About Me

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I am 20 years old at Springfield College. I started Crossfit in the winter of 2008 and have went on and off with that and P90x. But since the summer of 2009 until summer of 2011 I did Crossfit then switched to Strength and Conditioning. I Played soccer lacrosse basketball and ran track throughout my life. I played lacrosse at Endicott but I was injured and did not play the entire season. Another passion is strength and conditioning which has changed my life for the better. My midterm goal is to compete in a powerlifting competition, run an ultra and run the Boston Marathon, and my ultimate long term goal is to become a Strength and Conditioning coach, a lacrosse coach, and to open my own Strength and Conditioning gym as well as break the record for bench press at 165lbs bw. Along with training for my goals I enjoy pushing my body to its limits and seeing what the human body is capable of by doing activities that require a lot of physical and mental aspects.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Squat, Some Bench, Metcon


stopped due to forearm splints

amrap 5 with weighted vest
5 goblet squats 50lbs db
2 trips up and down stairs (my back deck stairs)

Body: ok
Sleep: 11hrs
Nutrition: good during the day and then had a massive burger with a friend ravioli on it for my bday
Notes: Well I cannot win these days with injuries it seems like. I developed forearm splints that are actually really painful and keep my from doing anything that needs a grip with a lot of weight which is sickkkkk.. Looks like to heal these rest ice and some forearm strengthening will do the trick. Hopefully once I can get over this it will be the last injury I get because I will be more careful of my body and how I feel. Not sure what Ill do tomorrow it is my birthday so we will see. Also the metcon was a really good one first one in a while and I thought I was going to puke after. Good shit.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Catching up




Db Curls



Comments: well in short it is my birthday tuesday so I decided that this would be the weekend to celebrate lets just say im pretty sleep deprived and did some damage on some adult drinks this weekend. Will be resting all day today and going to bed early tonight so I am good to go tomorrow. The gym is closed for memorial day so we will be doing it at my house on the shitty bar and rack.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I Did Modbility?

Rest Day

Mobility ( 3 min couch stretch on each side)

Body: good
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: solid rest day played some hoops. Ready to go tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Deadlift, Press, Curls, Shrugs



Barbell Curls
3x105# (strict)
3x105# (strict)

Cable Curls for some sexy pump

DB Shrugs 80lbs 2x20

Body: Good ankle is just about good
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: good had some arby's today and ate a good amount to try and aid recovery
Notes: Got a lot done at the gym today and killed it. Everything is starting to get heavy the press and deadlifts today were tough on the last sets but it is only going to make us better and stronger. We were both completely taxed after todays workout its crazy how doing this work can take so much out of you. On a side note I witnessed some powerlifters going for heavy singles today at the gym and I got to see a 605lbs pull which was amazing and inspiring to say the least. Once again.... Some day I hope to be up there.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Rested and shot some hoops

Body: Good, ankle is a lot better and I can move around on it today which is a good sign
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Solid rest day once again did not do mobility I really need to get on that. Tomorrow will be a great day in the gym.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Squats, Bench, Curls, Pumpage, Intervals



DB Curls:

DD Incline Bench 15x50#

Body: Ankle getting better
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: good getting bigger and loving it
Notes: Accomplished a lot today in the gym but feeling it for sure now. My body is exhausted didn't realize this work would take this much out of me. Tomorrow is supposed to be a run day but since my ankle will not be good to go I will rest or do a bike ride or something we will see.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rest Day and Weekly Overview

Weeks Best(s):
Starting Madcow

Weeks Worst(s):
Getting Sick
Injuring my ankle

Goals for Next Week:
Heal the ankle hit every day of madcow despite injury

Well today my nutrition was not so hot because we went to Gillette stadium for the quarterfinals of lax we drank and had burgers the usually tailgate stuff. Other than that I have been pretty good. My ankle is bruising but a bit today and still really hurts. I am pretty sure bruising is a good thing because it is not broken then hopefully I am right about that. Going to squat through it tomorrow and ride the bike instead of walking because I doubt I will be good to walk by tomorrow.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Basketball and an Injury

hour and a half of bball

Body: ankle is swollen and most likely sprained
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: Good had some ice cream
Notes: Rolled on my ankle bad today during basketball. This is not new because I sprain my ankle more than any person I know it runs in the family. I took an epsom salt bath to take swelling down and I have been icing it and I will wrap it with a horseshoe wrap for the night to push the swelling out. Also I am on antibiotics for my sore throat it is a 5 day period of taking one a day and then it stays in the system for another 10. I can keep it starting to work already which is great because I hate sore throats.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Squat, Bench, Curls, Shrugs



