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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Friday, November 19, 2010

Sick fucking day

Lynne....only 1 rd
bench @ 155lbs 20 reps
pullups 45

1min on:3min off x6
around turf in vffs

4 count flutter kicks
crossfit push ups

Body:hamstrings sore, head problems
notes: ok so yesterday this pounding pain started in my head during the OH squats and it continued today so i had to stop lynne. It happens when I do something high intensity with some resistance and it is behind my ear more central and just pounds on both sides to the point were I have to stop and then it will go away but If i try to start again it hurts again. Not sure what the hell it could be but it doesnt hurt to bad when I run so I guess I will be doing more running until It goes away. I have a doctors appointment tuesday too.

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