About Me

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I am 20 years old at Springfield College. I started Crossfit in the winter of 2008 and have went on and off with that and P90x. But since the summer of 2009 until summer of 2011 I did Crossfit then switched to Strength and Conditioning. I Played soccer lacrosse basketball and ran track throughout my life. I played lacrosse at Endicott but I was injured and did not play the entire season. Another passion is strength and conditioning which has changed my life for the better. My midterm goal is to compete in a powerlifting competition, run an ultra and run the Boston Marathon, and my ultimate long term goal is to become a Strength and Conditioning coach, a lacrosse coach, and to open my own Strength and Conditioning gym as well as break the record for bench press at 165lbs bw. Along with training for my goals I enjoy pushing my body to its limits and seeing what the human body is capable of by doing activities that require a lot of physical and mental aspects.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Rest Day

45 min Bike Ride

Body: good
Sleep: 7hrs
Nutrition: ok, had some ice cream and dark chocolate
Supplements: 8 fish oil pills
Notes: Solid rest day going to run tomorrow probably and then rest again Sunday. Tomorrow I will be going out so my nutrition wont be great for the next 2 days but thats fine with me.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


800m run
400m run backwards
800m run
400m run backwards


Body: legs are pretty much torched
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: pretty good, had some dark chocolate and granola with brown sugar
Supplements: Same as yesterday ran out of glucosamine and chondroitin today so last day of that until I refill on saturday
Notes: Well no pr today on the wod. I know I can pr on this my legs were just torched today I wasnt that gassed but the legs just weren't moving which means I will be fully resting tomorrow for sure. Also I have been on leangains almost 2 weeks now and I am not really seeing any improvements in anything all it has really done is made me really hungry in the morning and making it a lot harder to recover. Any suggestions on whether I should keep with it or drop it?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Active Recovery Run/Walk

18:52 Run light pace
9:00 Walk
13:23 Run light pace
4:36 Walk

Mwod (hamstrings, lax ball to lower back)

Body: Quads a bit sore so are Glutes
Sleep: 8.5 hours
Nutrition: Great
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 75mg, 10 fish oil pills
Notes: It was a beautiful day out and I was supposed to rest so I went for a run/walk. Didn't really know what I was doing just went out and had a good time running around in the sun. It was so relaxing. Great day of recovery and even better that the Bruins knocked Montreal out of the playoffs in overtime. Tomorrow I am going to hit Griff I think if I can find a track around here.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Getting My Leg Pump On

Squat 3x5
305-305-305 lifetime pr

3x8 Calf Raises @225lbs

DB Bulgarian Split Squat (db in each hand) 5-5-8

2min on 1 min off x 6
as rx

Body: good
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: good but having a few beers for the bruins tonight
Supplements: the usual
Notes: Broke another lifetime pr and I am pumped about that. Got my leg pump going hard with the rest of my workout today. Tomorrow will most likely be a rest day and working on mobility.

Monday, April 25, 2011

5k and Some Core

5k Road Run (out and back)
22:06 (7:06 pace)

10rds for time:
10 sit ups
10 4 ct flutterkicks
10 mason twists

Stretch (hamstrings and claves)
Mwod (hips, lax ball to thoracic spine)

Body: pretty good
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: great
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 75mg, 10 fish oil pills
Notes: Really happy about the run today I felt like I did really well considering it was an out and back with some pretty hilly parts in it. I went to the chiropractor again today and my left side was basically crushed down together and she released it and realigned it which made my body feel a ton better. She now wants to see my two times a week to try and get this under control. Also I am probably going to the doctors friday for my elbow to see if I can do anything to help the healing process.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Rest Day Weekly Overview

Rest Day

Weeks Best(s):
5.3 mile run at 7:50 pace
3x5x300lbs Squat lifetime pr

Weeks Worst(s):
Elbow Still bothering me

Goals for Next Week:
Rest the elbow for 3 weeks straight
3x5x305lbs Squat
2 distance runs (one being on trails)

Well this last week had some ups and downs in it for sure. The ups being my lifetime pr on the squat and the downs being my elbow not healing and not being ready. I am going to ice and heat everyday as well as not touching weight minus squatting until I get out of school. The combo of the rest and time should be enough to heal up my elbow and get me ready to hit the summer hard. I am still on leangains and I am going to keep that up for a bit longer because I feel like I am benefitting from it at this point in time.

