% again is surgery. So looks like I will be getting that done within the next few months. That means being off of it for multiple weeks and multiple weeks of getting back strength. Sounds like a shitty time to me but has to be done.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Press, Curls, and Some Rowing

ramp up
10x142.5 pr

BB Curls

Tabata Row

3x10 Chin ups

Neck Harness

Body: good minus hip still bothering me
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: great had a lot of protein
Notes: It was a good day I am not squatting for a bit to heal up my hip so thats why I did not today. Everything else went well. I already look bigger which is awesome so this program is amazing. Tomorrow I got doctors for my ankle and elbow so we will see how those go.

Saturday, August 27, 2011



ramp up

BB Curls

Tricep Pull downs

Ab Work

Neck Harness

Random chin ups

mwod (couch, table top, other hip flexor stretches)

Body: good hip flexor still bothering me so didnt squat
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good but had some ice cream and booze
Notes: Solid day at the gym taking at least a week off from squatting to make sure my hip flexor can heal all the way for school. I will be taking Saturday and Sunday off and doing a lot of stretching each day.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rest Day

25 Min Walk

Ice Plunge

Body: good hip flexor is lot better
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good minus a large ice cream
Notes: Solid rest day cant wait to hit it hard tomorrow. This program has me looking forward to every day of training and I love it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Loving This Program

Ramp Up

Ramp Up

3x6-8 Weighted Chin ups with 20lbs

2x10 Back pump with 2 45lbs

2x10x15 shoulder flys

Neck Harness

45min Walk

Body: Squat muscles a bit sore hip flexor feeling better everything else is good
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: great upped my protein and overall food intake
Notes: This might be my favorite training program I have ever done. There is just something about it that I love and can already tell this may be a go to program later on in my life. The workout was good but I went to light on the chin ups I hit every set at 8 pretty easily but it is better to start light that go to heavy at first. pulling 8 reps at 385lbs was definitely and interesting feeling...aka it hurt like a motherfucker but it is going to make me a lot stronger thats for sure.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rest Day

40 min Walk

Body: good but hip flexor hurts a bit and all squat muscles are sore
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good had some bread at dinner and a few brews
Notes: solid rest day my legs are so sore from the squatting but I love it I cannot wait until tomorrow to get back in the gym. I have noticed that I am a lot more tired than normal probably due to how heavy yesterday was and it will take a bit to get used to it so for now I will take it easy and try not to get hurt.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Day One of Greyskull Linear Progression

ramp up

ramp up
2x5x215 last 2 reps of each set were paused at bottom

BB Curls

Neck Harness

45 min walk

Body: tired
Sleep: 10hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: First day of the program was a success. The max sets at the end of each main lift are brutal and I can see them making us stronger very fast and also a lot bigger. I am going to up my protein intake and begin to drink whole milk again to help with recovery. I will be sticking to a strict 4 days a week of training. M/W/F will be Greyskull and then saturday will be a long bike ride until I can run again and then it will change to a run. Also wednesday will have some conditioning added in. I feel like this is a great long term program for school. I am going to try out MMA, Powerlifting, and rock climbing while I am at school for my new sports. I can't wait to get a fresh start. I move in a week from Friday.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Some Catching Up

1x280 pr
8x225 pr

Curls until my biceps fell off


Rest Day


Rest Day

Notes: So Friday after the gym me and Ben headed up for a weekend in NH where we consumed a lot of bad food and drinks. It was a solid weekend but I am ready to hit training again on Monday hard. We are starting a new program called Grey Skull Linear Progression it is 3 days a week and looks to be a good strength program since I pretty much decided that I am not going to play lacrosse due to my injuries I want to get very strong. I am thinking of picking up 2 new sports. MMA and climbing both offered at springfield and both things that I think I will enjoy and hopefully become good at to compete.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Yesterday and Today


Weighted Pullups



Tabata Bike level 14

Body: ok elbow has been bugging me the past few days
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: last night I drank and today it was good
Notes: well I am going to do one more training day and then take 3 days off in order to go to nh and celebrate the end of summer so we will be drinking a lot friday saturday and sunday but then I will be back at it monday starting a new program. That is all.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bent Rows

Barbell Bent Rows

Barbell Shrugs

Fat Bar Curls
65lbs, 65lbs, 85lbs

3x15 Decline Sit ups with 25lbs

Body: alright
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Ive got another few things to talk about. Nutrition wise I am still eating well just adding a bit more calories. I got my xrays and nothing is broken but there is fluid in my ankle which means that I have some sort of injury and need to go see another specialist what else is new. I feel myself slipping into a bit of depression and I am really trying not to do so here. Just so many injuries and on top of that I still can't decide if I want to play lacrosse or not all this stress is doing me no good. Hopefully I can kick it but I need to make some choices and heal up.