Preacher Curls

DB Shrugs

Body: absolutely beat
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Good day in the gym today I got to test out my new VS weightlifting shoes and they are amazing. Such a difference I would recommend them to anyone. Tomorrow is supposed to be a long run but my body is still adapting to this volume and is in need of another rest day so I will take one. Also my throat has been killing me today and a little bit last night so I need to just get fully healthy and I think the two days off will do the trick.

5/19/11 Rest Day

Rest Day

Body: lower back, abs, chest, and shoulders sore
Nutrition: not so hot had spaghetti and meatballs and then a triple decker peanut butter and jelly sandwhich both were phenomenal
Notes: Rest day was much needed pumped for tomorrow's gym day its going to be a good one.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Deadlift, Press, Curls, Situps



Barbell Curls

Weighted Decline Situps with 25lbs

Body: Exhausted
Nutrition: Eating to get big... Had a greek wrap with lunch and ice cream at night
Notes: Wow, it is going to take some getting used to for this high sets program. Pulling 4x5 on the deadlifts is pretty brutal but we are definitely going to get stronger and I can't wait. I am actually happy that my body is trashed. That means that I am taking my strength to a new level and my body is not used to this intense of strength training. Just another step to becoming a lot stronger. A side note that I experience my first time seeing some of the major powerlifters at my gym (Bay State Gym) train. It was something I have never really seen before in person and it was incredible. They were on there benching portion when we got there and I witnessed a world record holder toss up 365lbs for 11 reps like it was nothing. This is so inspiring and I think I told Ben at least 30 times today that I want to be like that. Someday I will be I know it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Powerline Trail....Gets Me Every Time

1r 10min run on powerline trail
6.6 miles

Mwod (couch stretch 2 mins a side, leg flat on couch 3 mins a side)

Body: very tired calves a bit sore
Sleep: don't want to talk about it
Nutrition: Enjoyed a bagel and a corn muffin this morning...and some ice cream at night
Notes: There is something about this out and back trail run that just makes me want to blow my brains out like literally kill myself. It fucking sucks I always do terrible on it and I always just countdown the minutes until the run is over. Going to make me a better runner thats for sure but it blows doing it. Just got to get it done though. Nose still stuffed pretty good hopefully that will go away soon.

5/16/11 Day One of Madcow 5x5



DB Curls

20 Min Hill Climb On "The Long Run" Treadmill
15% incline 1.12miles 254 cals Between 3.3 and 3.8 pace

Body: Good Elbow feels fine
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: Not to bad but drank a lot in Rhode Island
Notes: Great start to what looks like a great summer program. My elbow is feeling like it is pretty much normal again which I am very happy about Wednesday will be the real test with an overhead press. I am loving this program and I cannot wait to start seeing the results. The run on Tuesday is going to be brutal seeing how I will be hungover most likely.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rest Day and Weekly Overview

Weeks Best(s):
Deadlift pr and 2011 goal 470lbs
Squat pr and 2011 goal 360lbs

Weeks Worst(s):
Getting Sick

Goals for Next Week:
Stay recovered
Kill the first week of Madcow

This last week was awesome with the 2 prs but now its time to look to the future. Tomorrow starts the first week of madcow which is the program me and Ben chose to do this summer and we are both really excited about it. I will be benching tomorrow and just playing it by ear testing my elbow out along the way it has been feeling pretty good and I think it can handle the bench tomorrow. So pumped.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Active Rest

47 min trail run light (Wheeler Trails)

Body: worn down
Sleep: terrible
Nutrition: eh
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 375mg, 6 fish oil pills
Notes: I woke up last night just about every hour with an awful sore throat. I took advil this morning for it and it got rid of the terrible sore throat but it has been scratchy ever since. Ive been feeling shitty today to. I napped twice today I am going to get a ton of sleep tonight hopefully and try and get better to start up working out Monday... Cant wait. The trail run was nice to get the blood flowing and help me kick this sickness. This is the first time I ran the Wheeler trails and I will definitely use them a lot more with Ben they are perfect for working on speed on trails because they are so flat.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Summer Time!!!!!!

