About Me

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I am 20 years old at Springfield College. I started Crossfit in the winter of 2008 and have went on and off with that and P90x. But since the summer of 2009 until summer of 2011 I did Crossfit then switched to Strength and Conditioning. I Played soccer lacrosse basketball and ran track throughout my life. I played lacrosse at Endicott but I was injured and did not play the entire season. Another passion is strength and conditioning which has changed my life for the better. My midterm goal is to compete in a powerlifting competition, run an ultra and run the Boston Marathon, and my ultimate long term goal is to become a Strength and Conditioning coach, a lacrosse coach, and to open my own Strength and Conditioning gym as well as break the record for bench press at 165lbs bw. Along with training for my goals I enjoy pushing my body to its limits and seeing what the human body is capable of by doing activities that require a lot of physical and mental aspects.

Monday, April 30, 2012

PRs All Day

worked up to 5x330 pr

Worked up to 5x270 pr

worked up to 5x152 pr

Chin ups

A lifetime pr in all 3 lifts today made for a nice day at the gym. The knee is still feeling off but I figure I am getting a week off soon so maybe that will help and for now I am going to push through it. The plan is that this is my last week of Madcow then I will be taking Monday the 7th until Wednesday the 16th off because I will be in the woods for my class I have to do and also I need the rest I have gone 7 weeks straight now.

Friday, April 27, 2012

N.O. Xplode

worked up to 3x330 pr

worked up to 3x270 pr

Worked up to 3x150

Barbell curls, tricep extensions, hammer curls, tri work

We I have been experimenting this pre workouts recently just because it is part of the lifting community and I am curious. I have tried 3 so far including maniac, white flood, and todays choice which was N.O. Xplode 2.0. My favorite is white flood but today was the N.O. and I have never had a bigger pump when I was doing my curls and tri work it was pretty cool. Veins popping and all the muscles filled with blood which helps with recovery and strength. I do not use these every workout because I would rather not get addicted but they are definitely and awesome way to kick a workout up. Hit 2 new prs today again and my knee did not bother me as much today which is good.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wednesday Workout


Worked up to 5x175 lifetime pr

worked up to 3x372

I only hit these lifts because my left knee has been giving me some trouble lately and it got worse today. Not really sure what it is it seems to be a dull ache but enough to really bother me and seems to weaken it. I do not know what I should do about this....wait it out? wait until I take a week off from may9th to the 16th? or see a doc soon? Who knows guess I will decide soon.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Friday and Today

worked up to 3x325

worked up to 3x265

Row worked up to 3x150

3x8 barbell curls and tricep extenstions

5x325 lifetime pr

5x265 lifetime pr

5x150 pr

2x15 chin ups

2x12 decline weighted sit ups 25lbs

On Friday I developed a really bad ear infection that left me not sleeping at all that night due to a constant stabbing pain in my ear. Saturday I went to a walk in clinic and they gave me antibiotics which I am on until next friday. I already feel a lot better though and the pain is minimal now. I haven't had an ear infection since I was a kid but they are a lot worse than I remembered, it affected my training a bit on friday but I pushed through and still hit everything. Today was a great day at the gym since I hit 2 lifetime prs. I cant wait to keep breaking these prs when it comes to summer.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Deadlift Day


5x170 pr


Tabata bike

I am really happy with my press pr today I am really starting to build up the weight for my press. I upped the deadlift so now I will be hitting higher weights which is nice. The tabata bike was a nice conditioning to add on here. I had a skin fold test today and my results said I could be 10-12% body fat.....not bad I'll take that all day.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Catching Up

Friday 4/13

worked up to 3x315

worked up to 3x260

worked up to 3x145

pump work

Monday 4/16

worked up to 5x315

worked up to 5x260

worked up to 5x145

2 sets of sit ups and chin ups

1k row

Been pretty busy these past few days with some work and stiyuka. stiyuka is a tradition at springfield college where you party basically for a week straight. I will not be doing a week straight since I have training but I went out saturday and monday so far and most likely will be again thursday. So nutrition is alittle off this week and I am ok with that as long as I am back next week.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Squat Press and Deadlift


5x165 pr


Chin ups

Today is not my favorite day in madcow but it is beginning to grow on me. The press today is a pr and  I hit it with very little grind on the last rep which is awesome I think I am creeping up on pressing 200lbs which would be awesome. My deadlift set was very easy today so I am going to up the weights since I now have the new form down. I have no classes tomorrow so maybe I will condition or something.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Squat, Bench, Row

15 min fasted cardio on elliptical


5x255 lifetime pr


2 sets of Barbell curls
1 set of chin ups to 12
2 sets of weighted sit ups

Had to workout in the wellness center today because apparently the powerlifting club has turned gay. You arent aloud to do your own powerlifting routine and rather have to do one that was written by the people who run it...The program handed to me today was not what I am looking for so I left. Kind of frustrating that the powerlifting club doesnt even powerlift but whatever. The bench set today of 5x255 is a pr and I am pretty pumped with it because I smashed it easily. Squatting felt good and the rows were good as well. Caught a nice pump with the curls and pull ups which is always a good feeling.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Fridays Workout




3x8 curls supersetted with tri extensions

A little late on this post but I was home and enjoying the holidays with my family. The workout was a great workout the only problem is that my knee was bugging me which happens every once in a while it is feeling better now. The nutrition this weekend was pretty poor with all of the good food around and some beverages of choice as well. I will be right back after it on Monday so I am not that worried.

