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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tabata Something Else and lax conditioning

32 intervals of 20 sec on 10 sec off. first 8 pullups, second 8 push ups, next 8 sit ups, last 8 squats

pull ups: 17,16,14,13,10,9,9,8=96
push ups:25,23,18,15,13,12,12,11=116
sit ups:16,16,16,15,14,14,14,14=119

Lax conditioning including station work and lots of sprints and core work

Body:not bad still a bit work down
sleep:not sure just not to good
nutrition:good besides the ice cream....
notes: really kicked my ass today in the workouts went really hard. Did tabata and then an hour later had conditioning and I went hard at both. Taking tomorrow off and light on friday preparing for a long run on saturday with Ben and Contois again. Update on my sickness, feel extra out of it after a workout but that is expected and my cough is down in my chest now. I feel fine other than that and my dizziness seems to be not as bad but who knows.

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