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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Friday, September 3, 2010


amrap 20 mins of
95lbs thruster 5 reps
95lbs hang power cleans 7 reps
95lbs sdhpu 9 reps
7rds+5 thrusters+7 hang power cleans

body: chest sore
notes: first realy good wod at college was solid. still not sleeping much because we are still settling down and shit. It is pretty easy to eat decent at the dining hall so im pumped about that. After this weekend i will be back on a normal sleeping schedule for the weekdays at least. Gotta wake up at 4:30 tomorrow for conditioning tests. 3 300yrd shuttles, 17s, max bench at 185lbs, max squat at 225lbs, both reps, max pull ups.

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