About Me

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I am 20 years old at Springfield College. I started Crossfit in the winter of 2008 and have went on and off with that and P90x. But since the summer of 2009 until summer of 2011 I did Crossfit then switched to Strength and Conditioning. I Played soccer lacrosse basketball and ran track throughout my life. I played lacrosse at Endicott but I was injured and did not play the entire season. Another passion is strength and conditioning which has changed my life for the better. My midterm goal is to compete in a powerlifting competition, run an ultra and run the Boston Marathon, and my ultimate long term goal is to become a Strength and Conditioning coach, a lacrosse coach, and to open my own Strength and Conditioning gym as well as break the record for bench press at 165lbs bw. Along with training for my goals I enjoy pushing my body to its limits and seeing what the human body is capable of by doing activities that require a lot of physical and mental aspects.

Friday, February 25, 2011

bench, box squat, wod, curls.....yes curls

burpee challenge day 49

Bench 3-3-3-1-1

Box Squat 5-5-5

for time:
log clean and press 140lbs? maybe more small log with 25's
kb swings 60lbs

3x8 db curls 40lbs
3x6 db curls 40lbs
"walk the rack"

body: all good
sleep: 10hrs
nutrition: good ate a lot to try and recover
notes: So today Ben told me to come to his gym and work out with him since I am home. This might be my future gym for the summer because I thought it was so cool and they have everything I would need and more to power lift or oly lift whatever I chose to do and also has stuff for conditioning work outs too. So I decided to go and follow what he had planned for his workout and I also made him do some conditioning with me. THe bench was really good and I have not maxed out since sophomore year so we tested that and I probably had at least 10 more lbs in me. This was the first time that I box squated.It was and interesting experience I will probably be sore from it tomorrow because it definitely worked different muscles. The wod we chose to do was with a log bar because we both really wanted to use it and it was a really good one. Then the curls came.... I got caught up in the strongman/powerlifting gym that I said fuck it and just did them. First time since p90x that I have curled and it probably wont be the last. A lot of power lifters use it as an assistance exercise and I will most likely include them if I take that route this summer. All and all great workout.


  1. First Ben, then you with the curls. I've lost all hope! Jk. Glad you got a good workout in.

  2. doubt they will become a regular thing but we will see haha
