About Me

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I am 20 years old at Springfield College. I started Crossfit in the winter of 2008 and have went on and off with that and P90x. But since the summer of 2009 until summer of 2011 I did Crossfit then switched to Strength and Conditioning. I Played soccer lacrosse basketball and ran track throughout my life. I played lacrosse at Endicott but I was injured and did not play the entire season. Another passion is strength and conditioning which has changed my life for the better. My midterm goal is to compete in a powerlifting competition, run an ultra and run the Boston Marathon, and my ultimate long term goal is to become a Strength and Conditioning coach, a lacrosse coach, and to open my own Strength and Conditioning gym as well as break the record for bench press at 165lbs bw. Along with training for my goals I enjoy pushing my body to its limits and seeing what the human body is capable of by doing activities that require a lot of physical and mental aspects.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Open Wod 2, Pull Ups, HSPU

Burpee Challenge Day 83

"Open Wod 2"
amrap 15 mins

9 Deadlifts 155lbs
12 Push Ups w/ hand release
15 Box Jumps 24"
10rds + 9dl

Crossfit Open WOD #2 from Dan Rotatori on Vimeo.

Pull Ups Day 3

3x max rep hspu to 2 before failure

Body:Really good nothing sore
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: Good ate a lot of food and had meatza with cheese on it
Notes: Today was wod number 2 of the Crossfit Open. This one was brutal and my goal was to break 10 rds which I did with a lot of help from Ben as he was helping me find good spots to rest and push myself. I have figured out what my weakness is. I can fly through the first rounds at a speed that is up there with some of the top guys the thing is I just can't maintain the speed I know I have the strength just not the stamina and that is what I am going to work hard on this summer. I am discussing with Ben tomorrow what the best solution for that would be but I am thinking its going to include some 5k and 10k runs. Can't wait to get after it tomorrow after an OK performance today.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rest Day

Burpee Challenge Day 82

Rest Day

hip stretches/ alignment
mwod (neck/ shoulders stretch, lax ball to neck)

Body: pretty good lower back a bit sore
Sleep: 8.75hrs
Nutrition: Great
Notes: Nice rest day today. I can't wait to hit this workout tomorrow. I am going to go all out and really try to do well on this one. Still have no idea where I will be doing it tomorrow so hopefully I can figure that out.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Press, Wod, Pull ups, Sprints, Leg Levers, Flutterkicks

Burpee Challenge Day 81


Press 5-5-5
155-165f 5th rep-165

5rds for time:
Anyway Overhead 17lbs for first rd then dropped to 165lbs
10 burpees

Pull ups Day 2

Late Afternoon:

Complete 16 40yrd sprints... Start clock and do one sprint every 30 seconds rest is the remander of the 30 seconds keep clock running

3x20 leg levers
3x20 4 ct flutterkicks

Body: lower back is sore
Sleep: 6.5hrs plus 30min nap
Nutrition: great
Notes: I am extremely pumped with the pr I have been stuck on that last rep for a few weeks now and it really felt good to finally bang it out. I started off the workout thinking that 175lbs would be perfectly manageable and it was....for the first rd and once I came up from the burpees I knew that I was going have to drop the weight to 165lbs. It made it a lot better workout and It was still really heavy. On the sprints I can still feel my injury but it wasnt to bad. I am convinced that it is because my hips are really out of line so I am working to get those back in line. Tomorrow I will be resting and getting ready for the the open workout number 2 which was announced tonight. It is amrpa 15 mins 155lbs deadlift 9 reps 12 crossfit style push ups 15 box jumps 24". I am happy to see that because I think it plays to a lot of my strengths. My goal is to place better in our region than I did last week. Last week I was 491 of 1241 I really think it is possible to do better. I am not sure where I am going to do the workout yet. I am going to see if my dad can get me into the highschool gym after school thursday or maybe go to Bens gym. All I know is that I need Ben there to video tape me and push me through another tough workout. I am so ready for it though.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Squat, Olaf, Dips, GHDs, BE

