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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tired and Slow Day


Squat 5-5-5

Press 5-5

Curls 3x8 40lbs db

3x20 GHDs

3x15 tricep pull down 50lbs (rehab)

2x20yrd sprints starting from push up rest 20 secs between

rest 30 seconds

4x30yrd sprints starting from push up rest 30 secs between

rest 30 secs

10x10 yrd flying starts rest 30 seconds between

Body: Feeling good but run down from not so much sleep this weekend
Sleep: 7hrs of poor quality sleep
Nutrition: OK
Supplements: Glucosamine 1500mg, Chondroitin 1200mg, MSM 75mg, 8 fish oil pills
Notes: Long weekend plus Ben visiting for two nights equals lots of alcohol and not a lot of sleep which is why 285lbs squat felt like it was 315lbs. Decided to press today just 2 sets to test out my elbow it was feeling pretty good. I figured that doing the curls and the tricep pull downs will strengthen that area and prevent future injury. Tomorrow I am going to deadlift for the first time in a while and then either a crossfit workout or a run depending on how I feel and my elbow is feeling. Tomorrow I am going to start dong leangains but the one with one pre workout meal because that is how my schedule works out. This summer I will be getting serious about it and I will be doing the regular version.

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