Monday, August 15, 2011

X Rays and Gym


3x8 kb clean and press R/L
40lbs, 50lbs, 50lbs

3x8 One armed kb swings R/L
30lbs, 40lbs, 50lbs

10 min cool down on bike 2.13 miles

Body: pretty good ankle still hurts
Sleep: 9.5hrs
Nutrition: 1800 cals...
Notes: I have a few things to talk about shortly today. First off I got the xrays taking on my ankle and will find out tomorrow what the results are. Second today my workout definitely suffered because of the calorie deficit I am doing right now and it has gotten me thinking is it worth it? A few lbs would be nice to lose quickly but I think that if I just eat clean and do a lot of walking along with my workout then that will cut me down a bit but just take longer and that might be the route I take. Eating like this is a chore that affects my workouts and my daily life. My mood is a lot shittier and I dont want to do anything. Tomorrow I might jump my intake back up I usually have problems recovering while eating like this and then injury occurs I dont think I want that to happen again. But I will sleep on it and see what happens. Feel free to throw your input in as well any one reading.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rest Rest and More Rest

No Training

Body: nothing sore, right ankle is unbearable pain left ankle is weird feeling
Sleep: 10hrs
Nutrition: good 1800cals
Notes: Ankles are wrecked going to get an xray tomorrow or tuesday for my right one. For the last few weeks of summer I would like to eat really well and for a lot of it at a deficit so I can cut a few lbs back. I may or may not rest again tomorrow we will see how I feel. I took an epsom salt bath as well to aid in recovery.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Disappointment at the TARC 6 Hour Challenge

TARC 6 Hour Challenge
Dropped after 2 laps at 2hrs and 54 mins
12.8 miles

Body: ankles fucked
Sleep: 5.5 hrs
Nutrition: race day shit
Notes: Well I am not really even going to give this a write up because to me it is a disappointment and doesn't deserve one just a short summary will do. I started the race conservative and really was moving well nothing exciting or anything on my first lap of the race. I felt great and was really into my music and mentally I was right where I wanted to be just having a great time. I got back to the aid station at about 1hr 22 mins and I thought that would be a solid pace to rock the entire race. I did what I needed to do at the aid station and then off for lap two. This is when my ankle really started to bother me. Turning right in any way was as much pain as I have felt since I broke my ankle in high school, but mentally I some how turned it off and completely shut it off for most of the lap. I really do not know how I did this but it was pretty amazing. I was once again feeling great and not the least bit tired or mentally drained. I then hit the last mile or so of this loop and began to become very hungry and lethargic....that is what I get for not eating solid food after the first lap. I got back to the aid station and crushed 2 pb+js and some snickers as well as a lot of water and refilled the handheld with half gu brew and half water. I started to walk around and my ankle decided to shoot all of the pain it could all at once and I almost went down...now I have played threw broken and sprained ankles and never felt a pain like this before, it was absolutely awful. I popped some advil waited 15 minutes or so and still was in excruciating pain. I said fuck it and just went out for the third loop and about 100 yards in my leg totally gave out due to the amount of pain I was in it was kind of a weird feeling to be honest like the cns just got overloaded or something. I decided right then that I needed to call it and it was the hardest and most frustrating thing I have had to do because I was on my way to running 27 to 28 miles and my mental state was no where near its limits. I am in no way making excuses I know there is no excuse so I have to learn from this and get some xrays on my ankles and see what I can do to heal them up. All in all it was very disappointing for me because I know I can finish and I know I can run that 27 to 28 mile mark in that race with out any problem. Good experience but just makes me want to finish that shit.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Game Time


Body: good
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: not bad started to carb up


Body: good
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: ate a lot of crap to make sure I am good for tomorrow
Notes: Well it is game time and time to see how deep I am willing to dig to get threw this. Me and Ben found out that the course is actually a challenging course....and we found that out just today so should be an interesting twist to the story tomorrow. We are waking up at 4:45 so we can grab some coffee and food and then take off for a 7 am start. I am excited to see how I hold up to be honest. It is game time bitches.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bench and Shit


Weighted Pull ups

back pump 3x8 225lbs

Body: ankles and calfs sore
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Solid day at the gym kinda mad I didnt get to pr but thats ok. I am not sure if I got my chin over the bar on the 100lbs pull up but I think I did so I will leave it as questionable. Resting the next 2 days for the race its game time.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Good Run On The Powerline Trail....What?