Burpee Challenge Day 80


Squat 5-5-5

5rds for time:
5 Squat Cleans 155lbs
25 Push Ups


3x max rep strict dips

3x20 GHDs
3x10 BE

Body: Quads sore, Slight muscle pull in lower back
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: Great
Notes: Had a really good day of training today. I kept it relatively light on the squats to get back into it and they felt really nice. The wod I did was a good once and I feel like I did really well on it so that kept me happy today. Tomorrow I am going to press and then hit a workout then some sprints. Also tomorrow they announce the Crossfit Open Wod 11.2 I am so pumped to see what it is. I will be doing it Thursday when I go home.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rest Day

Burpee Challenge Day 79

Rest Day

mwod (hips, hamstrings)

Body: quads, abs, lower back sore
Sleep: 7hrs shitty quality
Nutrition: ok had some junk
Notes: Good rest day felt nice to take the day off especially after last night. Getting shit going this week and can't wait.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Deadlift, Wod, Pull ups, Cfe Ladder

Burpee Challenge Day 78


Deadlift 3-3-3

50lbs DB Power Clean to Thruster
Pull ups
9:45 pr

8-11-8-8-13(max) strict 2 min rest


1min on, 1 min off, 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on, 40 sec off, 1 min on, 30 sec off, 1 min on 20 sec off, 1 min on, 10 sec off, then go back up the ladder until you finish with 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on.

Body: quads and lower back a bit sore
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good until night....Ice cream and drinking tonight
Notes: It felt really good to get back to deadlifting and I got 385lbs pretty easily with my corrected deadlift form. I pr'ed on that wod by 5 mins from summer which I am pumped about and the endurance wod was just what I needed. Can't wait to get this program going! Having some much earned fun tonight.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Front Squat, Wod, Dips, HSPU, OHS Practice

Burpee Challenge Day 77

Front Squat 5-5-5

5rds For time:
7 Front Squats 186lbs
10 Burpees

3x Max Rep Strict Dips

3x10 hspu alternating between dips

OHS Practice
3-3-3-3-3 (light, explosive, form)

mwod(shoulders/neck, hips)

Body: Shoulders are pretty sore as expected
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: really good
Notes: I felt really good today so that is why I did so much. I decided that I need to build my volume up a bit so might as well start now building it up. The front squats went really well and I am positive that I can pr on them pretty big even though I haven't done them consistently in a while. The workout was a really good one and was a lot heavier than I thought it was going to be. I decided to work on my OHS today since that is one of my weakest lifts. I really need to get better at that lift so I am going to try to work on it more often now. Tomorrow will be a great day workout wise got some good stuff planned and going to try and pr on a brutal wod from summer.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Crossfit Open Wod 11.1, pull ups, leg levers

Burpee Challenge Day 76

"Open Wod 11.1"
amrap 10
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches (ground to overhead) 75lbs
5rds + 30 du+ 1 ps

pull ups day 6

3x20 leg levers

Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: Great
Notes: So today I did the first open wod for real, video'd it and submitted it. My goal was to break 5 rds and that is just what I did. I am a long way away from where I want to be which is being competitive with the top crossfitters but someday I will be. This workout was a really good one and I really pushed hard to get that number so I am happy with the finish. I will continue with my training jumping right into my new program tomorrow. On a side note I am right on the 20 and 21 pull up mark so I am going to drop down the 20 pull ups group because I think that I will get better results. Also on another side note I officially retired from lacrosse today by walking away from college lacrosse. I just felt like my heart was not into it anymore and now I can focus on my new passion which I am obsessed with now.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Burpee Challenge Day 75

Pregame: 2 Rds Not For TIme

1 Power Snatch 115lbs
2 OHS 115lbs
9 Dips
5 C2B Pull Ups
6 Box Jumps 24"
7 DB Swings 70lbs

mwod (shoulders, hips)

Body: Feeling good
sleep: 8hrs
nutrition: good had some ice cream
notes: So tomorrow is the day. I feel like it is the night before a big game because this is the first time my workout is actually going to mean something other than making me better. It is going to rank me in the world. I think that this is going to help me mentally push to a place where I have not gone before and I can't wait. I officially signed up for the crossfit open today so I will be all set uploading the video tomorrow. I will also upload the video the my blog as well. SO pumped can't wait for this shit. On another note I am officially done with college lax. I knew it was coming so now it is time to move on and go onto my new passion.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Chief, Pull ups, GHDs

