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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

High rep squat, intervals

back squat
1x5x225 to warm up
225lbs for 16 reps

3x3min intervals with 3 min recoveries in VFFs
5 3/4 laps, 5 (almost 6 laps 50yrds or so away), 5 3/4 laps

Body:biceps and alts are sore
nutrition:good hade ice cream though
notes: Back squats felt real nice today the high rep set i think is a pr and i warmed up with that weight just to get the stimuli going. I did the 3x3min intervals up on the track that i have no clue how long it is so i just counted laps. I did it all in the VFFs too and it felt really good I have been trying to use those more and more often to build my foot strength back up for longer running with less pain. Solid day happy about taking a rest day tomorrow body needs it pretty bad.

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