1hr 25 min run on the powerline trail
6.6 miles

Body: solid only ankles are sore
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Well I finally had a good run on the powerline trails after a few poor runs. Me and Ben had another friend come with us today. Ben went off on a pr attempt so I ran with our friend because I just wanted to get a long run in. The only thing is I felt great and I was crushing it but had to stop a bunch to make sure our friend new the turns and did not get lost. I could have finished a lot earlier but it was good to be on my feet for that long. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day in the gym thats for sure....

Monday, August 8, 2011

Not a Day To Remember



20 Chin ups

25 sit ups with throwing a 20lbs med ball against wall

4 50-60 yrd sled drags with 60lbs in tire

Body: a bit tired
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good but had ice cream again
Notes: Ya so went for prs on deadlift and press.....not a good idea. I pred on a 3 rep dlift 4 days ago and I havent pressed in weeks due to the elbow just a poor performance in general. Did the chin ups and press to test the elbow which feels good. Sled drags are awesome and saved the day. Tomorrow I will run the powerline trail in the morning -____- and that will be my workout for the day one run to prepare for this race coming up... sounds good to me.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Resting it Up

Rest Day

Body: quads a bit sore
Sleep: 8.5 hrs
Nutrition: good had some ice cream though
Notes: Solid day got some stuff for the TARC 6 hour challenge this saturday that I am doing. It will be a good test to see where I can push my body on minimal running training.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Past Two Days

5 min on 5 min off, 4 on 4 off, 3 on 3 off, 2 on 2 off, 1 on done
4 laps=4k

Front Squat
5x355 pr with ease

Tabata Front Squats: 71

Body: good
Sleep: 6hrs
Nutrition: Drank last night other than that pretty good
Notes: Yesterday I decided to just do that endurance workout and it was a great one really pushed hard on it. I stayed up partying last night and did not think I was going to get a good training session in today but when I got to the gym I felt really good and got a great training session in. Partly because I was lifting with some animals one who deadlifted 625 and another who squated 500 for 8 reps...pretty sick stuff.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Deadlift, Sled Drags


3x15 decline sit ups with 25lbs

forearm work

6 Tire Sled Drags with 45lbs extra from pull up bar to the street in my yard after each sprint walked it backwards back to the starting position

physical therapy

Body: good
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: the deadlift today was a pr I believe so I am happy about that. I built a tire sled for myself today it cost about 85 cents total to make so it was completely worth it. I did them as fast as possible and they are an unbelievable workout that I will be using a lot more often.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Squat, Farmers Walk, Bball


Farmers Walk
2 plates on each bar
about a 25 yrd touch
4 touches with rest and then 2 touches with no rest between afap

Physical Therapy

2hrs of bball

mwod(couch, table top)

Body: pretty good
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: good had some ice cream
Notes: Great day of training. Really liked doing the farmers walks. My training is now going to change for the better after reading Never Let Go by Dan John. It is a new way to look at training and I really believe that it is going to help me in the future. I also decided to run smolov to end summer after the 6hr challenge.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Yesterday and Today


4 lacrosse games


Body: pretty good a bit sore from all the lacrosse
Sleep: 10hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: decided to go and play lax on sunday and it was a good choice we ended up winning the tourney and getting free shirts and beer so that was well worth it. Rested today and this entire week I will keep it light because I have a race coming up august 13th. the 6hr challenge which should be pretty interesting.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Doing Some Catch Up


physical therapy



3 lacrosse games

Body: good but elbow is still bothering me
Sleep: no clue for the other nights last night around 8hrs
Nutrition: good minus some brews and gin and tonics
Notes: nothing really just resting it up sunday and getting back at it monday.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

400m Runs, Long Walk, Ballin

400m run rest about 3 mins
1:33....ankle braces cut circulation off in legs and stopped my legs from running...it was a weird feeling to say the least
1:14...took the ankle braces off

1 hr 25 min walk on the powerline trail
about 5 miles or so covered

1.5 hr of bball

Body: pretty good a little over trained and ankles are sore
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good had ben and jerries and tomorrow I will be eating a lot to recover
Notes: well I havent had a great training session this week because I think I did not take a full rest day after playing lacrosse and that was a mistake so I will be resting tomorrow and friday and then have lax saturday sunday and rest fully on monday. In the mean time I am going to eat like an animal and try to catch my body back up.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Not In The Best Mood Today

3x155 stopped due to elbow bothering me


pt exercises

50 min walk

mwod( hamstrings, deadlift stretch, opening hip, calfs)

