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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bradley Palmer State Park Run

Trail Run at Bradley Palmer State Park
1hr 23mins
including a 20 min out at a good pace and then back as fast as possible. Got back in 12 and a half mins.

Body:feeling good
Sleep: 9hrs
Nutrition: good. Drinking tonight
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 75mg, 6 fish oil pills
Notes: This run was a really good one we did this at the trails at Bradley Palmer State park in Topsfield Mass which is only about 15 mins from Endicott. Ben came up and we decided to go there. We did 50 minutes at a nice pace throughout the trails having no idea which way to go then made our way back out and decided to go out 20 minutes at a solid pace and then negative split back as fast as possible and we made it back in 12 and a half minutes or so. I felt amazing on all parts of the run especially the faster part of the split. Ben is staying tonight and most likely tomorrow night so we will be enjoying this weekend to its finest....actually we already started!


  1. Dan-I know transportation could be and issue but there are tons of places to run in your general area. Willowdale, boxford state park and harold parker state forest are really cool spots that i've been too before.

  2. I actually have my car up here for the rest of the semester so I can make it to those spots. I probably will try to hit up at least one of those places.
