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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Thursday, December 16, 2010

w2 d1 cfsb

squat 3x5

3rds each for time with a 1 min rest between rds
5 thrusters 135lbs
15 pull ups
30 squats
1. 1:01
2. 1:04
3. 1:08

3x25 leg lever
3x15 dips (bar dips best i could do)

Body:shoulders are fatigued
nutrition: good
notes: still building up on the squats I definitely felt them but I know I can get 285+ which is pretty exciting. I want to start getting faster so I am going to start building in more cffb like wods with sprints involved and things like that. Other than that nothing special going on. Deadlift day tomorrow I will be waiting until I get home to wod so I can have a better environment than the gym which I am already sick of.....can't stand retards curling at the squat rack.

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