Body: fine besides elbow
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: nothing to say.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Rest Day

3rds not for time
15 ghds
15 back extensions
15 kb swings
15 push ups
15 pull ups

25 min hill climb on teadmill
15% grade
1.347 miles

mwod(table top, deadlift stretch, hamstring)

Physical Therapy

Body: sore all over, elbow is kind of bugging me
Sleep: 10hrs
Nutrition: great
Notes: Good day for recovery. Just enough to get the blood flowing and a little sweat going. Made sure to stretch and mwod a lot. Started physical therapy today not much to say about it I am going to follow through and do everything they tell me to and we will see how it ends up. I have nothing to lose at this point so might as well.

Living the Lax Life...Weekend Recap

4 lacrosse games
mwod( deadlift stretch, held a squat)

2 lacrosse games

40 min walk

mwod(table top, hamstrings, deadlift stretch)

Body: pretty tired and legs are a bit sore
Sleep: Friday night was about 8hrs and Saturday night was 9hrs
Nutition: was a bit thrown off due to the games and not being able to eat in between. Friday was fine just not a lot of normal food a lot of fruit and bars during the day at night we drank and had a nice steak that was amazing. Saturday was good after the 2 games were over.
Notes: I had a blast laxing it up this weekend at the tourney I have improved each year at this tourney stats wise and I love seeing the improvement. I think this finalized my decision to play next year for sure. Monday I have physical therapy at 3:30 I really cant wait to start this. Also another note I wore double ankle braces this weekend and had no ankle pain. Good Shit.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Bench And Pump 7/21/11

5x240 pr

3x8 cg bench 155lbs

3x10 db bench 70lbs
ss w/
3x8 db curls 45lbs

2x10 french press
ss w/
2x10 tri pull downs

Back Pump

Body: good elbow hurt a bit so stopped short on some of the sets
Sleep: not sure
Nutrition: good had a few drinks and some ice cream at the end of the day
Notes: Got pretty depressed that my elbow started to tweak but as I am writing this now it feels fine. I am taking Friday off and then I am off to Glastonbury for a lacrosse tourney 4 games saturday and a possible 3 games sunday....cant wait!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rest Day


Body: hip flexors sore
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: not to bad had some home fries and chocolate though
Notes: Today was the second to last day of camp and the lack of sleep and being in the sun all day is really starting to set in again just like at every other camp but life goes on. Tomorrow I will do a bunch of stuff and then maybe something light on friday if anything. Today was a much needed rest day I will go to sleep early tonight and then get some good sleep tomorrow night.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Press, Hill Sprints

5x165 pr

4 Hill Sprints from bottom of hill to stop sign a little over 200m
around 38 to 41 seconds

Body: tired
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: great
Notes: It is really hard working camp all day while it is 90 degrees out and then go and workout while dehydrated and exhausted. I got a nice 5 rep pr on the press but other than that it was a day to forget. First two hill sprints I was fine and after that I crashed and burned due to dehydration problems stemming from being at camp all day. I did my best to stay hydrated but it is very hard. I might do something tomorrow and thursday and then rest friday because I have lacrosse tourney this weekend.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Why do I do Rowing workouts?


2k Row

3x Chin ups less than 2 min rest

2 sets of db shrugs followed by tri pull downs

mwod(deadlift stretch)

Body: feeling good wore ankle brace all day
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: great
Notes: The squat was very easy today my legs felt well rested and ready to go and 310 was a breeze. I really do not know why I insist on doing workouts like this. Rowing sucks. It always has sucked. And it will always suck. Yet I did this workout anyway and lo and behold it was fucking awful. I finished and immediately tried getting up but failed miserably then I could not see straight for a few minutes and so on. It took a good amount of time to fully recover from this. On another note Mondays I will pump as well as fridays one day just wasnt enough I miss it way to much.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Rest Day

Rest Day

Balled for a few hours

Body: good ankle still hurts
Sleep: 10hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Solid rest day the ankle is till bothering me and I made the decision today that I am going to start to go to physical therapy for my back and my ankles to rehab them and make them stronger. As youve noticed I have a lot of ankle problems because I have injured them so much and never made them stronger and this will help me in the long run for sure.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Freight Train From Hell

Freight Train
3rds for time
10 db cleans to thrusters 50lbs
15 burpees
30 squats

50 min walk

B0dy: pretty good little tweak in the ankle
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Well today was kind of a bummer until I decided to do this workout. I woke up with tweak in the side of my ankle that hurts when I run on it. It seems like a small muscle tweak that will go away soon so I am not worried just kinda dissappointed I couldnt run. But this workout is fucking hell, there is something about the combo in this workout that just destroys you. I pred not sure by how much but definitely pretty big.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Gettin Big

