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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Monday, February 28, 2011

Tabata This

burpee challenge day 52

Tabata This
Row (calories)
1min rest
1min rest
pull ups
1min rest
push ups
1min rest
sit ups

Row: 54 cals (tried keeping track of them but was way to difficult so just did total, and first 2 rounds had damper on 2
squat: 21,21,21,21,20,19,17,19
pull up: 20,14,15,11,9,7,8,8
push up: 27,23,18,15,13,12,12,10
sit up:15,15,15,14,15,15,14,14

body: shoulders a bit sore
sleep:7 hrs plus 1hr nap
notes: Decided that this would be a good wod to do to keep it light with the weights again. It was a good one and I pr'ed on most sections of it minus the squat but my squat this time was to full extension I made sure of it. Tomorrow I am going to hit another good crossfit wod and Then hopefully after that build squats back in. Still going to leave dlifts out for a bit longer

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