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Just a former athlete trying to find the best training to stay athletic for life. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Friday, March 25, 2011

Front Squat, Wod, Dips, HSPU, OHS Practice

Burpee Challenge Day 77

Front Squat 5-5-5

5rds For time:
7 Front Squats 186lbs
10 Burpees

3x Max Rep Strict Dips

3x10 hspu alternating between dips

OHS Practice
3-3-3-3-3 (light, explosive, form)

mwod(shoulders/neck, hips)

Body: Shoulders are pretty sore as expected
Sleep: 8hrs
Nutrition: really good
Notes: I felt really good today so that is why I did so much. I decided that I need to build my volume up a bit so might as well start now building it up. The front squats went really well and I am positive that I can pr on them pretty big even though I haven't done them consistently in a while. The workout was a really good one and was a lot heavier than I thought it was going to be. I decided to work on my OHS today since that is one of my weakest lifts. I really need to get better at that lift so I am going to try to work on it more often now. Tomorrow will be a great day workout wise got some good stuff planned and going to try and pr on a brutal wod from summer.

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