About Me

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I am 20 years old at Springfield College. I started Crossfit in the winter of 2008 and have went on and off with that and P90x. But since the summer of 2009 until summer of 2011 I did Crossfit then switched to Strength and Conditioning. I Played soccer lacrosse basketball and ran track throughout my life. I played lacrosse at Endicott but I was injured and did not play the entire season. Another passion is strength and conditioning which has changed my life for the better. My midterm goal is to compete in a powerlifting competition, run an ultra and run the Boston Marathon, and my ultimate long term goal is to become a Strength and Conditioning coach, a lacrosse coach, and to open my own Strength and Conditioning gym as well as break the record for bench press at 165lbs bw. Along with training for my goals I enjoy pushing my body to its limits and seeing what the human body is capable of by doing activities that require a lot of physical and mental aspects.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Last 2 Days

Practice on Monday involved a good amount of running and a lot of laxing.

We had today off.

I went out and enjoyed the night with some of the team last night since I do not have classes on tuesday thursdays until 1pm. It was a great time. I can some what feel my injury but it isnt bad right now so i guess we will see how it goes. I am at a loss for words about it because I never thought something like this could ruin something I used to love so much. But either way life goes on and I will find a new thing I love if necessary. Right now I feel like it is a matter of time before it goes so we will see about that. Practice everyday this week until Sunday. I will keep updating if anything new or exciting happens.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Midnight Practice

2hr lacrosse practice

We had our first practice of the season tonight....at midnight. I just got out and showered and it is now 2:46 am. I opted to get some sleep while some of the other guys decided to stay up the rest of the night. I had a pretty good practice still shaking out some rust and such but my speed is fine I ran by everyone i dodged against and I had a few assists. I am excited to get more into it because I know in 2 or 3 practices my true skills will come out when I get my hands free for a shot. It was a fun practice and I really like a lot of the guys so it should pan out to be a good season. My injury did not hurt today at all.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Conditioning Test and Racquetball

Did the veritcal and depth jump not sure what my numbers were some where in the high 20s though

Ladder of 100 and back 90 and back...all the way down to 10 and back with rest periods getting smaller in between.

2hrs of racquetball

Great day I feel like. My conditioning is not were I would like it to be but that will come with time after the surgery. I was still within the top half of the team so I can consider that a good thing. Ankle and everything felt really good. Of course racquetball was a must after as well and it was a good time.

The entire team is going out tonight to celebrate the last night we really can do stuff. Tomorrow I wont go out because we have practice on Saturday night at midnight because that is the official start time of the season on that Sunday. Pretty excited its here.

Another note was officially weighed in and I was 159lbs....little light for my liking but o well.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


2 hours of racquetball

Great workout playing all this racquetball. It was just what I needed. Tomorrow I have lacrosse lift and then maybe some more racquetball. I will be going out tomorrow since the times we can go out are dwindling down.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sprints and A Bit of Lax

2 200m
3 100m
4 50m
*2-3min recoveries

1hr captains practice

Decided that I would hit up some sprints today and I felt really good. All of this resting is making me feel fresh again and I am foaming at the mouth for the season to start. Since it was so nice out today we decided to have a practice outside which was a good time. Got to throw around a bit shake out some rust and scrimmage it up a bit. I played pretty well and I am loving the team here.

I would like to note that I am down to 160lbs again (down 5 from beginning of semester). I am not really sure what it is from but I think it is because I am not eating as much as I do at home. I only have 2 meals here and no food in my room. I really need to go shopping and get food because when the season starts I will need those extra cals in my system to hit hard.

Last night I went out with the lax team to a bar. Decided to go and live it up with week while I can because when the season starts that wont happen anymore. I will be going out on thursday night as well but I am not sure about friday because we start practice on Sunday and I want 2 good nights of sleep.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Well no training this weekend because we were supposed to have conditioning both days but they got canceled due to conditions and such and I decided that it would be a good idea to take it off and make sure I am ready to go comes game time. Tomorrow I start lift with the team and more pt for my ankle so I will be getting into the season which is awesome. I have been waiting for this for a long time and I have a good feeling about this season. I am really excited to get going and I will be back to regular posting now that I am back into everything. As for the weekend nutrition was ok and I consumed some drinks that aren't particularly healthy for the body but it was a great time getting back together with everyone and meeting some new people.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Getting Back in the Swing of Things

Been resting it up for the past few days to make sure that I am fresh comes season time which either starts tomorrow or saturday I will find out in a meeting today. The back of my knee right above my calf hurts when I walk or run a lot and I am not sure what it is. It is definitely and issue from wearing the walking boot I am just not sure how to fix this. I am glad to be back at school and getting back to where I was before break shouldnt be to hard of a transition.