Body: feeling good minus elbow
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: back at it (leangains)
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 75mg, 12 fish oil pills

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lifetime PR

Squat 5-5-5
warm up

3x20 BE wtih 25lbs plate

Tabata Flutterkicks: 79

Tabata Bike (resistance on 12): 63 calories

PVC pipe rolled back hamstrings and calves (will be making one for summer)

Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: Pretty good didn't do lean gains because I needed to prep for the lifetime pr and also drinking tonight and having some ice cream
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 75mg, 8 fish oil pills
Notes: I am really pumped with this lifetime pr I went to the gym with Ben today and we decided that we wanted lifetime pr of 300 and then we wanted to go straight across with it. We both were successful and felt great. The tabata's were both pretty good. Not sure what I will be doing tomorrow but we will see how I feel. Maybe a run or rest.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Biking All Day

2.5 hr bike ride

Body: good elbows bothering me
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: good but drinking
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 75mg, 11 fish oil pills
Notes: Biked a ton today and we did 3 intervals up hill as fast as possible and then down hill and repeat. Then biked around for a while felt really good to get out and ride around. I am officially taking 3 weeks off (until the end of school) from any weights. I really need to get rid of this elbow pain and heal up. I will run and do core work 3 to 4 times a week and squat thats about it.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rest Day

Rest Day

Shot hoops for an hour

5 minutes in a deep squat

Body: Hamstrings sore, elbow feels a bit weird
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: Great Leangains day 3
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 75mg, 10 fish oild pills
Notes: Solid rest day but can't wait to get back at it tomorrow. My elbow is still acting up so I am going to completely rest it for another week and see how I do after that. If it is still the same I am going to have to get it checked out....hopefully it doesn't come down to that.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Getting High on 4/20!

A runners high that is (ha ha)

5.3 Mile Run on a lollipop route I made up
(7:50 pace) good amount of hills involved

For time:
100 Sit Ups Anchored
100 4ct Flutterkicks
100 Leg Levers

100 Squats For time:

1hr of Boccer (mixture of Soccer and Basketball...it's a lot of fun) went all out of course

Stretch: 1 min on each side of each stretch
Hamstrings, Glutes, Groin, Couch Stretch

Body: Elbow feels a bit off today (hopefully healing) Hamstrings and lower back are sore as expected
Sleep: 8.5 hours
Nutrition: Great really liking leangains so far we will see how it keeps up....Had coffee for the first time in a long time today I think I am going to start having a small cup every once in a while because it is allowed on leangains during the fasting period and it is a good change of pace from just drinking water.
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 75mg, 9 fish oil pills
Notes: For anyone reading my blog that doesn't get the joke I didn't actually get high.... The run felt really good I want to improve on this 5 -8 mile range runs so might as well do them once in a while. The ab work went well and the stretching felt awesome. My elbow was feeling weird today not really sure what thats about but it is a better feeling than before so hopefully that means it is on its way to healing up. Rest day tomorrow then some dynamix effort box squats friday with some assistance work and sprints or intervals and I am also heading home friday afternoon can't wait to hit a long run on some new trails with Ben hopefully.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Deadlift, deadlift, and intervals

Deadlift 3-3-3

Deadlift 275x12

Stiff legged deadlifts 3x12 with 45lbs DBs

30:20x10 run
*treadmill set to 12% 0-30 sec slower than 5k pace
started at 6:53 pace ended with 8:00 pace

Body:feeling good elbows pretty good
Nutrition: really good started a week trial of leangains...
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 75mg, 7 fish oil pills
Notes: Solid day of training, the leangains thing is pretty cool I am going to give it a week trial and see if I like it or not and see how I feel on it. I am going to start having a small cup of coffee in the morning with this too just to mix it up because that is allowed during the fasting phase and the caffeine will help with my lifts as well. Elbow is feeling pretty good it is a different feeling now so I have a feeling that it is healing and I am going to give it the rest of this week off. Tomorrow I am going to go for a 5 or 6 mile run at a faster pace and then some ab work after.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tired and Slow Day


Squat 5-5-5

Press 5-5

Curls 3x8 40lbs db

3x20 GHDs

3x15 tricep pull down 50lbs (rehab)

2x20yrd sprints starting from push up rest 20 secs between

rest 30 seconds

4x30yrd sprints starting from push up rest 30 secs between

rest 30 secs

10x10 yrd flying starts rest 30 seconds between

Body: Feeling good but run down from not so much sleep this weekend
Sleep: 7hrs of poor quality sleep
Nutrition: OK
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 75mg, 8 fish oil pills
Notes: Long weekend plus Ben visiting for two nights equals lots of alcohol and not a lot of sleep which is why 285lbs squat felt like it was 315lbs. Decided to press today just 2 sets to test out my elbow it was feeling pretty good. I figured that doing the curls and the tricep pull downs will strengthen that area and prevent future injury. Tomorrow I am going to deadlift for the first time in a while and then either a crossfit workout or a run depending on how I feel and my elbow is feeling. Tomorrow I am going to start dong leangains but the one with one pre workout meal because that is how my schedule works out. This summer I will be getting serious about it and I will be doing the regular version.