Power Clean


3x8 close grip bench 145lbs,145lbs,145lbs
supersetted with
3x8 db curls 55lbs,50lbs,50lbs

1x8 db bench 75lbs
supersetted with
1x8 hammer curls 50lbs

Back Pump

40min walk

Body: feeling good
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: really good
Notes: Man do I love fridays. I get to go to the gym and just focusing on getting bigger which is always a lot of fun. Power cleans felt pretty good but my cns is toasted from the deadlift so it could have been better. Pumped I got 235 for 5 on the bench because I only got it for 4 last week. Pump was great as usual the supersets add an extra dimension to pumping....gotta love it. Tomorrow I will do some sort of running and maybe a cf workout depending on what I am feeling.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Deadlift, Wod


For Time:
100 double unders
75 box jumps 20"
50 kb swings 55lbs
25 burpees

3x max rep strict pull ups w/35lbs

mwod( hamstrings, rolled back, deadlift stretch)

Body: feeling good all around
Sleep: 10hrs of much needed sleep
Nutrition: clean
Notes: Great day at the gym thats for sure. I set a deadlift pr that went up easily and also a big pr on the workout. I hit all 100 double unders in a row. I have not done a double under in a long time and I some how hit 100 straight which I am very happy about. When I hit 50 I was wondering why I was still going with out a break and then all of the sudden I was in the 90s and was confused to how I did that. But I let that fuel the rest of my workout and crushed it. Tomorrow is a strength day and pump day very excited to look sexy coming out of the gym.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Press, Amrap Awfulness


Amrap 20 1 lap sprint around indoor track at sc rest same time it takes to complete the lap
14rds plus 1/2 lap

Body: quads are torched and very sore
Sleep: 7hrs
Nutrition: great
Notes: Press was good I would have liked to get 165 for 5 but hopefully next week I will be able to. This workout was brutal but a good one. You hardly get a chance to recover and then you got to do another sprint. Tomorrow is a rest day and the last day of camp I will probably get a nap in when I get home to make sure I fully recover.

7/11/11 Finally Got Internet Again


5rds for time
7 front squats 185lbs
10 burpees
7:32 pr

Body: quads already sore form that workout
Sleep: 7.5hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: So I did not have internet last night for some reason but it was turned back on today so I can get back to blogging. 305 for 5 went up very easily which I am happy about. Did this workout a while ago and pred by almost 2 minutes this time. The main contributing factor is that my squat is a lot stronger. I also just want to note that my nutrition has been right on and I have been walking a lot due to being at camp at springfield and you have to walk everywhere. I am hoping to lean out a bit seeing how I built a bit of a gut while getting stronger. Surprisingly being a few lbs heavier my running workouts have not suffered which is pretty cool.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Rest Day

Walked about an hour

Body: good
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: good except one slice of pizza
Notes: solid rest day at springfield again until wednesday.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

7/9/11 I Need To Stop Forgetting

Keep forgetting to post at night going to try and get back on track.

7rds for time
1 20yrd shuttle (5-10-5)
10 Clap push ups
10 jump touches 2ft above reach

1x Sprint to Stop sign and back to drive way w/ 20lbs vest
40 sec

1 mile run w/ 20lbs vest

800m run w/ 20lbs vest

Body: quads and glutes still sore
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good had some drinks though minus the lax tourneys I am going to that will be the last time I drink until end of august or so.
Notes: I wanted to get a workout in that incorporated some agilities since I missed them this week and this workout was perfect for it. The runs were brutal with the vest on definitely going to make use of the vests more often. Heading back to springfield tomorrow for another camp until wednesday.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Bench, Power Clean, pump


2 power cleans on the min for 10 mins @210lbs


Body: quads and ass are sore from yesterdays workout
Sleep: 7hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Pretty good strength day it would have been better if I was on better sleep but what can you do? Tomorrow I think that I will hit up a wod and then some endurance after. I may be going up to new hampshire for a party but not sure yet.



