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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Thursday, November 25, 2010


For Time:
1 Mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
1 Mile run

mobility wod

Body:legs a bit tired all around
nutrition: not to bad considering it was thanksgiving I had large piece of pumpkin pie and a lemon lush square
Notes: I decided that I wanted to do a killer thanksgiving wod to keep the tradition of good wods on holidays. It went really well, i partioned it as follows...First half I did cindy style so 10 rds of 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 squats.....the second half I did 5rds of 10 pull ups 20 pus ups 30 squats and that seemed to be a little faster than the cindy style one. All in all a really good wod and will be feeling it tomorrow for sure. The mobility wod I did today was a shoulder one using a band and it really felt good and I could feel a huge difference. Tomorrow I am thinking of wodding again depending on the sleep I get tonight and how the body feels.

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