About Me

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I am 20 years old at Springfield College. I started Crossfit in the winter of 2008 and have went on and off with that and P90x. But since the summer of 2009 until summer of 2011 I did Crossfit then switched to Strength and Conditioning. I Played soccer lacrosse basketball and ran track throughout my life. I played lacrosse at Endicott but I was injured and did not play the entire season. Another passion is strength and conditioning which has changed my life for the better. My midterm goal is to compete in a powerlifting competition, run an ultra and run the Boston Marathon, and my ultimate long term goal is to become a Strength and Conditioning coach, a lacrosse coach, and to open my own Strength and Conditioning gym as well as break the record for bench press at 165lbs bw. Along with training for my goals I enjoy pushing my body to its limits and seeing what the human body is capable of by doing activities that require a lot of physical and mental aspects.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


For time:
row 1000 meters
25 burpees
row 750 meters
50 burpees
row 500 meters
75 burpees

Mobility wod

captains practice

Body: abs, glutes, hamstrings sore
sleep: 9hrs
notes: Great day today. This workout was exactly what I was looking for. It was a really tough one, I did the mobility wod for my hips and it felt really good. I also did some extra stretching after the mobility wod and also after captains practice. captains practice was a really good run too so all in all it was a great day. Note that the head pain was not there today and I have been stretching my neck muscles.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Wod, ghds, BE, tabata sprints

10rds for time
15 deadlifts 135lbs
15 push ups

3x15 GHDs
3x15 BE

Tabata Sprints on turf barefoot

mobility wod

nutrition:good just about strict all day
notes: did a good amount of work today. During the wod i started to feel that headache a little bit again but not bad so I think that it is getting better. I am going to keep the heavy stuff down for a bit longer then retest to see how it feels after it has something to do with the muscles in my neck if i strain them or not i know that for sure. Got an internship today at westborough high for the winter time so hopefully they have a good gym that I could possibly use.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Rest day

rest day

body:quads sore
notes: nothing

Saturday, November 27, 2010


3rds for time
400m run
21 db swings 50lbs
12 pull ups

mobility wod

body:not to bad all around
nutrition:good had some ice cream though
notes: I decided today I wanted to see if i could pr on helen and I did by a good minute and a half or so. I was really pushing hard and it felt great. Other than that nothing really else went on today.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Snatch work

Complete 8 rds of:
2 power snatches
2 snatch pulls
2 power snatches
*dont drop weight
*if dropped 3 hspu penalty foreach drop
*go as heavy as possible
*rest as needed

Body:quads sore
notes: solid day body wasn't up for a metcon but I felt like doing a little snatch work so this one was perfect.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


For Time:
1 Mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
1 Mile run

mobility wod

Body:legs a bit tired all around
nutrition: not to bad considering it was thanksgiving I had large piece of pumpkin pie and a lemon lush square
Notes: I decided that I wanted to do a killer thanksgiving wod to keep the tradition of good wods on holidays. It went really well, i partioned it as follows...First half I did cindy style so 10 rds of 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 squats.....the second half I did 5rds of 10 pull ups 20 pus ups 30 squats and that seemed to be a little faster than the cindy style one. All in all a really good wod and will be feeling it tomorrow for sure. The mobility wod I did today was a shoulder one using a band and it really felt good and I could feel a huge difference. Tomorrow I am thinking of wodding again depending on the sleep I get tonight and how the body feels.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


5rds for time:
400m run
30 box jumps 24"
30 wall balls 20lbs ball

Body:calfs and achilles sore
notes: So today I decided to do Kelly for the first time since the only other time I have done this one back in jr yr of hs. It was not much different this time around as painful as I remembered and maybe a little more. I killed it though. I got the blood work results back today and everything was normal except my Vit D is low so I will be taking some Vit D supplements 2000 units a day until it gets back up to normal. Going to do work on food tomorrow at Thanksgiving and I am going to hit another killer wod first. No mobility wod today so I will be doing 2 tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Trail Run

1hr 12min trail run

Mobility wod

Body:quads a bit sore
nutrition:good besides oatmeal for recovery
notes: woke up at 4:30am to run. Not my favorite run I was in pain and kicked a bunch of rocks so I just wanted it to end. I am going to crossfit for the rest of the week I need a break from runs for the rest of the week. Went to the doctors today and got blood work done so I will be waiting on results from that.