1x435 pr
1x470 pr and 2011 goal

60lbsx8 preacher curls

30lbsx10 db curls

2 hours of bball

Body: quads sore
Sleep 7.5 hrs
Nutrition: 70s big....and drank a bit to celebrate summer and the prs with ben
Supplements: the usual
Notes: Today was a great day another lifetime pr and just a solid day in general. Made another 2011 goal which is awesome and also got an mri hopefully everything comes out alright on that and I can figure out what is going on with the elbow. It felt pretty good all day today even after testing it with the curls so we will see what happens when I meet with the doctors again.

Here is a link to me and Ben's summer program I am so ready to kill it this summer I will be starting monday even If I cant use my elbow I still can do pretty much everything minus the bench and press.


Rest Day

Mwod ( couch stretch 3 mins a side)

Body: good
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: not to bad had some rice in a chipotle fajita bowl
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 375mg, 11 fish oil pills
Notes: Going for a big deadlift pr tomorrow if I get it I am getting a nice burger from whabo. Can't wait. Also tomorrow is my MRI and summer time.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dynamic Effort Box Squats

Dynamic Effort Box Squats 10x2 @ 215lbs (60%)
as rx'd

3x25 Calf Raises 45lbs dbs

3x8 Db Shrugs 100lbs dbs

Alternating Tabata:
Squat Jumps: 20,19,14,14,1413,14,15
Lunge Jumps: 21,20,16,15,16,16,16,17

Body: good all around
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good had ice cream
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, 10 fish oil pills
Notes: Today was a solid day. I love the dynamic squats they are a way to squat quick and stay pretty well recovered for other things. The shrugs today did not hurt my elbow at all so I can do those without a problem just to keep some upper body size. Full rest tomorrow and then a 1rm deadlift test which I am pumped for Friday and I am also buying my membership to the gym on Friday.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rest Day

Rest Day

Mwod (10 min squat, double lax ball to t-spine)

Body:Everything pretty much back to good elbow had weird ache on and off randomly
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good minimal but had a small amount of ice cream
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 375mg, 11 fish oil pills
Notes: I had a lot of studying to do today for an anatomy exam so that is what I was going to devote my day to but then I got bored and decided not to do that much studying and enjoy the rest day. Tomorrow I am going to keep with dynamic squats and a few other things to make sure I am good to max deadlift on Friday.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Another 2011 Goal Complete

1x360 pr and 2011 goal

DB Bulgarian Split Squat 3x8 with 45lbs dbs

Tabata Bike: level 30 214 calories

Fultterkicks: 86
rest 1 min
Mason Twist: 284

Body: Calves still a bit sore shin is feeling better and elbow still feels off
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: really good
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 375mg, 11 fish oil pills
Notes: Awesome day for me I am beyond happy with the pr on squat and even happier that I got to my 2011 goal. By the end of summer I would like to be able to squat 405 so if everything goes as planned then I will be able to. Probably going to go one day on one day off this entire week since I am pretty limited still. MRI on Friday at 8:20pm will let me know what is wrong.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Rest/Play Day

2 hours of pick up basketball

Body: calves a bit sore shit is a little sore too
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: Really good
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 375mg, 11 fish oil pills
Notes: Solid rest day today basketball was a lot of fun and we will be playing that a lot this summer. Tomorrow I am going to squat.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Grafton Gazebo Road Race

5 mile road race
37:18 (7:26.7 miles)

This was my first race even though it was only a 5 miler and many of you may not think that it is a big deal it is a start for my racing career and it is pretty exciting. I came in 25th overall out of 153 runners and I placed 3rd in my age group (15-19). I am very happy with my performance to say the least. I set a goal of sub 38 minutes and I made sure that I beat it. The first mile I went out pretty hard because I was pretty hyped up on caffeine. I finished my first mile in 6:43 and I was feeling good. The second mile consisted of a massive hill that felt like it lasted almost the entire second mile all the way up to the common. Not sure what time I finished this mile in but I know it wasn't that fast. Mile 3 went by without anything unusual just cruised through at a comfortable pace. Mile 4 I hit a major wall. I have no idea what it was but I crashed pretty hard I have never run this hard for this long before. As I was going down Bruce to pollard I was trying just to make it through and then on the first part of hudson as well I was pretty down. Then this techno song came on and really brought my spirits up I grabbed a water and dumped it over my head perking me up even more and then I hit the 4 miles mark at 29:40 something and new that I had to push it hard on this last part. I kept pushing through that pain and crossed that finish line in a full out sprint with a final time of 37:18. The next one I have planned is a 6 hour as many loops as possible in that time race which will really test my mental aspect of running. I am pretty excited for that. This was a great first experience for me and I am ready to go for it again. Side note that I ran in my new asics hyperspeed 4s not even broken in.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Shot hoops and played some soccer