Friday, January 13, 2012

A Taste of My Own Medicine

400m run
50 jumping lunges
*90 second rest between rds
1. 2:30  2. 3:18   3. 3:28

Well today I decided to give myself a little workout that I made up and it was definitely a solid one. I really enjoy the couplets that start off with a 400m run and that is how I came up with this one. The rest period is to simulate some sort of stoppage in a game and such and it was a great workout for sure. I did not do much mobility today but I did pvc roll out everything and used the stick on my legs. Tomorrow I will hit another single workout and then most likely give my self off until the season.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Agility ladder

Short Sprints

Short side to side sprints

Today I finished up my last physical therapy and he thinks I will have no problems during the season which is awesome. I took today to really hit my agilities hard and thats what I did I spent about 45 minutes on the ladder and then another 15 doing the short sprints. They all felt really good and I think I will be great for the season. Tomorrow I will hit a workout either at home or at the gym not sure.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Squat, Workout, Neck

Squat with 10 box jumps right after each set
Warm up: 5x135 5x225

Sets: 3x5x250

3rds for time:
10 t2b
20 goblet squats 55lbs kb
30 sit ups
400m treadmill run
14: 54

Neck Harness

Mob: hip ext. rot., calf and soleous stretch

I decided to try doing the box jump thing right after squats and it was definitely something that was really cool and I could use in the future to mix training up a bit. The workout was a good one and I probably could have gotten a little bit faster if I didnt have to run to the treadmill and set it up each time but I still got the workout in and thats all that matters. My neck is already sore jumping up to 15lbs was a big jump but and I will be feeling it for a few days for sure. Going to workout tomorrow friday and saturday and then rest until the season begins. Its almost game time.

Another note is that I am getting a steroid shot in my elbow because it is beginning to bother me again and I just wanna get the shot and not have to worry about it for an extended period of time.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Bench, Volkswagen, Accessory


bench bw 165lbs
pull ups

T-bar Row

15 slow dips

neck harness

Mob: Shoulder rotation, neck

I wanted to hit a triple at 275 today but I ended up fucking up my form on the 3rd rep but still ended up with a double pr. The workout was solid it really was a fact of fighting the fatigue of the bench muscles rather than breathing heavy. Accessory work was nice to do to keep up some strength. Not sure what I will be doing tomorrow.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Last Few Days

5rds for time:
35 double unders
250m row

4rds for time:
400m run
50 squats

Mob: couch, IT tack and stretch

So the past 2 workout days I have focused on conditioning and that is probably how the rest of my week before school starts is going to look like. I will definitely squat and bench one more time but that is about it for strength. My normal nutrition has changed slightly to adding in carbs such as small servings of white rice with dinner or lunch and yogurts. Then I look to make sure and get the proper amount of protein. Also my post workout shakes have been 2 scoops of whey and about 1 cup of oats. Friday night I had a burger and I was served beer at Chilis so who is gonna pass up a nice sam adams with a bacon cheese burger right? That night I went out to a few bars with some friends from school and had some late night munchies but other than that my nutrition has been of the normal sense. Running felt good today and my ankle is just a little sore writing this know a bit later at night time. We will see how it feels tomorrow but I will definitely be wearing an ankle brace for lacrosse at the beginning.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Squat, Lynne, Elliptical


max rep bench press bw+20lbs 185lbs
max rep strict pull ups
1. 18,20
2. 12,14
3. 9,11
4. 8,9
5. 6,10
*2 to 3 minutes rest between rds and no rest berween bench and pull ups

.5 mile on elliptical fast pace

It was good to squat again seeing how I have not been able to squat in a long time at a decent weight. I did feel my injury during the squat so I really have no idea what is going to happen during the season but I am going to play until I can not play anymore. I have been giving some thought to what I want to do after lacrosse is over whether that is soon or later on in life and I have come up with one thing as of right now. I know this is a long shot and you may think I am crazy for thinking it but I would want to try for the world record bench press at 165lbs body weight. My thinking in this is that my bench has always been my best lift I am only 19 and I can bench 300lbs with a regular bench. Taking time to learn a powerlifting bench would eventually add weight to my max as well. Focusing on the bench for a serious amount of time and with the right training from a world record holder at my gym might give me a shot at this goal. This is of course a tough challenge but after lacrosse I need something tough to shoot for. I was so used to getting a lot of attention in high school for my athletic ability and going from that to nothing last year was kind of shitty and I want to make something of my self again whether it is lacrosse or going for something that might not even happen. Any ways these are just thoughts going threw my messed up head. We will see how everything plays out in the future.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Single Leg KB Dlifts, Speed Workout

