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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Friday, May 13, 2011

Summer Time!!!!!!

1x435 pr
1x470 pr and 2011 goal

60lbsx8 preacher curls

30lbsx10 db curls

2 hours of bball

Body: quads sore
Sleep 7.5 hrs
Nutrition: 70s big....and drank a bit to celebrate summer and the prs with ben
Supplements: the usual
Notes: Today was a great day another lifetime pr and just a solid day in general. Made another 2011 goal which is awesome and also got an mri hopefully everything comes out alright on that and I can figure out what is going on with the elbow. It felt pretty good all day today even after testing it with the curls so we will see what happens when I meet with the doctors again.

Here is a link to me and Ben's summer program I am so ready to kill it this summer I will be starting monday even If I cant use my elbow I still can do pretty much everything minus the bench and press.

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