Burpee Challenge Day 74

"The Chief"
5rds of amrap 3 mins of
3 power cleans 135lbs
6 push ups
9 squats
6rds + 3pc
6rds + 1pc
5rds + 3pc + 6 pu + 4 squats
4rds + 2 pc
4rds + 3pc + 6 pu + 4 squats

Pull ups day 5

3x15 ghds

body: good rested
sleep: 7hrs
nutrition: good
notes: solid workout today tomorrow I am going to do a bunch of skill stuff to pregame the open wod that I am doing on thursday. I was pumped tht I had a nice pr on the wod today but I definitely want to get better at pc and a lot faster so lots of track days will be coming this summer.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Rest Day

Burpee Challenge Day 73

Rest Day

mwod (unglueing of the back and butt)

body:back still a bit sore
sleep: 8.5hrs
nutrition: great
notes: So today I took a full rest day in order to make sure that I am going to be ready for the open wod I am going to do on Thursday. I developed a program since I am going to do the open wods and they last 6 weeks so it is a perfect time to do a program. This is my program for the next 5-6 weeks starting on the day of thursday on this thursday:

Program For The Crossfit Open

Squat 5-5-5
15 min or less metcon
3x Max Reps Strict Dips
Skill work

Press 5-5-5
10 min or less metcon (cffb wods with a lot of sprints)
50pullups.com program
Skill work

Rest Day
“Pregame the open wod”

Open WOD
50pullups.com program
Skill Work

Front Squat 5-5-5
15 min or less metcon
3x Max Reps Strict Dips
Skill work

Deadlift 3-3-3
10 min or less metcon
CFE (200, 400, or 800m repeats)
50pullups.com program
Skill Work

Rest Day

Double Unders
Back Extensions

My goal was to make sure that I will be completely refreshed and ready for open wod every thursday as well as working towards my goals still.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Burpee Challenge Day 72

7rds for time:
55lbs db swings 15 reps
95lbs power clean 15 reps
15 box jumps 24"

body: lats, lower back, hamstrings sore
sleep: 7hrs
nutrition: good
notes: I really thought this would be a good fit for a good workout that I wanted to get in today but I was wrong. My body is really torn up from this past cycle and I probably should have taken a rest day. I also did this workout on no food and fasted for about 16 hours. I felt really slow and my back was killing me the 75 deadlifts at 225lbs really killed me at the beginning of the cycle especially because I havent deadlifted in a while, but I took it as a learning experience and I pushed as hard as I could. I always try to take as much out of a workout as I can even though I do not have my best day. Tomorrow is going to be a nice earned rest day. I also decided that since I am not playing lax anymore that I am going to enter the crossfit open officially I will record the workout thursday I am thinking.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Press, Thruster Double Under Wod, Dips

Burpee Challenge Day 71

Press 3-3-3

For time:
10 Thrusters 135lbs
50 Double Unders
8 Thrusters 135lbs
40 Double Unders
6 Thrusters 135lbs
30 Double Unders
4 Thrusters 135lbs
20 Double Unders
2 Thrusters 135lbs
10 Double Unders

3x max rep strict dips

mwod ( 5 min couch stretch on each side)

body: lower back and hamstrings and lats sore
sleep: 10 hrs
nutrition: great
notes: Today I wanted to get a nice press pr in which I was successful in and I really wanted to do this wod because it looked like a good one. I feel like I killed it and probably could have done even better on it. I have been debating on entering myself in the crossfit open just for fun and do my best in it to see what it is like. I would need to find a video camera and get someone to be in my video each time so that could be a problem seeing how I am at school with no crossfitters...Next year will be a different story I will definitely be doing it.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Roy, and Death by.....10m

