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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Friday, February 25, 2011

bench, box squat, wod, curls.....yes curls

burpee challenge day 49

Bench 3-3-3-1-1

Box Squat 5-5-5

for time:
log clean and press 140lbs? maybe more small log with 25's
kb swings 60lbs

3x8 db curls 40lbs
3x6 db curls 40lbs
"walk the rack"

body: all good
sleep: 10hrs
nutrition: good ate a lot to try and recover
notes: So today Ben told me to come to his gym and work out with him since I am home. This might be my future gym for the summer because I thought it was so cool and they have everything I would need and more to power lift or oly lift whatever I chose to do and also has stuff for conditioning work outs too. So I decided to go and follow what he had planned for his workout and I also made him do some conditioning with me. THe bench was really good and I have not maxed out since sophomore year so we tested that and I probably had at least 10 more lbs in me. This was the first time that I box squated.It was and interesting experience I will probably be sore from it tomorrow because it definitely worked different muscles. The wod we chose to do was with a log bar because we both really wanted to use it and it was a really good one. Then the curls came.... I got caught up in the strongman/powerlifting gym that I said fuck it and just did them. First time since p90x that I have curled and it probably wont be the last. A lot of power lifters use it as an assistance exercise and I will most likely include them if I take that route this summer. All and all great workout.


  1. First Ben, then you with the curls. I've lost all hope! Jk. Glad you got a good workout in.

  2. doubt they will become a regular thing but we will see haha