Monday, November 22, 2010


10 rds for time
10 pull ups
10 ring dips
10 sit ups
10 squats

Mobility wod

Body:hip flexors still sore
notes: still taking it kind of easy to get my head back into it. It only hurt a bit during the workout so I think It is slowly getting better which is good. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to do blood work and make sure everything is ok. The wod was a good one I did everything unbroken but the ring dips which was expected. I think I could have done it faster if I wasnt so worried about my head. I also did the mobility wod for yesterday again today I am going to keep at that because I can tell that it is going to help with injury and plateauing.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Rest Day

Rest day

Mobility wod:
paleo chair for 10 mins in and out of it

Body:hip flexors sore
nutrition:ok had some ice cream
notes: started today doing the mobility wod a day behind the schedule so I can be on my own schedule. I think that this is what I need to start doing to improve my all around fitness so I am going to stick with it and hopefully see some results.


for time
30 hspu
40 pu
50 db swings 50lbs
60 situps
70 burpees

Body:not bad head still hurt a bit
nutrition:not so hot drank and had a massive calzone
notes: good day. had to slow down a bit because of my head but that was about it it is def a pulled muscle. taking tomorrow off.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Sick fucking day

Lynne....only 1 rd
bench @ 155lbs 20 reps
pullups 45

1min on:3min off x6
around turf in vffs

4 count flutter kicks
crossfit push ups

Body:hamstrings sore, head problems
notes: ok so yesterday this pounding pain started in my head during the OH squats and it continued today so i had to stop lynne. It happens when I do something high intensity with some resistance and it is behind my ear more central and just pounds on both sides to the point were I have to stop and then it will go away but If i try to start again it hurts again. Not sure what the hell it could be but it doesnt hurt to bad when I run so I guess I will be doing more running until It goes away. I have a doctors appointment tuesday too.


back squat 5-5-5

OH squats 95lbs

Body: lower back glutes and hamstrings sore
nutrition:They had pumpkin pie at dinner couldnt pass it up
notes: I think that is a 5rep pr on the squats not positive though. The wod went ok I would of got a better time but for some reason I got a pounding pressure headache when I help the OH squats for to long in the back of my head. I think it has to do with my range of motion and flexibility and I am not flexible enough in my shoulders to do them yet so I will be working on that flexibility a lot more.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tabata Deadlifts from hell, wod

Tabata Deadlifts from hell
66 total reps pr

3rds for time
WL 50m
broad jump 100m
run 200m

Body: back already is sore so are calfs from all those broad jumps
nutrition:good had some milk and cheese again
notes: I woke up feeling pretty rested today so I decided to go decently hard. The deadlifts raped my back and I will be feeling them for a few days atleast seeing how I can already feel some pain and DOMS hasnt set in yet. This wod is a really good one I remember I was dying last time I did it and it did not disappoint once again I ended up laying on the turf for a good 5 mins until I could stand up straight again. I did it barefoot as well. Tomorrow I will be doing squats and then a really good wod. My diet has been pretty consistent mostly paleo with milk and cheese sometimes and I think that has to do with me recovering pretty fast so I am going to keep having a glass at each meal.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rest day

Rest day

Body:tired but not sore
notes:took a rest day wanna be ready for some good working out the next few days.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Press, lax cond., wod

Press 5-5-5

Lax conditioning (sprints and core work)

3rds for time
15 power cleans @135lbs
15 burpees

Body:knees hurt a bit, quads and calfs sore, overall tired
nutrition:good had a glass a milk and cheese with my salad
notes:I got a good nights sleep but my body is still pretty beat from the run. My workouts today were pretty solid and not as sluggish as I thought I was gonna be. Other than that tonight I will try to get another solids night sleep and I am not sure if I am gonna wod or not tomorrow depending on how I feel in the morning.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Long Run

2hr and 34min

Body:quads and glutes sore
nutrition:long run day so let it go a bit with some pancakes afterwards
notes: well today we woke up at 5:30am for a long early morning run at 6am. We went for 2hrs and 34mins and I felt really good until the very very end when I ran out of gels. My knees and ankles were a little achy but the strength to those areas will come in time. This run really proved to me that I could do the 50k in Jan. so I am pumped about that. Maybe taking a rest day tomorrow depending on how I am feeling we will see.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wod and tufts walk

4rds for time
100ft walking lunge w/45lbs plate overhead
30 box jumps 24in
20 wall balls
10 hspu

walk at tufts 2 laps

Body: pretty good
nutrition:not so great
notes: decent day, the wod was a really good one I will be feeling it tomorrow morning on my 6am run...... The walk was really nice because it was so beautiful out and we just chilled on it. The rest of the day I just hung around nothing special really.


rest day

Friday, November 12, 2010


rest day

nutrition:bad and drank
notes:nothing really

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wod, GHDs, BEs, medium intervals