Burpee Challenge Day 70

5rds for time:
225lbs deadlift 15 reps
20 Box Jumps 24"
25 Pull ups

Death By 10 meters
15rds + 14 touches

Stretch (hamstrings)

body: tired
sleep: 7hrs
nutrition: really good
notes: Today I woke up at 6am to go into my Dads work with him and workout with him before he brought me back to school. I havent worked out with my Dad in a while and wanted to do a really good one with him so we decided on Roy. It was really great working out with my Dad again. I killed the workout and the deadlifts felt fine on my back so I am going to bring those back in. Later in the Day I decided to do death by 10m....That was brutal. This is the first time I have done the full death by 10m last time I did death by 10 yrds and tht extra yrd makes a huge difference. Tomorrow I am going to hit another wod and some pull ups

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rest Day

Burpee Challenge Day 69

Rest Day

20 min barefoot walk

mwod (shoulders, hips, thoracic)

Body:Really good
sleep: 9hrs
nutrition: really good
notes: Took a nice rest day that was much needed. Tomorrow I am going to my dads school in the early morning to workout with him before going back to school. I got to pick the workout and what I chose was Roy. It is going to be a tough one and I will definitely be sore after it for a few days because I have not deadlifted in a few weeks but all in good fun. I have started to work on my planning for summer and will keep updating on that.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Open Wod 1, pull ups, and tabata run

Burpee Challenge Day 68

Crossfit Open Wod 1:
amrap 10
30 double unders
15 power snatches 75lbs
4rds +30 du + 8 ps

Pull ups Day 4 try #2

Tabata Run: On my Treadmill (inclined and set one click above aerobic level)

body: quads are sore
sleep: 8hrs
nutrition: pretty good
notes: So the first wod of the crossfit open came out today and like I said I am going to do them this year and track how well I keep up with everyone and then I am training really hard for the next year so when the open comes around next year I will be a solid competitor in it. I really think that I have the potential to make it to the games someday and I am going to start my journey for that this year by taking little steps toward it each year.

3/15/11 Wod

Burpee Challenge Day 67

Box Jumps 24"
17:40 pr

notes: I wanted to do a workout I did a while ago so I picked this one and it was a good one and I did pr on it by 2 and a half minutes. I am done keeping track of my nutrition on that website now that I know what to eat and have a general idea of what I am putting into my body for the breakdown. I also have decided that I am going to follow the crossfit open and keep track of it on my own. I do not want to register this year because I do not have a video camera or an affiliate to go to but I am going to keep track of it my self and see how I compare. Next year I will definitely be doing it and I cannot wait.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Wod and pull ups

Burpee Challenge Day 66

5rds for time
95lbs sdhp 15 reps
95lbs thrusters 15 reps

Pull ups Day 4
14-19-13-13f only got 12-14 (max)

mwod (shoulders)

body:Shoulders sore
nutrition: good http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIbXvaE39wM
notes: Today was a pretty good story I am cutting my carbs down to less than 100 like I said before to loose some of the extra good that I gained during my strength cycles. I want to get down to a better weight to crossfit at and for my bodyweight exercises I want them a lot better as well. It is going to help me in the long run become a lot better in what I want to be good at. Lacrosse right now is not my priority because I am out due to the muscle tear but it does not affect my crossfitting so crossfit will be my focus. I am going home and talking to my parents to see what my options are because I have a lot on my mind. Nutrition wise i have cut down all the shit and stopped eating a ton of fruit and carbs completely and also stopped eating after 8:30 at night. I think this will help me slim down in no time and then I will add just a heavier post wod meal but other than that keep the carbs and everything else low. It is only going to help me for when I do the 30 days strict and it is going to help my fitness a ton.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Rest Day

Burpee Challenge Day 65

Rest Day

body:shoulders pretty sore
sleep: 7hrs (lost 1 hr)
nutrition: Good http://fitday.com/fitness/FoodLog.html?_a_Date=1299974400.
notes: Took a full rest day today so I can hit a hard week of crossfit. I have decided to use FitDay to clean up my diet because I really wanna clean it up and lose the extra weight that I have had always from eating a lot of fruit and nuts. I will post each days to my blog from now on. I am going to cut down my carb intake from what it is now to less than 100 grams and also I am not eating after 8:00pm from now on until I get to where I want to be.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lax clinic and wod

Burpee Challenge Day 65

Taught a Goalie Clinic for 6 hours today....6 hours of straight shooting can do a number on you..