Another note is that I am back taking creatine because of all the benefits it has to strength efforts and recovery. I have been on it for 5 days now and I am hoping to feel some differences in the next week of lifting.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Back at it With a New Fire


5x160 pr?


immediately after first set hold 45lbs plate in each hand for as long as possible

situps 3x25

Today is the first day back after the meet and I am rejuvenated with a fire like no other. It is a great feeling to have this passion again. I have something in my life to train for now so I am not just training for nothing. Having my first powerlifting meet makes me want to beat my records so much more and compete at a higher level each time. One thought that crossed my mind a day or so after the meet is that I am officially a powerlifter since I have a meet under my belt. Which is a pretty cool thing that I can say now. Squat was a light day and I nailed a heavy press not sure if it is a pr but definitely close to one and the heaviest I have done in a while. Deadlift felt real easy now that I have the confidence to pull heavy which is awesome. The holding the plates that I did after my last set of deadlift I will be doing after every last set from now on to make my grip strength stronger. It is something Ben told me about that he saw and i decided it was necessary for me to do it since I lack in grip strength. I will be getting back on the fasted cardio in the morning on monday....just enjoying some extra sleep this week.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

2012 New England Revolution Powerlifting Meet

Saturday 3/31/12 was my first powerlifting meet ever. I was not really nervous but more anxious and beyond excited for this to come. I have been training hard and I wanted to have it pay off. The morning started off by weighing in at around 7am. I weighed in at 161lbs which was great because I was competing in the 165lbs weight class. After that I ate some breakfast and drank some water and gatorade while discussing our plans for the day with Ben. I previously sent in my openers for each lift and I was happy with them so that was not a problem. Ben was my coach for the day and my filmer for each lift. I want to give a big thanks to him for all the shit he did because he was there to push what I thought I could do and it ended up working out better than I thought it would have ever.

The first list was the squat. My opener was at 325....funny story about that. Ben reads the flights and how they were going to work while I was warming up and he saw that a girl was opening at the same weight as me. He started giving me shit about it and we joked. Come to find out this girl was multi ply and I ended up jumping way past her after this lift. So anyways I opened with 325 and smoked it.

I then jumped to 365 which is ties my all time pr and once again I smoked it.

After that Ben said my bar speed looked good and that I should make another big jump. We tossed out some numbers including 400 and 395. We went with 395 and once again I nailed it with another 5lbs in me for sure. That is an all time pr for me as well.

Next was bench.....my favorite. I opened with an easy 250 which we both knew I was going to hit.

I had planned this long before in my head and decided I wanted 285 for my second attempt because I knew I could hit it and it would be a New England record. So I hit this very nicely as well.

My goal for the meet was to hit 300 for bench  but after seeing how I felt we decided 305 was the right weight. Once again this was a great decision on both of our parts and I hit this for an all time pr

The last lift was the deadlift.....my least favorite. I was nervous about my hamstring but that did not affect me and I am glad it did not. By this time I was smoked my preworkout was running low and I was starting to come down. Luckily I had some motivation from Ben my music and a little extra preworkout and protein. Keep in mind I just started sumo deadlifting because of my back. I opened with 335 and that was basically like a warm up rep for me.

We then decided to hit 400 for an 1100lbs total which was a goal that I wanted. I pulled this really well and it felt great.

The last rep of the day we wanted to hit a nice weight so we decided on 440. This is a pr for me with my new deadlift style and this was nice and easy as well.

So in all I went 9 for 9 with not one red light in any rep, I hit 2 lifetime prs and another new lift pr, I came in first in 165lbs weight class, and I set 4 New England records for 18-19 year olds in 165lbs weight class. Once again this wouldnt have been possible with out Ben there right behind me on every rep and having me make the smartest decisions possible. Nutrition wise I had a snadwhich from dunkins before the meet along with gatorade. Throughout the meet I had a scoop and a half od pre workout spread out the day, 2 scoops of whey protein, another gatorade, and a lot of water.

This is definitely what I want my training to be for. This makes all the long hours in the gym pay off with out a doubt and I cannot wait until I find my next meet.