Rest Day

Body: good
Sleep: not sure
Nutrition: ok
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 75mg, 6 fish oil pills
Notes: Went out last night and going out again tonight because it is a long weekend and Ben is up. Might as well live it up now. Hitting a workout tomorrow though no mater how shitty I feel.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bradley Palmer State Park Run

Trail Run at Bradley Palmer State Park
1hr 23mins
including a 20 min out at a good pace and then back as fast as possible. Got back in 12 and a half mins.

Body:feeling good
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good. Drinking tonight
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 75mg, 6 fish oil pills
Notes: This run was a really good one we did this at the trails at Bradley Palmer State park in Topsfield Mass which is only about 15 mins from Endicott. Ben came up and we decided to go there. We did 50 minutes at a nice pace throughout the trails having no idea which way to go then made our way back out and decided to go out 20 minutes at a solid pace and then negative split back as fast as possible and we made it back in 12 and a half minutes or so. I felt amazing on all parts of the run especially the faster part of the split. Ben is staying tonight and most likely tomorrow night so we will be enjoying this weekend to its finest....actually we already started!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Box Squat, 300s, Box Jumps, Curls. hollow rocks


2 Box Squats on the min for 10 mins focusing on speed at 255lbs

6x5 Box Jumps 36in
*45 sec rest

3x high rep curls with 25lbs


300 yard shuttle
*rest 5 mins between
*6 50yrd sprints
51 sec, 54 sec, 56 sec

75 hollow rocks

Mwod (hip capsule)

Body: Feeling good
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: Pretty good had some dark chocolate the past few days again
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 75mg, 8 fish oil pills
Notes: Solid training day today. I really like the speed squats they are a lot of fun and I think they will help with my explosiveness. Got to love 300s no matter how you are doing them they always are a good time. I signed up for an event this summer. It is August 13th and it is a 6 hour run and you try to do as many 10k loops as possible in that time. Here is the link: http://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=12529. Running long tomorrow with Ben at some nice trails around the area and then Ben is staying the night so gotta show him a good time.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wod, Planks, Tabata Core


3rds for time:
Walking Lunge 50m
Broad Jump 100m
Run 200m

3x 1min on 30sec off Planks

Tabata w/ 1 min rest between exercises
Leg Levers: 80
Flutterkicks: 76

Body: feeling good
Sleep:10hrs (much needed)
Nutrition: good got some ice cream too
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 75mg, 4 fish oil pills
Notes: Solid work out today this one really gasses me on the broad jumps and the other two movements you just keep pushing through. I did this a while ago and I pr'd by about 1 or 2 mins from what I remember so I am happy. Tomorrow will be dynamic squats, some box jumps, and 300s and then saturday I am going for a 1-2 hr run with Ben on some trails that are near Endicott.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Active Recovery


Active Recovery Trail Run
22:09 Solid Pace on Trails

15 min stretch


Body: feeling good
Sleep: 6hrs
Nutrition: good
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 75mg, 4 fish oil pills
Notes: Not a lot of sleep because last night we had a celebration of the Lax team beating the number once team in the Nation so we all went out and had some fun. The trail run was really relaxing and nice basically just used it to warm up and then stretched a good amount. I also had my first appointment with a new chiropractor up in Beverly. She was really good and thinks all my problems stem from my ankle I broke 2 years ago because I have terrible flexibility in it and it is throwing off my mechanics which is leading to all of my lower back and glute injuries. I can completely see that and I really trust this lady she knows a lot from what I heard from her today I was really impressed. Going to work on the flexibility and continue to get aligned there hopefully this will fix me up for good.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