Front squats 185lbs
2x pull ups
2x T2B

3x15 GHDs
3x15 BEs

4x5 min intervals w/3 min rest

Body:hamstrings sore
sleep:8hrs (fucking fire alarm at 3:30 am)
nutrition:ok had some cheese on salads and soft serve ice cream
notes: The wod was a good one love heavy front squats in wods. The GHDs were almost full GHDs that I did on some thing that I found were and did BEs on those as well. The runs I did were on our shitty track but they still hurt pretty bad. Body is feeling pretty good besides the hamstrings from those deadlifts i would imagine another day or so of soreness there though. Tomorrow I am going to rest then friday wod saturday little run and then sunday a nice long run on some new trails. I will be at home this weekend as well.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Power snatch and wod

Power Snatch 3-3-3

5rds for time
40 double unders
30 box jumps 20"
20 db swings 50 lbs

Body: hamstrings, ass, quads sore and shoulders are dead
nutrition:not to bad but had some ice cream and cheese on my salad
notes: today was a solid day training wise. I really need to work on my snatch its probably one of my lowest lifts compared to what it should be. The wod was a really good one liked it a lot would have had a better time on it too if I didnt fuck up on the double unders as much as i did. Today I decided that I am running a 50k course on Jan. 9th which is 2 months from today so i got some big time training to do. really looking foward to it though should be a blast.

Monday, November 8, 2010

squat, diane, and lax conditioning

Squat 5-5-5

Lax conditioning

225lbs deadlift
4:26 PR

nutrition:good glass of whole milk after dinner (i will be doing this more often)
notes: Today was a long day mondays always blow dick. But i finally got to workout after classes so I went and did my squats and they felt really nice, then I went to lax conditioning we did a good amount of sprinting with minimal rest so I counted that as my cfe wod and then I went to the gym after that and did Diane. I pr'ed on Diane by around 2 mins so i was pumped about that. This coming weekend I am going home and running with Ben and Contois again so it should be good.


rest day

Body:shoulders sore other than that good
sleep: 4 or 5 hrs
nutrition:pretty good
notes:solid day just rested up for the week.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

long run, bench, and weighted pu's

1 hr trail run out on the endicott course

Bench 5-5-5

weighted pull ups

Body:quads and shoulders sore
notes: So i decided to run the cross country trail course for my run today so I did that a few times and realized that were some random trails that went off of it so I did a little exploring of some of them and some of them were a lot of fun. It was pretty cool just going out and just wondering out onto some trail. The bench and weighted pu's were just a little extra something something because I was feeling good.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Air force wod

20 thrusters
20 sdhp
20 push jerks
20 oh squats
20 front swuats
*weight is 95lbs
*4 burpees at the beginning of each min

nutrition:not so great had a pumpkin muffin and some drinks
notes: this wod kicked the shit out of me i came very close to pukey for the first time ever. Guess I wasnt feeling that great i think i can do much better. I will get it next time. going to do a long run tomorrow maybe on the track with VFFs or maybe on the trails.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rest Day

no training

body:biceps and calfs a bit sore
nutrition:ok had some dairy
notes: took it easy all day body pretty beat up and feeling tired.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

High rep squat, intervals

back squat
1x5x225 to warm up
225lbs for 16 reps

3x3min intervals with 3 min recoveries in VFFs
5 3/4 laps, 5 (almost 6 laps 50yrds or so away), 5 3/4 laps

Body:biceps and alts are sore
nutrition:good hade ice cream though
notes: Back squats felt real nice today the high rep set i think is a pr and i warmed up with that weight just to get the stimuli going. I did the 3x3min intervals up on the track that i have no clue how long it is so i just counted laps. I did it all in the VFFs too and it felt really good I have been trying to use those more and more often to build my foot strength back up for longer running with less pain. Solid day happy about taking a rest day tomorrow body needs it pretty bad.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Power cleans and angie

Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3

100 pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats

Body:quads a bit sore and so is groin
notes: Pr'ed on power cleans so i was happy about that and also Pr'ed on angie. I was surprised about that as well. I hit 47 pull ups in a row to start it off. My diet has been great the past 3 days looking to keep that up for a bit since i ate like shit this past weekend.....Thanks popeyes girlfriend. Feeling a lot better these couple of days too and things seem to be turning around as well so we will see how things keep going. Tomorrow I will be doing just a wod and some medium distance intervals.

Monday, November 1, 2010

squat, hspu double under wod, lax conditioning

back squat 5-5-5

25 double unders after each set

lax conditioning

nutrition: good
notes: good day workout felt great and my recovery was good from the long run too. I will be hitting it hard this week and doing well on my diet too.