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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Monday, July 18, 2011

Why do I do Rowing workouts?


2k Row

3x Chin ups less than 2 min rest

2 sets of db shrugs followed by tri pull downs

mwod(deadlift stretch)

Body: feeling good wore ankle brace all day
Sleep: 8.5hrs
Nutrition: great
Notes: The squat was very easy today my legs felt well rested and ready to go and 310 was a breeze. I really do not know why I insist on doing workouts like this. Rowing sucks. It always has sucked. And it will always suck. Yet I did this workout anyway and lo and behold it was fucking awful. I finished and immediately tried getting up but failed miserably then I could not see straight for a few minutes and so on. It took a good amount of time to fully recover from this. On another note Mondays I will pump as well as fridays one day just wasnt enough I miss it way to much.

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