4rds for time
30yrd bear crawl
20 burpee broad jumps
10 hspus

Body: shoulders sore
sleep: 8hrs
nutrition: good but had some ice cream IF (13 hours from last night to this morning)
notes: I tried to go out and practice today and that was a no go the injury felt no better.....Which is really frustrating and I am really close to just hanging it up. On another note the goalie clinic was really exhausting shooting on goalies of all ages for 6 hours straight. I also got a nice burn so hopefully starting to get some color back is nice. I miss the tan of summer time thats for sure. I have been cleaning my diet up real nice lately so I decided to have some ice cream tonight which was nice. I am going to keep my good diet up until summer then go 30 strict most likely. Also I have decided for sure that I am going to give MMA a shot this summer most likely at Simmler's gym where I know some one who used to train there not sure if he still does. I would love to become good at another sport like this. Tomorrow I may work out or rest depending on how I feel in the a.m.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Front Squat, Bench Press, Pull ups

Burpee Challenge Day 63

Front Squat 5-5-5

Bench Press 5-5-5

Pull ups Day 3

Lax Practice: 3 400s

sleep: 9hrs
nutrition: really good
notes: This is the first time I have front squated in a while and I took it easy and 225 went up fairly easily which was nice. I practiced for the first time in 3 weeks or so and I felt pretty good. I took it easy and it only is a dull pain right now which is good kind of like a sore feeling. Tomorrow is all running so we will see how I hold up on that on my muscle.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rest Day

Burpee Challenge Day 62

Rest Day

body: quads a bit sore
sleep: 9.5hrs
nutrition: really good IF for 12 hours
notes: I decided that I want to bring IF (intermittent Fasting) back into my life so I decided to start out with a 12 hour fast starting last night into today. I felt really energized after it and I pounded some good food. I am going to start adding in at least a 15 hr fast or 2 per week. I think this will help a lot in my goals of becoming a better crossfitter and also I am going to start up mma this summer I have decided. Tomorrow I am going to front squat bench and get my pull ups in.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

wod, pull ups

Burpee challenge Day 61

5rds for time:
15 Over Head Walking Lunge with 45lbs plate
21 Burpees

Pull Ups Day 2

Lots of sprints and dynamics during lax

mwod (hip stretch and lax ball roll)

body: shoulders sore
sleep: 8hrs
nutrition: good had some soft serve ice cream
notes: Todays wod was a good variation of a similar wod that I have done in the past. The pull ups were good as well today. Today at lax they had me do a lot of change of direction sprints and dynamics. I also had a wrap put on my leg today that seemed to help a bit. I am taking tomorrow off completely and then hopefully practicing friday or saturday.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Power Clean, WOD, Dips, Sprints

Burpee Challenge Day 60

Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3
185-205-215-220f 2nd rep-220pr

3rds for time:
10 deadlifts 190lbs
10 hspus

Strict Dips 3x max reps

Dynamics, Sprints

Stretch (hamstrings, lower back, hip flexors)

Body: Shoulders are a bit sore and so is lower back
nutrition: great
notes: The pr on power cleans felt really good today I am very happy with 220 for 3. The dynamics and sprints today were during practice to get me back into the swing of things and see how I feel during them. Did a bunch of versions of suicides some laterally some straight forward and back. My muscle felt fine during the sprints but now walking around it kinda hurts a bit hopefully its just sore and will be good tomorrow. Tomorrow I am going to wod and do my pull ups then get some rest on thursday and maybe practice friday or saturday hopefully. Also this summer I am going to crossfit at an affiliate and hopefully start a new thing. I want to start mma.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Squat, Press, Pull ups, Curls

Burpee Challenge Day 59

Squat 5-5-5

Press 5-5-5
155-160-165 f 5th rep

Pull ups Day 1
12-16-12-12-15 (max)