3rds for time:
Walking Lunge 50m
Broad Jump 100m
Run 200m
10:27 pr

mwod (couch, hamstrings)

Body: legs are a bit sore
Sleep: 7hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Today I wanted to get back in the swing of things with a nice deadlift session. I hit 405 by 3 pretty easily and I think that is the first time I have done that so I called it there. This is the third time I have done this workout ever and even though I am a lot stronger and maybe not as well conditioned as last time I still pred. Strength over everything right? Tomorrow is a pure strength day I can't wait to get after it. Bench, power clean, pump, and some accessory work.... going to be a great day.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

7/6/11 Rest

Rest Day

Body: pretty good
Sleep: 5hrs..shitty dorm sleep
Nutrition: good had some ice cream
Notes: Nice rest day I was exhausted I am glad that it was a rest day. It usually takes me a day to adjust so tomorrow night should be a better sleep. I am going to deadlift and do intervals tomorrow or a cf workout. I have been getting a lot of walking in while I am up here too we walk everywhere around campus.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011



2 laps around indoor track at sc all out with 90 sec rest between

Body: pretty good
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: I was pressed for time today because I am at camp and only have a certain amount of time to workout. I am happy with what I got in though the sprints were over 400m but I am not sure exactly how long they were. Tomorrow is a rest day and I will not be sleeping much the next few nights because the dorms are extremely hot and I never sleep well.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Squat, Wod, Agility


Curls for pump

5rds each for time:
Sprint 40yrds
15 burpees
Sprint 40 yrds
15 2 handed db bent rows 50lbs ea hand
*rest 45 secs between rds
1:04, 1:112, 1:25, 1:38, 1:37

Agility ladder 4 times ea
ones, twos, icky, in + out, step over

mwod(couch, table top)

Body: good
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: really good
Notes: The squat today was a lot tougher than I expected. I guess it is because I havent squated in the past week and a half or so and I lost some adaptation, but that is ok because I will get it back soon enough. Great work out and agilities were good. Tomorrow I am heading to peak until Friday so I am not sure If I will beable to get online or not and I am not sure what I will be doing for workouts yet.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Much Needed Rest Day

Rest Day

Body: decently tired from this past week of drinking
Sleep: 10hrs
Nutrition: good had some ice cream
Notes: Solid rest day going to hit it hard this week. Tuesday to Friday I will be working a lacrosse camp so training will be kind of hard to get in but I found some time last year so I will do it again. It is at Springfield my future school and they have a great facility so I will use that.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Bench, Row, Pump


500m row


Body: tired
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: good during the day but the past 3 days I have been drinking every night since my parents are out of town. I have been goin hard because this is the last week or 2 that I will be drinking for about a month or so when I turn to focus on my training for soccer.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Catch Up

1rm Press
1x185 f

BB Rows
10 x135

Tabata Beach Run
Tree to Tree about 15 or 20 yrds
30 touches

Notes: Wasn't feeling it today thats for sure. The tabata beach run was good though.


5rds for time:
Beach run 30-35yrds out and back with 60lbs weighted vest
10 burpees
20 OH wl steps with tree branch

Notes: Good fun workout on the beach. Love doing workouts like this


1 Power Clean on the min for 10 mins

3x Chin ups

2x Dips
15 w/25lbs, 9 w/35lbs

Agility Work
-ladder 4 ea. ones, twos, icky, in + out, step overs
- 5-10-5 shuttle x3
- figure 8s x3

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rest Day

Rest Day

Fooled around with some bench work

mwod (wrist, shoulder, shoulder/neck, plate on legs)

hour and a half of full court bball

Body: feeling pretty good just a bit tired
Sleep: 7hrs
Nutrition: good but had ice cream
Notes: solid day. Basketball was a good time and I hope to do that more often. Tomorrow I am going to the gym right in the morning and then we are heading up to maine until wednesday. We will be getting some beach workouts in and good things like that. Mostly a lot of relaxing and fishing though.

6/25/11 Awful Wod

5 rds for time:
400m run
20 burpees
15 bent db rows 50lbs each hand

mwod (couch, table top, shoulder/neck)

Body: not bad
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: cheat day and celebrated a friends bday....
Notes: I was off my pr on this wod by about 50 seconds or so which I am actually not to mad about. I hit all the rows ina row without a problem the only thing keeping me from a pr was the burpees...they killed me. Tomorrow I will maybe fuck around and do something small and then back at it on monday.