2 Hill Repeats, GHDs, BEs, Curls


2x1/2 mile repeats on treadmill
*7% grade
*rest 2 mins between
4:02, 4:36

3x20 GHDs
3x12 BEs w/ 45lbs plate

3x high rep curls w/25lbs dbs 20,15,10

Body: Quads and Hamstrings very sore
Sleep: 7.5hrs
Nutrition: pretty good
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 75mg, 4 fish oil pills
Notes: Solid training day, I was going to do 4 1/2 mile repeats but my legs were smoked and it would have just been dumb. I did the light curls today to test my elbow and see how it felt. It feels pretty good but definitely needs more rest and icing which I will be doing. The curls will help strengthen it as well. I am thinking rest day tomorrow.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Finally A Great Day


Squat 3-3-3-3-3

"Tabata fuck my legs"
Box Jumps 24": 16,15,13,15,11,11,12,11=104
Alternating Jumping Lunges: 19,17,17,15,16,16,16,15=131
4 Count Flutterkicks:9,8,10,9,7,7,8,7=65
Squats: 23,22,21,20,21,19,18,19=163


1hr 8min road run 7.52 miles (9:02 miles)

Body: Hip flexors still very sore, legs are definitely feeling that tabata
Sleep: 9.5hrs
Nutrition: good had some ice cream
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 75mg
Notes: I had a great day training today. The pr on the squat was awesome and I probably could have went for 5 at 305 if I was doing a 3x5. I had a different endurance workout planned but after I walked out of my class at about 1pm I immediately changed my mind to a nice long enjoyable run because of how nice it was out. I had no goal no set distance when I went out I just went and it was so much more enjoyable and I feel like I got a lot more out of it. I am going to make sure I keep that in mind when I am running long from now on I just enjoy it so much more when it was like this. There was also some points on this run when I was running alongside a beach and all I could smell was the ocean breeze...It was really something else. Such a great feeling. This Saturday I am hitting up some trails near my school with Ben. This is the trails that Ben did his firs 50k on so they should be awesome to run on.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Rest Day and Weekly Overview

Rest Day

Weeks Best(s)
Diane PR (3:48)
Push Press PR (205x3)

Weeks Worst(s)
Open Wod 3
Elbow Injury

Goals For Next Week
Rest Elbow
pr on 3 rep squat
5 good days of training with one distance run

I have been wanting start a weekly overview comment every sunday for some time now so I decided this would be a good day to start. As you know I hurt my elbow at some point and it really started to bother me this past week. I am going to rest it until it feels a ton better and then rest it a few more days so that I can come back strong and healthy. In the meantime I will be working on my running which trust me needs some work. I will be doing some form of running every training day this week whether it is endurance sprints or a long run. I have also been putting some thought into a 6hr race this summer in which you try to cover max distance. I have wanted to run a long distance race like this to see how my body holds up and this might be the perfect chance because Ben is also doing it. If I do decide this I will need to run long once a week this summer and get some really big runs in. I am still in the thought process so we will see.

Body: hip flexors very sore quads are fatigued
Sleep: not very much
Nutrition: not so good today
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, and MSM 75mg

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wod, ab ripper, Trail Run


4rds for time:
400m run
50 squats


ab ripper x

35 min Trail Run nice relaxing pace

Body: good
Nutrition: Pretty good.. going out tonight though
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, and MSM 75mg
Notes: solid day of training it felt nice to get a trail run in at a relaxing pace. Going to be sore from ab ripper thats for sure. going out tonight and a rest day tomorrow.

Injuries and Supplements

I just wanted to take a little time to discuss my past injuries what happened and why it happened and what I need to do in the future to avoid injuries.

Well the first major injury that I sustained was when I broke my ankle sophomore year of high school. I did it during soccer and this is when I was really immature and thought that it was ok to "push through the pain" I ended up playing the rest of the season and half of basketball season on a painful ankle that I thought was just a bad sprain and I could get through. What I didn't realize was that it was not just going to go away. Eventually I went to the doctor got xrays and they told me it was broken and I had to take 6 weeks off. I would have only had to be out for 2 to 3 weeks if I listened to my body when I first injured it but I made it worse by playing on it so much.

The next injury is still a mystery injury I sustained it during lacrosse my senior year the first time. It lasted the rest of the season and into the summer and pretty much all of summer because I was stupid about it once again. I had 2 MRI's on it and nothing major was found. It was thought to be a muscle strain or tear that couldnt be seen or a ligament or tendon tear. I rested it eventually and got back to playing lax for the college season. I played al fall ball and a bit into the regular season with no pain and then one day after heavy deadlifting it went again. That officially ended my lacrosse career because I really was not into it in the first place and this injury just made my decision up I am more into crossfit and barbell work. I am still recovering from the injury but I am being much smarter about it building back up and I should be good soon yesterday I had no pain in the area after sprints for the first time in about a month and a half.

