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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lax clinic and wod

Burpee Challenge Day 65

Taught a Goalie Clinic for 6 hours today....6 hours of straight shooting can do a number on you..

4rds for time
30yrd bear crawl
20 burpee broad jumps
10 hspus

Body: shoulders sore
sleep: 8hrs
nutrition: good but had some ice cream IF (13 hours from last night to this morning)
notes: I tried to go out and practice today and that was a no go the injury felt no better.....Which is really frustrating and I am really close to just hanging it up. On another note the goalie clinic was really exhausting shooting on goalies of all ages for 6 hours straight. I also got a nice burn so hopefully starting to get some color back is nice. I miss the tan of summer time thats for sure. I have been cleaning my diet up real nice lately so I decided to have some ice cream tonight which was nice. I am going to keep my good diet up until summer then go 30 strict most likely. Also I have decided for sure that I am going to give MMA a shot this summer most likely at Simmler's gym where I know some one who used to train there not sure if he still does. I would love to become good at another sport like this. Tomorrow I may work out or rest depending on how I feel in the a.m.

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