Friday, June 24, 2011

DE Press, Wod

DE Press
2 presses on the min for 10 mins @95lbs

Amrap 15
30 pull ups
10 Kb swings 60lbs
20 push ups
5 rds + 5 pull ups

Body: shoulders a bit sore still
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: great but had a few drinks
Notes: Today was a solid day of training the de presses were pretty fun and I felt them the perfect amount. The wod was really good and a ton of pull ups. I hit all the kb swings unbroken which i am chalking up to me being a lot stronger than before...gotta love being strong I will definitely revisit getting strong in the off season of soccer if I make the team and if not during the winter time will be my time to get big again. Hopefully I will keep some of my strength though. Tomorrow I will hit a wod and then maybe some endurance. I am also going to golf tomorrow then to celebrate a friends birthday in webster. Sunday will be rest and then Monday to Wednesday I will be in Maine...Cant wait for some time out on the lake.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Rest Day

No Training

Body: pretty good shoulders a but sore
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: solid rest day ready to hit it tomorrow

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

DE Box Squats, Wod

DE Box Squats 10x2 45 sec rest between each

Amrap 20
9 pull ups
12 push press 95lbs
50m farmers walk 55lbs kb

Body: ankle is a bit sore
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good had a few gin and tonics though
Notes: Great day of training this was my first 20 minute metcon in a while and I feel like I did well on it. I killed the push presses because of my strength and I am hopefully going to start getting my conditioning back because I need to for soccer. I also need to start mwoding and doing more things for my foot work like the agility ladder.


4rds each for time:
3 power cleans 185lbs
10 burpees
*rest 4:30 between each
34 sec, 32 sec, 31 sec, 32 sec

3x1000m runs rest 3 mins between each

3:39, 4:00, 4:20


Indoor Soccer Game

Body: good
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: solid day not much else to say.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Floor Press and Wod

ME Floor Press

Push Jerk 185lbs
Strict Pull ups

mwod (ext. rotation, neck)

Body: good
Sleep: 11hrs
Nutrition: really good
Notes: Solid workout today but I am not sure if I like the programming tomorrows wod is a joke and I am not sure what to do. I will rethink what I am doing at work tomorrow since I will have a lot of time to do so. The wod today was heavy and decent nothing special.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rest Day

Rest Day

Body: good but very tired
Sleep: 2hrs......
Nutrition: Great
Notes: So as you can tell I did not get a lot of sleep last night. We all got a bit carried away at the party and the next thing we knew it was morning. Safe to say I will be sleeping early tonight. Can't wait to hit it hard this week.


Weighted Vest Helen 20lbs Vest
3rds for time
400m run
21 DB Swings 50lbs
12 Pull ups

Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good but drank
Notes: Got to start blogging on time again. Rest Day tomorrow.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

6/17/11 Day 1

ME Front Squat

Amrap 10
10 Ghds/regular situps
10 Goblet Squats 60lbs kb
15 T2b
had to switch from ghds 2.5 rds into the workout due to abs clenching from not being used to the ghds again

Body: Very good today
Nutrition: pretty strict
Notes: Great first day not looking forward to being sore in the abs tomorrow. Tomorrow I will do another workout maybe a longer one instead of the long run.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Rest Day

Played 2 hours of soccer

Body: getting better all over
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: Good
Notes: tomorrow starts the new programming pretty excited for that.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Ring Dips
Push Ups

Body: god the rib checked out just damaged something in between the ribs should be fine in a bit with some ice
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: strict and minimal
Notes: So since I decided to try out I am changing off of my previous program after tomorrows rest day and I am following the new crossfit endurance programming. So for the next 5 weeks or so my programming will look like this:

Monday: Strength and Crossfit
Tuesday: Crossfit and Endurance
Wednesday: Strength and Crossfit
Thursday: Off
Friday: Strength and Crossfit
Saturday: long run
Sunday: Off

The strength consists of a max effort day a medium effort day and a dynamic effort day so I will not be overtraining. My goal is to follow the training spot on for 5 weeks and then test the things I will be tested on during soccer and see what I need to work on and then revamp from there. My nutrition will also be a lot better from now on no more grains and a lot less ice cream which sucks but itll help in the long run.


Indoor Soccer Game

Body: not bad rib hurts a bit
Sleep: cant remember
Nutrition: good
Notes: decided today that I am going to try out for the springfield soccer team more on this tomorrow

Monday, June 13, 2011

Squat, Bench, Metcon



3rds each for time with full recovery
Max Rep Strict Pull up
Deadlift walk across the yard
sprint to stop sign and back

1. 23(pr)/1:36
2. 21/1:27
3. 15/1:28
first rd was 135lbs last two at 185lbs for the deadlift walk

Body: run down from the weekend
Sleep: 11hrs
Nutrition: good had a massive shake for recovery including whey, bananas, peanut butter, ice cream, and whole milk
Notes: So I woke up still feeling the effects of this party weekend in the cape which is completely understandable. I kept it on the lighter side for my lifts but with higher reps. I felt a little tweaking in my back still but much better. Also my forearms are almost all better as well. The metcon was awesome, really hurt but I will need to do a lot of endurance if I decide to play soccer which is still up in the air.

