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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Friday, April 27, 2012

N.O. Xplode

worked up to 3x330 pr

worked up to 3x270 pr

Worked up to 3x150

Barbell curls, tricep extensions, hammer curls, tri work

We I have been experimenting this pre workouts recently just because it is part of the lifting community and I am curious. I have tried 3 so far including maniac, white flood, and todays choice which was N.O. Xplode 2.0. My favorite is white flood but today was the N.O. and I have never had a bigger pump when I was doing my curls and tri work it was pretty cool. Veins popping and all the muscles filled with blood which helps with recovery and strength. I do not use these every workout because I would rather not get addicted but they are definitely and awesome way to kick a workout up. Hit 2 new prs today again and my knee did not bother me as much today which is good.

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