Body: getting healed up
Sleep: Not sure
Nutrition: good had a lot of dairy today but thats fine with me
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 375mg, 10 fish oil pills
Notes: Another relaxing rest day just hung out played some sports and had some fun. Tomorrow is my 5 mile road race and I am looking to set a 5 mile pr for me. Today I saw a doctor about my elbow and nothing was found in xrays but he said I should get an MRI so I will be scheduling that soon most likely for next weekend when I am done with school. To finally figure out whats wrong with my elbow will be nice.



Body: good
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: pretty bad and drank
Notes: nice rest day going to have another one tomorrow to make sure my shin is good for the run and then I will rest again Sunday.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Capture The Flag

1 hour of capture the flag

mwod (inner thigh, double lax ball to inner thigh, groin)

Body: quads still a bit sore, left shin splints
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: good
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 375mg, 9 fish oil pills
Notes: Solid day today got to play an intense game of capture the flag in my phys ed class and that was about it for me today. Tomorrow I wont do much either and Friday I will probably do nothing. My shin splints are kind of annoying me a bit so hopefully 3 days off and then another day or 2 off after running on Saturday it will be fine.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Run and Some "Core" Work

4.94 mile run (7:50.6 Pace)
38:45 (rolling hills, 2 big hills)

Planks: 1 min on: 30 sec off x3

3rds for time:
20 4 ct flutterkicks
30 leg levers
40 mason twists

Stretch (hamstrings)

Body: Glutes, Quads, Squat muscles pretty sore
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: Good had some dark chocolate
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 375mg, 9 fish oil pills
Notes: Solid run today I went at a pretty solid pace I think that I can make my goal to break 38 mins on the 5 mile run. I will be taking a gu before the run to get some caffeine in me so I can use that to my advantage too. Resting tomorrow and then dynamic effort squats and a light jog on thursday to keep warm and another rest on Friday to prepare for the race.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Gettin That Good Ole Leg Pump

Squat 3x5
310-310-310 Lifetime Pr

Calf Raises 3x25 45lbs DD in each hand

DB Bulgarian Split Squat 3x8 with 45lbs DBs

10x100 yrd sprints
*45 sec rest between each
As R'xd

Mwod (hip flexors, external rotation, double lax ball to T-spine)

Body: feeling good
Sleep: 8.5hrs still need more
Nutrition: great
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 375mg, 12 fish oil pills
Notes: And the lifetime pr's keep on piling up and I love it. Today went up with almost no problem which is such an amazing feeling. I am still heating my elbow every night trying to get some extra blood flow to the area. I really want it to be friday so I can come home and get it checked out. Tomorrow will be my last hard day of the week I will be going for a 5 mile run at a solid pace just to see what I can push for on Saturday.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rest Day Weekly Overview

Weeks Best(s):
305 3x5 lifetime pr
My 5k

Weeks Worst(s):
Elbow still bothering me
Nutrition this weekend

Goals For Next Week:
Keep resting elbow
Sub 38 min 5 mile
Keep it a light week
Get back to good nutrition

Last week was a decent week I guess. I still would really love to get my elbow healed up but I have an appointment next Friday that will hopefully help me out a bit. Also I signed up for the Grafton Road Race for next Saturday. It is a 5 mile corse I am not really sure what course it is because I have yet to run it but my plan for this week is to Squat tomorrow with some accessory work and then do some interval work or sprints. Then I want to run on Tuesday rest Wednesday light run Thursday and rest on Friday to prepare for the race on Saturday.

Body:pretty good
Sleep: not much
Nutrition: poor
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 375mg, 9 fish oil pills


Rest Day

45 min walk

Body: Good
Sleep: 7hrs
Nutrition: Ok
Supplements: 8 fish oil pills
Notes: solid rest thats about it taking another rest day tomorrow and nutrition will be poor but then back to normal on Monday.