Saturday, June 11, 2011



Pumped Everything.....

Body: not bad getting better couldnt squat because of my back though
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: solid but drank
Notes: I am in the cape right now for a weekend of festivities so nutrition will be off for a few days. I wont be doing anything but relaxing and drinking all weekend and I will get back at it on Monday.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

6/8/11 Body Building Day

Laying Down Leg Press 3 sets

Leg Extensions 3 sets

Hamstring Curls 3 sets

Fly Machine 3 sets

Push ups 2x25 1x35

Pump: Shoulder Flys, Back Flys, DB Row

Forearm rope thing

Body: Pretty good back has a pulled or strained muscle but everything else is getting a lot better
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good fasted for about 8hrs in between lunch and dinner
Notes: Fun day to say the least at the gym even though I am not able to deadlift or press yet. I will probably have another fun day on friday and then try and heal it up over the weekend. Also this weekend I will be renting a house in cape cod from friday to sunday so nutrition will be poor and I wont be working out.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Indoor Madness

1 hour indoor soccer game

Body: felt good today took some advil and wrapped the ankles for the game
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: I fucking love soccer and playing indoor keeps on bringing back more and more memories especially playing with some of the kids from my previous team. I am really thinking of playing soccer or lax in college again I need to decide soon because I have some conditioning work to do. We will see and I will keep tossing the ideas around until I make up my mind.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Squat, Pump, Conditioning


Leg Press Calf Raise Medley

Fly Machine until pumped out


Body: good minus the injuries
Sleep: 10hrs
Nutrition: good ate a lot
Notes: Great day at the gym for having the injuries that I do. I am also proud to say that came close to passing out after the 320 by 5 squat. I started to unrack the back and saw my vision closing in to a tunnel vision and everything else was black so I stopped went and got some water and splashed it on my face. I guess that just means that I am doing something right by lifting this heavy weight. Tomorrow I will tape up the ankles and play some soccer and then we will see about wednesday.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Rest and Catch Up

Rest Day

Body: still injured
Nutrition: decent had pasta
Notes: Been bummed out lately because of the injuries that just pile up. Going to squat tomorrow we will see how that goes.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Something Has to Be Wrong

Rest Day

Suited up to play some lax today

Body: not good see notes
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: pretty good
Notes: I feel like I am saying this every other day now and I do not know why it keeps happening. I did something to my right ankle today and it does not feel good at all this ones almost unbearable. I feel like my parents don't believe me that I am actually really hurting because I have been having so many freak injuries. It's just really frustrating and I dont know what to do anymore I havent been healthy in a year and I keep getting more and more hurt. It's keeping me in a pissed off shitty mood at all times such a sick life I am living right now.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Deadlift, Tabata

stopped due to forearms

Tabata Front Squats 95lbs
101 reps

1x20 leg levers

forearm work

Mwod (hip mob)

Body: decent minus the forearms
Sleep: not good
Nutrition: minimal due to being under stress
Notes: well it was really frustrating today having to stop deadlifting and not being able to press because of how cool my forearms are being. Decided to just doing a killer tabata and call it at least try and get something out of being at the gym today. I guess I just got to keep resting icing and strengthening my forearms until they are good to go....hopefully by next monday.


1hr Indoor Soccer Game

Body: good forearms still bothering me
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good minus the piece of cake and beer for my bday
Notes: Every tuesday I will be playing this indoor soccer league and it is a lot of run so this will cancel out my runs on Tuesday. Playing soccer is way more fun too. Been having thoughts of playing a college sport again but then I go right back to the way I feel about so much commitment and how I didnt like that. At this point who knows.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Squat, Some Bench, Metcon


stopped due to forearm splints

amrap 5 with weighted vest
5 goblet squats 50lbs db
2 trips up and down stairs (my back deck stairs)

Body: ok
Sleep: 11hrs
Nutrition: good during the day and then had a massive burger with a friend ravioli on it for my bday
Notes: Well I cannot win these days with injuries it seems like. I developed forearm splints that are actually really painful and keep my from doing anything that needs a grip with a lot of weight which is sickkkkk.. Looks like to heal these rest ice and some forearm strengthening will do the trick. Hopefully once I can get over this it will be the last injury I get because I will be more careful of my body and how I feel. Not sure what Ill do tomorrow it is my birthday so we will see. Also the metcon was a really good one first one in a while and I thought I was going to puke after. Good shit.