I recently got an elbow injury. my thought is because of overuse. I was at the end of the burpee challenge while doing 50pullups.com program with over 120 pull ups per week along with all the major lifts and multiple 2 a days of crossfit. I am not sure what this injury is but I am going to give it as long as it needs to heal and just focus on running which is my weakness so it works out I guess. My guess is that it has to do with the joint either tendon or ligament I am usually right when I self diagnose myself because I know my body really well.

All in all the common factor here is that each time I got injured it was because of overuse and over training. I think that once I get back from this injury I am going to really sit down and talk to someone about programming I always seem to over due it and push my body past my limits and I am done doing that because It is counter productive. It is time to listen to my body and actually learn how to make some serious gains with out risking injury. What I have learned to do is do what you can do when you are injured and live with it. Make gains in areas that you can and get proper rest and when you are good to go come back and hit it hard (within your bodies reason, which I learned the hard way).

I would also like to add the one thing that I do is that I program thinking about all of my goals instead of focusing on a few at a time which is why my volume is/ was so high and that needs to change. In a future post I am going to break my goals up into smaller sections and to complete at different times. I think this will help me stay away from overtraining therefore avoiding injury.


I also want to start adding what supplements I have been taking each day and how much of each.

In the past I took vitamin D3 2000 units a day and also between 5 and 8 fish oil pills. As of yesterday I took both of those out of my diet because I have developed a weird rash and I would like to see if that is what is causing it. I will reintorduce them once I figure that out.

Today I started to take a chewable tablet of glucosamine chondroitin and msm which is for my joints and cartilage hopefully helping my elbow heal faster. There has been studies shown that saw it also reduces inflammation in the joint which would be a beautiful thing as well. I am taking 1 chewable 3 times a day for a total of 1,500mg of glucosamine 1,200mg of chondroitin and 75mg of msm. I will update if I notice a difference in anything and if not I will finish out the supplement and not buy it again.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Guess I gotta cope


2 Squats on the min for 12 mins at 80% of 1rm (265lbs)

Box Jumps 6x2 @ 36 in.

3x20 GHDs
3x20 BEs

20yrd-40yrd-20yrd shuttle
*rest 45 secs between each

Body:Everything good but elbow
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: good had some ice cream
Notes: Well to start off I am a lot more calm than I was yesterday about my injury. I am still really pissed off and frustrated but I need to take this injury as a sign. It is telling me that I did to much with it and wore it down to the point of an injury. As for the burpee challenge...I was 9 days away from finishing I am going to put it on pause until I am good to go and then finish out the 9 days even though it wont be the same. I just need to do what is right and what is right now is to take all the pressure off of my elbow. So what I can do is work on my weakness of running which I will be doing a lot until I am back. Along with running I will be squatting twice a weak and working hard on my vertical and lots of core work as well. Shit sucks but this same injury has happened to to many people I know and I really want to becareful about it so I can get back as fast as possible with being safe.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Open wod 3....and another injury

Burpee Challenge Day 90


"Open Wod 3"

Amrap 5 mins
Squat Clean 165lbs
Jerk 165lbs

Pull ups 11-15-10-10-17(max)


mwod (10min squat test)

Body:elbow bothering me....
Nutrition: Good
Notes: Well you know how my elbows been bothering me? Ya another injury sent my way...After todays open workout my elbow felt I just threw a 20 inning baseball game. It isnt a terrible pain to wear I can't stand its a dull pain but its there and it hurts and it makes my elbow feel weak. Now I am forced to take time off to make sure I do not further injure it. I am not a happy camper about this one. This means no more anything that involves the elbow so basically everything I do besides squats, core work, and running.... I am beyond frustrated at this point with another injury, and I am really at a loss for words. I can't stand being injured and I seem to just keep getting injured in the most random ways. I do not even know how I hurt my elbow for this one. I am going to retest my elbow on monday and hopefully that will be all the time I need to take off but I highly doubt it. Tomorrow I am going to dynamic squats and a sprinting workout or maybe endurance instead we will see. Oh and I am not giving up burpees I am so close to finishing that I am going to finish the fucking challenge no matter what. The workout was very humbling as well I did not expect to get that little amount of work done. It got a lot heavier a lot faster than I thought. Moving on from this shitty day.

