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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

deadlfit, wod, pull ups

burpee challenge day 32

deadlift 3-3-3

3rds for time
12 right arm db snatch 55lbs
12 left arm db snatch 55lbs
12 push ups
25 double unders

3x max rep strict pull ups

body:still feeling good
nutrition:great again
notes: On the deadlifts today I took it easy to start my build up again. I did these 3 sets with ease so I am pumped to see what I can build up to. The workout I chose was from the in season section from cffb and I will be getting most of my wods form there because they program it so you will not burn out. I am glad I am back doing pull ups again because I want to build up again. I really need to start doing more double unders I am going to try and put them in at least once or twice a week so I can build up for one of my goals of 1000 double unders for time. Burpee challenge is going well so far and I am going to complete it this time. Tomorrow is a rest day and then a metcon on thursday.

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