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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Friday, October 15, 2010

w4 d4 cfsb 10/14/2010

ampra 15 mins
500m row
40 push ups
4ds + 250m row
Then finished off rd 5 at 17:30

nutrition: good....drank again
notes: solid day today i was strict all the way until I drank. This workout was a really good one all push and pull just hurt all around. Im going to front squat and high rep backsquat tomorrow along with a metcon and then on saturday I am going for a long trail run with contois and ben. They are going for 2 hrs....we will see how long I will make it my endurance shouldnt be to bad because of lax but I still havent done anything over a 5k since that last run I did with them back before last winter.

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