Curls 3x8 40lbs db curls
walk the rack

Short sprints during lax

mwod (foam roll back, calf stretch, hip rotation work)

body: Really good nothing is sore today
sleep: 9hrs
nutrition: great
notes: Today I got a lot done and I am really happy with that. Building my squat back up I got all the sets with ease which is a good sign too. I was so close to another pr on press today but maybe I will switch to 5x3 to try and keep my progression going. I also started the 50pullups.com program today so we will be seeing how that works out. During practice today the trainer had me start to do some dynamic stuff and also short sprints to see how I felt. It felt really good and I had no pain for that. I am going to do that a few more times and hopefully try to get back to practicing on Friday.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bench, Alt, Tabata, Ghds,BE

burpee challenge day 58

Bench 5-5-5

Alt. Tabata
155lb Power Clean/ Double Under


3x20 ghds
3x20 be

mwod (unglueing back and chest)

body:shoulders are sore
sleep: not very good
nutrition: ok had some junk today
notes: Last night I went out and had fun and didnt get much sleep but I still wanted to get in a workout today. I decided bench was a good lift to do and this wod was the perfect one it felt awesome. I continue to pr in bench with out even struggling which is awesome. I spent some time today unglueing my chest and back because they both have been killing me. Tomorrow I am going to get back on my program because I miss having a program that I can follow and not have to go day to day. Also tomorrow I am starting the 50pullups.com program for pull ups since a lot of people have seen great results from it. Going to get to bed early tonight to make sure that I am recovered and ready for the week ahead.


burpee challenge day 57

50 burpees for time:
1:24.9 pr

sleep: 8hrs
nutrition: had some junk and drank
notes: Today I had a really busy day because we had a lax game and a tailgate so I did not really have the time to hit the gym and I also felt like I needed the rest day. I wanted to test my 50 burpee time to see if I could pr and I did.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Snatch Work, Randy, Curls

Burpee Challenge day 56

Light Snatches 3-3-3

75 power snatches 75lbs for time
5:38 pr

3x8 curls 40lbs db
walk the rack

mwod shoulders and neck

Body: shoulders sore
sleep: 8hrs
notes: Today I decided that I wanted to work on some snatches so I went light. I then thought randy would be a good wod to hit right after it and it was. Thought I would do better on it but I couldnt get a good grip on the bar after my forearms got tired. That was definitely a factor that held me back and I need to work on. Tomorrow I am going to probably just do a good wod and then rest on Sunday.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

So this is why I hate rowing...

burpee challenge day 55

Squat 5-5-5 (light)

Bench 5-5-5

3x (250m, 500m, 750m)
rest as long as the last one takes between each one

body: good
nutrition:good (had beans and cheese)
notes: Today I wanted to get back on squatting so I decided to do it but go really light. It felt really good to get back to my favorite lift. I pr'ed on my bench with ease so I am really pumped about that I think I probably have another 10lbs or so. The rowing workout is just like the running workout I did over the summer except with rowing obviously. It was brutal and was exactly what I was looking for. I am not a good rower to begin with and by the second round I was started to gas out hard on the intervals. Tomorrow I think I am going to find a wod to do and maybe some other stuff we will see how it goes.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

rest day

burpee challenge day 54

mwod hamstrings

body: sholders sore
notes: Good rest day going to get some light squats in tomorrow along with some bench and maybe some other things.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


burpee challenge day 53

5rds for time:
40 double unders
30 box jumps 24"
20 db swings 55lbs

mwod (hip/calves)

body:lats shoulders and quads are sore
notes: Today I wanted to get an absolute gasser in and I did just that. This was a really good wod and it helped me work on double unders when I am completely gassed. I also did a mwod today I am going to get back on that because when I was doing them before I was not getting injured at all and as soon as I stop I get injured.....Who would have thought? Also they had me test my running today and that did not go well because it hurts still a good amount. Probably another 2 weeks maybe 3 until I get back to playing. Which leads to my next subject of what I am going to do next year. I still have no idea but if I do decide not to play lacrosse anymore I am going to go to springfield hopefully. It is a huge choice that has been going back and forth in my head for a while and I keep going back and forth.