Rest Day 4/6/11

Burpee Challenge Day 89

Rest Day

Mwod (couch stretch 5 mins on each side).....ouch

Body:Good abs a bit sore from those l-sits
Nutrition: good had some ice cream
Notes: Solid rest day tomorrow is wod 3 of the open and its all I have been thinking about I have been doing some math...If I want 30 rds which would be a big reach I'd need a rd every 10 seconds and If I want 25 (my goal) then I need a rd every 12 seconds. Ready to get it lets go!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Push Press, Wod, Pull Ups, Sprints, L-sits

Burpee Challenge Day 88


Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
175-185-195-205pr-210f 1st rep

3rds for time:
500m row
50 double unders
25 burpees

Pull Ups

2rds of sprints
*Rest 30 secs between sprints
*Rest 2 mins between rds

2x max sec l-sit
22.5 sec, 25.8 sec

Stretch (Hamstrings, Glutes, hips)

Mwod (opening hips, lax ball to hip)

Body: Good minus some elbow pain
Nutrition: Great
Notes: Today was a good training day. Push press was good haven't done them in a while I am going to include them every once in a while now. Good workout but I was using new shoes and they are a bit big and kept catching on my double unders so I will once again have to return the shoes and look for some better ones. I started to get some elbow pain recently I am not sure how I hurt it but its on the back side near the tricep more and is on the top part of the elbow. When I use my elbow a lot like I did today it gets a weird dull pain like I threw my elbow out for a little bit and then it goes away eventually. I am going to keep an eye on it but I have had it before I believe and I think it just goes away. Last week I got ranked 345 out of 1066 in the northeast region in the open so I completed a goal of moving my rank up even though it is by a little. This weeks wod was just announced and it is an amrap 5 mins squat clean, jerk 165lbs. Going to be a good once and I am excited about it hopefully my elbow is fine for it.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Squat, Diane, Dips, Run

Burpee Challenge Day 87


Squat 5-5-5

Deadlift 225lbs
3:48 pr

3x max rep strict dips w/40lbs


4.08 mile run
31:54 (7:49 miles)

Stretch (hamstrings, glutes, back, quads, calves, hip flexors)

Body: quads, hip flexors sore
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: really good
Notes: My squat today felt so good and I am going to blame that on my stretching. I am glad that I stretched yesterday because my squat felt effortless today so I am going to try and make stretching a routinely thing now. I felt amazing in the gym today and got a big pr on diane which I am also pumped about. Decided Mondays would be a good day to have a long run due to my schedule allowing it and I was happy with my run. It was in the pooring rain which made it more epic and I kept a decent pace for me for my first run in a while. Ready for tomorrow!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Rest Day

Burpee Challenge Day 86

Rest Day

x Stretch

Body: Abs, Quads sore
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: Great ate a lot of food
Notes: Nice Day of rest today took the time to do x stretch thought about doing yoga but I was way to sore and I wanted to make sure I get enough rest and recover for the next cycle. The stretch was much needed and I definitely feel a ton better from it. Ready to hit it this week going to get a 10k run in as well at some point.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Annie, Muscle Up Practice, Endurance

Burpee Challenge Day 85


Double Unders
Sit ups (anchored, makeshift abmat)

Muscle Up Practice 20mins


4x5min intervals 3 min rest between rds
12 laps (3miles) plus about 10ft

Body:quads sore
Sleep: 9.5hrs
Nutrition: Good had ice cream
Notes: Wanted to get a little workout in this morning before this brutal endurance workout today so I decided to do annie. I was happy with the pr but this workout really doesnt even get me breathing heavy anymore. The only reason that was holding me back from going faster was fatigue on the sit ups which is an easy fix. It was really good to work on MUs because I lost a lot I could only string 3 together today which is a downer but I have put on 7lbs of solid muscle since last doing them so I need to do them a lot this summer to get my strength back there. I was pleased with my performance in the endurance workout and once again I will be having these longer runs in more whether they are in the form of intervals or straight up long runs. Mostly on Saturdays.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Front Squat, Amrap 12, Rock Climbing

Burpee Challenge Day 84

Front Squat 5-5-5

Amrap 12mins
185lbs Bench
225lbs Squat

Rock Climbing for 1.5hrs

Body: A bit sore and definitely worked from todays heavy workout
Sleep: 10hrs
Nutrition: good
Notes: Solid workout today I will not be deadlifting tomorrow because of the deadlift workout the other day I am not looking to get hurt or anything. I have a workout planned in the morning with Ben and then a brutal endurance workout at the track later tomorrow with Ben once again.