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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

400m Runs, Long Walk, Ballin

400m run rest about 3 mins
1:33....ankle braces cut circulation off in legs and stopped my legs from running...it was a weird feeling to say the least
1:14...took the ankle braces off

1 hr 25 min walk on the powerline trail
about 5 miles or so covered

1.5 hr of bball

Body: pretty good a little over trained and ankles are sore
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good had ben and jerries and tomorrow I will be eating a lot to recover
Notes: well I havent had a great training session this week because I think I did not take a full rest day after playing lacrosse and that was a mistake so I will be resting tomorrow and friday and then have lax saturday sunday and rest fully on monday. In the mean time I am going to eat like an animal and try to catch my body back up.

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