Single Leg KB Dlifts
10x30 10x35 10x40 10x45... (each leg)

8 rds:
3 Power Cleans 75% bw 125lbs
3 Broad Jumps for max distance
*rest 2 minutes between rds

I was guided to start using the Crossfit football website again before the season since I am in such short time before it begins and I agree that it is a good idea. Today was a solid day and since I can't deadlift I have decided to do one legged deadlifts and they seem to be just fine. I will begin to work back into regular deadlifting next summer most likely. Had chipotle today for dinner and 2 beers but other than that the nutrition is spot on still.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Being Smart

Ring L-Sits

hspu with 2 plates under hands

This is all I did today because my knee was bothering me and I am not looking to sustain a long term injury right before lacrosse. My guess is that I will be good tomorrow because it is a bruise and there was swelling in a weird spot but I am just being extra safe. The plan for the rest of the week is do yesterdays workout tomorrow and then go thursday friday and sunday. Friday night I plan on being out of town at a friends from school so Saturday I doubt I will make it in for the workout.....Got to have the right mixture of fun and work in your life ya know?

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Other Total

Full Clean
warm up: 2x155, 1x185
1. 225
2. 243 f
3. 243

warm up: 8x135 3x185
1. 255
2. 275
3. 300 pr

Warm up: 1x135
1. 155
2. 185
3. 205 pr

Agilities and Short Sprints

A solid day at the gym turned into a great day as soon as I hit a 300lbs bench press. I have been really wanting to do that and I figured this was the workout to do so. The best part is that it went up smoothly and I could definitely throw on some more weight. Agilities and sprints went well on my ankle. My knee was bothering me today not sure what it was from but its nothing big probably just a bruise. My nutrition has been pretty consistent and I plan to keep it that way. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 in a Nutshell and 2012 Goals

Well the year is over and it definitely had its ups and downs. This year was not my best year of my life that is for sure but it was a year for learning. After this year I feel much more mature and know my body and what I want a lot better. I spent a lot of this past year injured due to my bad judgement in programming. I lost an entire lacrosse season to it and I was not even sure if I wanted to play again since I was afraid of getting injured again. I now know that I can control the injury I sustained and will be able to play lacrosse at my new school which I am beyond excited for. In 2011 I trained a different way to what I was used to. I started lifting heavy and cutting down the conditioning sessions and to be honest it was amazing and worked out very well. I gained a lot of size and strength while still maintaining a lot of my fitness. Being strong has helped me in all aspects of my fitness and I will continue to put strength at the top of my training goals. Some of the things that I have learned this past year include listening to my body and not being a tough guy, keep on mobility because I was always not injured when I was serious into mobility, crossfit is not the end all be all of training, and most of all relax and enjoy life more. The last really big new thing that happened in 2011 was the surgery. This was my first surgery and there was a lot of thought to go into this. This injury that I got fixed caused a lot of my problems for a few years now and I am glad I finally took the initiative to get it looked out and take care of it for good. As of now I am still not 100% but it is getting there. 2011 was a decent year but the experiences I went through will make for 2012 making a great year.

2012 Goals

  • Injury Prevention
    • Log 3 days a week of mobility at least 5 minutes each time.
    • Be smart with training- no training in season and if feeling worn down take a few days off.
    • 4 week training cycles with 1 week of active recovery at the end
  • Meditate for a total of 8 minutes
  • 10 Points for lax
  • First or Second line O Mid
  • Bench 330lbs
  • Squat 385lbs
  • Press 210lbs
  • Shoulder Height Box Jump
  • Prevent stressful situations by not letting them get the best of me

These are the goals that I have come up with for this year. I am focusing on more major things instead of a lot of smaller things and I think this will encourage me to complete all of them rather than trying to get 50 goals down. I may have one or 2 more goals to be added but for now this is it. Let the new year begin. Get after it.

Happy New Years Mothafuckas

3rds ea for time:
135lbs power clean 5 reps
135lbs front squat 10 reps
135lbs jerk 5 reps
20 pull ups
1:22, 1:44, 4:23

For Time:
100 dus
35 burpees
100 dus

The first workout was supposed to be 5 rds but I was still feeling these movements from fran so I was not looking to get injured or over train the areas. It was a poor day for the gym I had a lot on my mind and sometimes even working out cant help it especially when you have a bad day.


1x185 pr and year goal

Pumped every part of my upper body

Tabata Row
848m rolling

This was the last day that I could attempt the 185lbs press year goal and I have tried this many times and just could not hit it. But today I was feeling really pumped up and I hit it head on. I nailed the lift and probably had 5 or 10 more lbs in me. Last day of 2011 I will do a brief write up in the next post and then place my goals.